July 10, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 61 Something for Nothing. You can have the finest Hammer Drill in the world, free on 7 days’ trial. We will also send a man with the machine at our own expense to demonstrate it to you, if you wish. Remember, we have fifteen different types to choose from, and we are sure we can give you satisfaction with one of them. We have also machines which can be adapted to suit any conditions. Meco Hammer Drills combine high drilling speed with reliability. Many machines are rapid drillers, but are not built to endure. Every part of the Meco machine is of forged steel, of a special quality which has only been obtained after years of experience and exhaustive test. Expert workmen are employed and the most modern plant. All the wearing parts of Meco Hammer Drills are hardened by the latest scientific methods and ground to gauge to the thousandth part of an inch, with the result that friction is reduced to a minimum, the machines run sweetly, without vibration, and stand up for years. We have to-day received an order to supply new pawls, springs and pins for one of our hammer drills which was supplied in July, 1909. This machine has done good work, and the cost of upkeep during the whole time has been practically nil. Meco Hammer Drills are fitted with the simplest valve on the market, it floats on air, consequently Meco machines drill nearly as fast after considerable use as when first delivered. Write to-day for Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars, to = Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD.