July 3, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 9 1TON 1 TON I HON r.—r - J? i -- — * * -* K * } - ■■ --«u 1TON ifON 11 Tons - 3 Miles - 1 Hour JE?)S3jU„^a safiSlA—bbEI*■ T-^ BsfESx._<» Wku? frW? W>?r? Wwr wwttt But it must be a Belsize. Then you can load, up at your end, unload at the other, and forget all about Railways, breakages, overcharges, delays, and claims. Your carriage costs will be halved—your reputation for quick despatch doubled. No need to disturb your capital. Buy your Belsize on our unique easy payment system, 25% down secures it; the remainder with only 2% added may be paid for in 12 small monthly instalments. Your Belsize lorry works for you as you pay for it. Write now and we will send you our latest car list and the fullest particulars of our easy payment system. Bentinck Motor Supply Co. Ltd., 13, Spring Gardens - Manchester. ■ THE HERBERT FROOD CO LTD., WIRES— “ Friction,” “ Frodobrake, Ox.” CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH AND . ’PHONES— >9 7650 City. 39 Upper Rathbone Place, LONDON, IN. SEND FOR LIST H. TESTS OR SAMPLES. Type of Band Brake. FABRIC R LININGS/ j FOR Type of Post Brake. BRAKES & CLUTCHES SOLENOID Electrically Operated Trolley or Hoist. Brake for Double Cone Clutch Lined with Ferodo Fabric. Electrically Operated Band Brake.