110 The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, January 8, 1915. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CVIII. Editorial. Alcohol, Industrial .................. 523 American Coal and South America....... 523 Bernician Coal Seams, The ............1327 Breathing Appliances, Portable ....... 777 Coal Mines Act, An Official Guide to the... 977 Coal Mines Act, Construing the ........1077 Coal Tar Colour Industry, The.........1125 Constitution of Coal, The : United States Investigations.................... 317 Dividends, The Non-payment of......... 574 Education of the Engineer, The .......1027 Enemy, Trading with the........473, 623, 1125 Enemy, Helping the ..................... 877 Engine and Boiler Trials ............... 523 Enlistment, Work and..................1175 Eskmeals: Sixth Report................ 978 Export Trade, The..................... 371 Exports in August, Coal............... 573 Exports in September, Coal ........... 777 Exports in October, Coal..............1027 Factory Inspection in 1913............ 423 Financial Handicaps................... 473 Geology, Progress in Coalfield ....... 424 German Collieries in England ......... 977 German Credit System, The............ 827 German Cruisers, Coaling the ......... 725 Half-year’s Coal Trade................ 147 Inspection in 1913, Coal Mines........ 205 Lamps, The Battle of the .............1225 Lievin Report, The Seventh............ 371 Manager, Duties of a Colliery ........1277 Materials, Fatigue Limit and the Strength of ............................... 878 Merthyr of Senghenydd, Lord........... 524 Nationalisation in Holland ............ 88 Oxidation of Coal, The ................ 573 P. D., Jubilee of the.................. 673 Patents, German and Austrian ........... 473 Prop Question, The Pit ................. 725 Raniganj Coalfield, The .............1077 Rescue Apparatus .................... 623 Revenue Bill, The.................... 147 Researches, More Coal................. 87 Royal Commission on Metalliferous Mines and Quarries ...................... 87 Science and the State ................ 29 Scottish Miners and Their Wages, The ... 261 Shipments in 1913, Coal ............... 29 Steam Coal, The Shipment of ......... 423 Stone-dusting in Mines, Sanitation and ... 927 Sulphate and its Competitors ........ 827 Sulphate, Commercial Ammonium........1175 Taxing Wages.........................1126 Timber, The Supply of Pit............1277 Truck Acts and Charitable Institutions, The ............................... 29 War and the Coal Trade, The .......... 317 War, The Miners and the .............. 371 War, The Manufacturer and the......... 433 War and Industry...................... 673 Wharncliffe Silkstone Colliery Explosion, The ................................1225 Workmen* s Compensation Act, The ..1077 Articles, &c. Accidents, Colliery, 32, 89, 149, 203, 259, 320, 372, 432, 625 Alberta, Coalmining in .................1169 Animal Air Tester, An...................1131 Arching in Collieries................... 249 Austria-Hungary in 1913, Mineral Industry of ................................. 518 Baths at a Fifeshire Colliery, Pithead .. 973 Belgian Coal Mining Industry, The ...... 515 Boiler for Flameless Combustion of Tar Oil Fuel, New........................ 82 Boilers, Internal Corrosion of Colliery..1067 Book Notices, 36, 318, 377, 435,535,736, 886,1140,1187,1339 British Columbia in 1913, Coalmining in ... 435 By-products, Coal and its ............... 23 By-product Coke-oven Tests.............. 870 Cables............................ 1131,1181 Cages Built from Rolled Sections, Pit .. 768 Caging Device at an American Colliery ... 736 Canada, Coal Production of ............. 374 Cartridge, Uses of the Hydraulic Mining 970 Catalogues and Price Lists Received, 44, 276, 332, 384, 636, 686, 788, 842, 942, 990, 1090, 1188, 1239, 1340 Celynen Colliery, Explosion from a Steam Pipe Joint at .................... 731 Certificates, Mine Managers* ......... 520 Chain Braes, Tests on False (or Split) Links for Cut .................... 819 China, The Future of Mining in........ 871 Clays in Coal Mines, Unknown.......... 567 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales ....98,1237 Coal. Coke and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom, Exports of, 97, 382, 580, 786, 1038, 1238 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and other Ports in the United Kingdom, 98, 1237 Coal Shipped from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales, 434, 671, 882,1080,1332 Coaling of Warships, The ............. 715 Coaling at Las Palmas................ 772 Coal-handling Plant at Charleston...... 737 Coal Shipping at Brisbane............ 618 PAGE Coaldust Investigations in France during 1913 ............................. 151 Coaldust Explosions, Barriers for Arres- ting : American Experiments ...... 141 Coaldust Investigations, American ....1121 Coaldust Question in New South Wales ... 85 Coal Mines Act, 1914.................. 475 Coke, The Manufacture of By-product....1284 Coke and Manufactured Fuel During 1912 and 1913, Exports of............... 94 Coke Oven By-products in 1913 ........ 415 Coke Ovens, An Analytical Study of the Principal Systems of.............. 363 Coke Ovens, Mechanical Charging for 77, 138, 209, 252 Coking Industry and its Relation to the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, The • By-product ...................... 663 Combustion Chart for Coal and Oil Fuels, and a Check on Flue, Exhaust and Producer Gas Analyses, A.......... 527 Combustion and Combustion by Incan- descence, Explosive .............. 417 Conveyor, The Diamond Centre-gate...... 361 Conveying Coal-loading Plant at Port Talbot, New Belt-................. 667 Derbyshire Coalfield, The Geology of the Northern Part of the .............. 91 Detectors, Firedamp................. 1274 Detecting Device for Use with Miners* Lamps, A Portable Electrical Gas-. 833 Detection of Firedamp in Mines, An Instrument for the ................ 79 Detonators, American Tests of......... 425 Distillation of Coal Under Reduced Pressure............................ 310 Drilling, A New Core Remover for Diamond ............................1134 Economics, Mining ..................... 628 Electricity, in Coal Mining, The Limiting Conditions for the Safe Use of.... 413 Employment in August ............. 624 Employment in September........... 883 Examinations, Mine Managers*...1231, 1287 Explosions, The Counter-Current Theory of ............................ 667 Explosion, Electric Mains .............. 151 Explosions, The Frequency of Mine ....1120 Explosions in Mines Committee: Sixth Report............................ 932 Explosives in 1913, Accidents from.... 921 Explosives in Coal Mines : New Order...88, 632 Fans, The Testing of and Measurement of Pressure.......................... 375 Filling, Water in Sand Pulp for Mine . 426 Firedamp Indicator, A.................1183 Firedamp and Other Gases, The Inflam- mability of ....................... 376 First-Aid Certificates ................. 982 Foreign Trade and Commerce in Coal ..... 479 Formation, Honeycomb and Clinker...... 170 Fuel: Gaseous, Liquid and Solid ........ 254 Fuse, A New Type of Safety............ 872 Gas Engine and its Influence upon the Future, The Thermal and Mechanical Efficiency of the.................1019 Gate-Locking Device, An American .....1082 Gears at the Littleburn Colliery, Under- ground Haulage..................... 881 G. E. C. Explosion-Proof Circuit Breakers 312 Geological Specimens, Directions for the Collection of..................... 517 German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades, The .........1132, 1173, 1233, 1334 German Coal Syndicate, Renewal of the ... 148 German Exports in 1914 ................ 535 German Protectorate, Mining Operations in ................................1082 Germany* s Coal Markets.........477, 530, 577 Germany*s Markets: Electrical Appliances and Apparatus...................... 617 Germany*s Markets : Iron and Steel Pro- ducts ............................. 678 Germany*s Markets: Machinery, Imple- ments, &c..........................732, 781 Germany*s Markets: Sulphate of Ammonia and By-products of Coal................ 418 Griff Colliery, A New Mixed Pressure Turbine Set at the.................1220 Haulage Costs, Underground Locomotive 37 Hemington, Somerset, On a Boring for Coal at........................... 373 Heswall Boring, The................... 324 Home Office Prosecution: Senghenydd ... 81 Home Office Prosecution in Fifeshire .. 155 Home Office Prosecution : . Wharncliffe Silkstone Colliery Explosion......1333 Hooks for the New Welbeck Colliery, Detachable ....................... 415 Hull Coal Trade, The .................. 98 Hydraulic Mine Filling: Its Use in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Field, 135, 211, 255 Hydraulic Stowing.................... 986 Hydraulic Stowing in the Gold Mines of the Witwatersrand ................ 817 Ignition of Gaseous Mixtures, The Elec- trical ................................. 19 Illinois, United States of America, Notes on Coal Mining in the State of......... 831 Illinois, Coal Mining Practice in..... 986 Income-Tax, Collieries and: Hire Pur- chase of Wagons................... 137 India in 1913, Coal Mining in ......... 868 Inspection Division, Lancashire, North Wales and Ireland Mines ..........1233 PAGE Iron Ore Deposits uf Eastern and Western France, The ...................971, 1032 Iron and Steel Sheets and Hoops, Standard Gauge for ...................... 525 Lamp, The Case for the Electric.......1181 Lamps in Coal Mines, Electric...........1223 Lamps, A Comparison of Electric and Oil Safety............................ 716 Lamps for Miners* Permissible Electric ...1222 Lamps for Mines, Approved Safety ...311, 1020 L.C.C. and their Coal Contracts ....... 83 Liege Coalfield, The Use of Electricity in the ..............................1123 “ Limpet** Insulator, The.............1337 Locomotives, Industrial ...967, 1017, 1081, 1183 Miss-fires in Sinking Shafts .......... 466 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature, 271, 482, 682,938, 1139, 1338 Montrambert Colliery, Working Steep Seams at the....................563, 616 Netherseal Colliery, Description of Water Dams in Coal at...................1285 PAGE War, Trade and the, 424, 467, 528, 579, 625, 674, 727, 778, 825, 878, 925, 982, 1021, 1070, 1136, 1185, 1236,1278, 1327 War: Trading with the Enemy, Official Explanation....................... 475 War, The Spanish Coal Industry and the... 978 War, American Coal and the...475, 567, 621, 676 War, Contracts in Time of............. 525 Weathering of the Pittsburg Coal Bed at the Experimental Mine near Bruceton, Pa................................ 463 Williams Methanometer, The ........... 21 Winding Engines, A Comparison of Steam and Electric..................... 374 Winding Plant at the Bowdon Close Colliery ......................... 17 Wonthaggi, Victoria, The State Mines at 378 Workmen*s Compensation in 1913 .......1069 New South Wales, Coal Mining in........ 142 Newton Cap Colliery, Bishop Auckland, New Coke Oven and By - Product Recovery Installation at...........1267 Nystagmus, Miners*..................... 767 Obituary, 99, 152, 217, 264, 319, 378, 421, 466, 576, 632, 676, 719, 785, 822, 980, 1034, 1086, 1142, 1185, 1223, 1290, 1335 Oxygen by Coal, The Absorption of...564, 613 Patent Rights, Enemies*............... 723 Patents, Applications to Avoid or Suspend 629, 882, 1069, 1325 Patents, Capturing Enemy, 1042, 1090, 1142, 1190, 1242, 1294, 1340 Patents and Trade Marks, German ....... 465 Patents, German and Austrian ......... 524 Pennsylvania, Coal Mining in the State of 1324 Power Plant Testing....................1171 Prussian Mining Practice, Some Recent Improvements in ................... 321 Ramsay Mine-Door Closer, The ......... 717 Regulations and Orders, The Publication of 251 Rescue Apparatus in Hot Air, Behaviour of 427 Rescue Apparatus and Smoke Helmets, Self-contained: Second Report of Don- caster Committee .................... 364 Rescue Station in North-east Lancashire, Opening of New ................. 1119 Resins in Palseozoic Plants and in Coals of High Rank ...................... 309 Robey Patent Uniflow Engine, The ......... 666 Rock Temperatures .................... 534 Roof Falls in Collieries on Middelburg Coalfield and their Relation to Weather Changes ............................ 22 Rotterdam as a Port.................... 867 Ryland Worm Screw Pulley Block, The ... 363 “ Safety First ** Devices on the Rand . 426 Shipments in May, Coastwise ........... 39 Shipments in June, Coastwise ......... 273 Shipments in July, Coastwise.......... 483 Shipments in August, Coastwise ....... 784 Shipments in September, Coastwise .... 987 Shipments in October, Coastwise ......1186 Signal Indicator, The Rosehall ..... 365 Signalling for Use in Collieries, Investiga- tions into a System of Electric Bell ...1170 Signboards, Mine ...................... 465 Silesian (Upper) Colliery, Colliery Con- sumption and Machine Economy at a, 198, 265 Slag, Utilisation of Heat Contained in. 677 Solvents of Coal ..................... 137 South African Mining in 1913 ...919, 981, 1072 Spain, State Reservation of Mining Properties in.....................1133 Stock and Share List, The Colliery Guardian ** ........................ 156 Storage of Coal ........................ 768 Stored under Water, Coal................ 433 Strikes and Lock-outs in the Mining and Quarrying Industries in 1913......1031 Support, Materials for Roof........... 432 Support, Substitutes for Wooden Roof, 729, 1283 Support: Timbering in Mine Operations, Substitutes for Wood ............. .... 428 Support: Timber, A Means of Securing Main Haulage Roads and Return Airways of a Mine Otherwise than with 821 Support: Props and Beams, Concrete Pit 718 Support: Props, Telescopic Pit ....... 769 Support: Supplies of Pit Timber .......1271 Support: British-Grown Timber.......... 468 Support: The Supply of Pitwood and the Railway Rates on British Timber ..1187 Swedish Iron Trade ................... 881 Switchgear for Mines ............... 195 Switchgear for Alternating . Current Systems, Automatic Protective........1321 Switchgear for Mining and Sub-Station Work, High Tension Ironclad ....... 37 Thermometers, Magnifying ............. 377 Trade Unions in '912 ..................... 199 Trade Unions in 1913, Membership of ...... 415 Transporting Small Coal, A New Method for............................... 730 Turbine, Successful Working of a....... 982 United States Coal Production in 1913..... 476 Victoria in 1912, Coal Mining in.......... 369 Victoria in 1913, Coal Mining in ..... 720 Wage, Proposed New Basis .............. 90 Wages of Coalminers in 1913, The ..... 882 Wagons, Specifications for Private Owner*s 158 Supplement. Inspection, 1913, Coal Mines ...July 24 Meetings. Institution of Mining Engineers..425, 568, 627 Iron and Steel Institute ............... 529 Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Association 975 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 820, 1028, 1232, 1274 Midland Counties Institution of Engi- neers ......................... 729, 1283, 1285 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers............200, 716, 1167 Mining Association of Great Britain, The 518 1223 Mining Institute of Scotland... 18, 366, 818, 1284 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers............312, 834, 1273 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ............... 931 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers.....23, 870 South Wales Institute of Engineers .. 778, 1219 Sulphate of Ammonia Manufacturers* Association, The New................ 251 Law Cases. Arrotegui (M.M. de) v. Ingram and Co. ... 38 Bar well v. Newport-Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Co. Limited ...........1277 Beard and Others v. The Moira Colliery Co. Limited ......................1083 Beesley (W. T.) and Co. Limited and Others v. Midland Railway Co. and Others, 97, 327 Butterley Iron and Coal Co. Limited, the Stanton Ironworks Co. Limited, and the Holwell Iron Co. Limited v. the Midland Railway Co., the London and North-Western Railway Co., and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. 38,96 Churm v. Dalton Main Collieries Limited 927 Codling v. Mowlem (John) and Co. Limited 326 Collier v. Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Limited ..... 326 Date v. The Gas Coal Collieries Limited ... 96 Foran v. Attorney-General........... 326 Glamorgan Coal Co. Limited and the Powell - Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Limited v. The Glamorgan County Council ....................... 1278 Hanley v. Pease and Partners Limited.1336 Herd v. Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co. Limited .......................... 96 Hooley v. Butterley Iron and Coal Co. Limited .........................1083 Jameson*s Patent, In the Matter of . 631 Jones (J.) v. Anderson (A. and G.) ....1186 Merry and Cuninghame Limited v. M*Gowan (M.)..................... 971 Moore (A. G.) and Co. v. Hare (G. W.) .1083 Pitchford and Higginson v. BlackAvell Colliery Co. Limited..............1186 Rees Price v. The Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited ................... 38 Rush ton v. Skey (George) and Co. Limited 39 Shotts Iron Co. Limited v. Thomson (Wm.) 1336 Stevenson (J.P.) v. Roger (W. H.) ..1236 Taylor (G.) and Co. v. Clark (H.)... 200 Tennant (T.) v. Allardice (J.)....... 927 Trebanog Colliery Co. v. Taff Vale Railway Weekes v. Stead (W.) and Co. ....... 38 Woodhead (W.) and Sons Limited v. The Kirkstall Forge Co. Limited.....1082 Woodhouse v. Midland Railway Co.....200 Wright (Ann) v. Haughhead Coal Co. Limited ......................... 027 Zoar Baptist Chapel (Penygraig), The Trustees of v. The Naval Colliery Limited ........................10S3 Letters to the Editor. Author’s Appeal, Distinguished ....... 478 Breathing Appliances, Portable....... 719 Dust, Stone, Inert ............. 267, 319 Dust Treatment and Mr. Simcock’s Lettei' of June, Inert .................... 03