1408 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 27, 1913. No. 27. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— Am. Inst. El Engin. = American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Am. Iron and Steel Inst. — American Iron and Steel Institute. Ann. G-ew. Bauwes. = Annalen fur Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Berg- Hiittenmann. Rdsch. = Berg- und Huttenman- nische Rundschau. Canad. Min. Inst. — Canadian Mining Institute. Canad. Min. JI. = Canadian Mining Journal. ' CassieCs Mag. — Cassieres Magazine. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and oke Operator. Colliery Eng. = Colliery Engineer. Colliery Guard. = Colliery Guardian. Compr. Air Mag. = Compressed Air Magazine. El. Maschbau = Electrotechnik- und Maschinenbau. El. Rev. (Chic ) = Electrical Review and Western Elec- trician (Chicago). Geol. Survey = Geological Survey. Indian Engin. = Indian Engineering. Inst. Min. Engin. — Institution of Mining Engineers. Inst. Min. Met. = Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. JI. Gasbeleuchtg. = Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserverso< gung. JI. Ind. Engin. Chem. = Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. L'Echo des Mines — L'Echo des Mines et de la Metallurgie. Metall Erz. = Metall und Erz. Min. Science = Mining Science. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistiche Rundschau. Montan-Ztg. = Montan Zeitung. N. Staffs Inst. Min. Meeh. Engin. = North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin. = South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers. Stahl Eisen = Stahl und Eisen. Stein-Braunkohle = Stein und Braunkohle. S. Wales Inst. Engin. = South Wales Institute of Engineers. Techn. Bl. — Technische Blatter. Techn. Rdsch. = Technische Rundschau. Tiefbohrwes. — Tiefbohrwesen. Times Eng. Supp. - Times Engineering Supplement. U.S. Geol. Survey = United States Geological Survey. U. Serv. Gaz. = United Services Gazette. Z. Berg.- Hiitten Salinwes. = Zeitschrift fur das Berg. Hiitten- und Salinenwesen im Preussischen Staate. Z. Oherschles. Berg- Hiitten- Ver. = Zeitschrift des Oberschlesischen Berg- und Huttenmannischen Vereins. Z. Sauerstoff Ind. = Zeitschrift fiir Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffindustrie. Z. Schiesswes. = Zeitschrift fiir das Gesamte Schiess-und Sprengs toff wesen. Z. Tiefbau = Zeitschrift fiir Tiefbau. Z. Zentr. Berg. Betrbsl. Oest. = Zeitschrift des Zentral- blatt Verbandes der Bergbau-Betriebsleiter Oesterreichs. *#* We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive o postage. L—General. Germany’s Coal Production, Consumption and Foreign Trade. (Kohlen-Gewinnung, Verbrauch und Aussen- handel Deutschlands). E. Jungst. “ Gliickauf,” 1913, 10, p. 368-78. 2s. 6d. Twenty Years Coal Syndicate. (Zwanzig Jahre Kohlen- zyndikat.) “Stein Braunkohle,” 1913, 5, p. 69-71. 2s. 6d. The Renewal of the Coal Syndicate. (Zur Erneuerung des Kohlensyndikates.) “ Bergbau,” 1913, 9, p. 154-5. 2s. Miners’ Wages in the Ruhr District during 1912. (Bergarbeiterloehne im Ruhr-revier fuer das Jahr 1912.) “Bergbau,” 1913, 10, p. 171. 2s. The Coals of Austria-Hungary, Prussian Silesia and Russian Poland. (Die Kohlen Oesterreich-Ungarns, Preussisch - Schlesiens und Russisch - Polens.) F. Schwackhoefer. Third edition. Lex 8vo., 197 pp. ; ill. Vienna: Gerold. 1913. 18s. Year Book of the Coalmines of West Germany. (Jahr- buch der Steinkohlenzechen und Braunkohlengruben Westdeutschlands.) H. Lemberg. Nineteenth edition. 8vo., 169 pp. Dortmund: C. L. Kruger. 1913. 6d. Scientific Management. W. A. Weldin. “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 33, 10, p. 553-4. Co-operation in the Coalmining Industry. J. F. Call- breath. “ Min. Science,” 1913, p. 192. (Abs. of address delivered before the So. Appalachian Coal Operators’ Asso.). 2s. II.—Education. Mine Managers’ Examinations. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2737, p. 1289. (Papers for first-class certifi- cate at May examination.) 6d. III. Geology. Elements of Geology. (Elemente der Geologie.) H. Credner. Eleventh edition, 8vo, 811 p.; 636 ill. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Contributions to Economic Geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1910. Part 2, Mineral Fuels. M. R. Campbell (U.S. Geol. Survey). 8vo, 9 by 6, 664 p.; ill. Wesley. 1913. Bibliography of North American Geology for 1911, with subject index. J. M. Nickles (U.S. Geol. Survey). 8vo, 9 by 6, 162 p. Wesley. 1913. Map of Workable Deposits in Germany. Group: Prussia and Adjunct Federal States. Part 5 contains the sheets : Wittenberg, Lubben, Guben, with Expla- nation of the Colouring, and Introduction. (Karte der nutzbaren Lagerstaetten Deutschlands. Gruppe : Preussen und benachbarte Bundesstaaten. 1,200,000. 5 Lfg. enth. die Blaetter: Wittenberg, Lubben, Guben, nebst Farbenerklaerung und einem Begleit- wort.) C. Hoffmann. Geologische Landesanstal Berlin. Workable Deposits. With Geological Introduction. A Guide for Practical Miners. (Die nutzbaren Lager- staetten. Mit geologischer Einfuehrung. Ein i Leitfaden fuer praktische Bergleute.) J. Jungst. “Der Bergbau,” vol. 1. M. Jaenecke, Leipzig. The Formation of the Faults in the Rheinish-Westpha- lian Coal Mountains. (Die Entstehung der Spruenge im rheinisch-westfaelischen Steinkohlengebirge.) H. Quiring. “ Gliickauf,” March 29, p. 477 ; ill. 2s. 6d. Notes on the Donjez Coal District in Southern Russia. (Einiges ueber den Donjez-Steinkohlenbezirk in Sued- Russland.) Hoyer. “ Techn. Bl.,” 1913, p. 113. The Coal Deposits of Austria. Die Kohlenlager Oester- reichs.) W. Petraschek. “ Montan. Rdsch.,” 1913, p. 352. 2s. 6d. Matanuska Coalfield, Knik, Alaska. W. R. Crone. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3,17, p. 630-2 ; 4 fig. Is. 3d. ; The Coalfields of Ohio. W. G. Burroughs. “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 33, 10, p. 544-7 ; 2 fig. The Concealed Coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottingham- shire. Walcot Gibson. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2737, p. 1276 ; 2738, p. 1347 ; 5 fig. (From memoir of Geol. Survey, not concluded.) Is. IV.—Mine Surveying. Abstract of the Result of Observations on Magnetic Declination in 1911. (Auszug aus den Ergebnissen der Deklinationsbeobachtungen im Jahre 1911.) L. Minttrop. “ Gliickauf,” 52, p. 2112-3. 2s. 6d. Y.—Mining Technology. Mechanics of Mining. R. T. Strohm. “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 33, 10, p. 566-8 ; 6 fig. Text Book of Mining, with Special Reference to Coalmining. (Lehrbuch der Bergbaukunde mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Steinkohlenberg- baues.) F. Heise and F. Herbst. Second edition, vol. 1, 2 ; 2 map. Berlin : Springer, 1913. Mining Machinery Exhibition in Lqndon: Description of Exhibits. “Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2736, p. 1185 ; 76 fig. 6d. VI.—Working of Minerals. The Present State of Mining in the Wladiwostock District. (Der gegenwaertige Stand des Bergbaues im Distrikt von Wladiwostok.) “ Metall Erz,” 1913, vol. 10, 9, p. 260. The Test Results with the Alternating-current “ Pick- Quick ” Coal-cutting Machine at the Victoria Mine of the Royal Gerhard Coal Property at Louisenthal, Saar. (Die Versuchsergebnisse mit der Drehstrom “ Pick-Quick ” Grossschraemm-maschine auf der Grube Viktoria des Koeniglichen Steinkohlenberg- werkes Gerhard zu Louisenthal, Saar.) “ Z. Berg- Huetten Salinenwes.,” vol. 60, p. 389. The Development and Working of Workable Deposits. (Ausrichtung, Vorrichtung und Abbau nutzbarer Lagerstaetten.) 8vo., 19 p. Samml. Berg Hiitten- maenn. Abb. H. 114. Kattowitz, Boehm. The Economy and Advisability of Working to and from the Deep in Rhenish-Westphalian Coalmining. (Die Wirtschaftlichkeit und Zweckmaessigkeit des Unter- werksbaues und Oberwerksbaues im rheinisch-west- phaelischen Steinkohlenbergbau.) Westermann. Diss. 8vo., 36 pp.; 32 ill. Aachen. Laying-out, Developing and Working Useful Deposits. (Ausrichtung, Vorrichtung und Abbau neutzbarer Lagerstatten.) J. Recktenwaldt. “ Berg Huet- tenmaenn. Rdsch.” 8vo., 19 pp. Samml. Berg Hiittenmaenn. Abh. 114, H. Kattowitz. Bohm. Mining in the Pocahontas Field. A. H. Stow. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 16, p. 594-600 ; 11 fig. Is. 3d. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Some Mine and Tunnel Equipments. C. A. Hirschberg. “ Compr. Air Mag.,” vol. 18. 4, p. 6763-7; 6 ill. Device for Increasing the Speed of Drilling. (Vorrich- tung zur Erhoehung der Bohrgeschwindigkeit.) “Bergbau,” 1913, 9, p. 149 (Time saved by using ropes in place of the old rods for changing blunted drills.) 2s. Electro - Pneumatic Percussion Drilling Machine. (Elektropneumatische Stossbohrmaschine.) “ Stein- Braunkohle,” 1913, 3, p. 36-7. 2s. 6d. Automatic Lubrication for Pneumatic Tools. (Selbstae- tige Schmier vorrichtung fiir Pressluft Werkzeuge.) “ Gliickauf,” 1913, 9, p. 337-8 ; 1 fig. 2s. 6d. Electricity or Compressed Air as Driving Power for Boring Machines. Elektrizitaet oder Pressluft als Antriebskraft fuer Bohrmaschinen.) “Stein-Braun- kohle” 1913, 5, p. 65-6. 2s. 6d. The New Trial Boring in the West Galician Coal District. (Die neuen Aufschlussbohrungen im west- galizischen Steinkohlenrevier.) R. Michael. 8vo, 55 p.; 1 map. Samml. Berg. Hiittenmann, Abh. H. 111. Kattowitz, Boehm. Method of Clearing the Bottoms of Boreholes in Deep Borings with Hollow Rods and Tools. (Verfahren zum Reinhalten der Bohrlochsohle bei Tiefbohrungen mit Hohlgestaenge und Hohlbohrer.) “ Tiefbohrwes.,” 1913, 4, p. 15. Automatic Shaft Cover. (Selbsttaetiger Schachtver- schluss.) “ Gliickauf,” 9, p. 337 ; 2 fig. 1913. 2s. 6d. Shaft Sinking by the Freezing Process. (Tiefkaeltever- fahren zum Schachtabteufen.) Diancourt. 8vo, 20 p. Samml. Berg. Hiittenmann. Abh. H. 115. Kattowitz, Boehm. Successes Obtained with the Drop Shaft Process. (Erfolge mit dem Senkschaftverfahren.) C. Beil. “ Gliickauf,” 1913, 9, p. 309-15 ; 2 fig. 2s. 6d. Guides for Skeps in Shaft Sinking. (Fiihrungsschlitten fuer Kiibelfoerderung beim Schachtabteufen.) “ Kali,” 1913, 2, p. 49 ; 1 fig. VIII. —Explosives, Blasting. Explosives and Electric Ignition. (Sprengstoffe und elektrische Zuendung.) Wichert. “ Bergbau,” 1913, 5, p 81-3; 6, p. 97-9; 7, p. 113-4. 6s. Initial Ignitions of Explosives. (Die Sprengstofftechnik der Initialzuendungen.) Neitzel. “ Z. Schiesswes.” 1913, p. 145. IX. —Timbering, Packing, &c. Lining Mine Galleries with Concrete Reinforced with Wire Rope. (Streckenausbau in Beton mit Drahtseil armiert.) “ Stein Braunkohle,” 1913, 5,p. 68. 2s. 6d. Flushing Anthracite Workings. “Colliery Eng.,” vol. 33, 10, p. 537-44; 8 fig. (Methods employed in the thick and moderately thick seams of the Schmjlkill region of Pennsylvania.) Effect of Coalmining on the Surface. “Colliery Eng.,” vol. 33, 10, p. 548-52; 5 fig. (Experiments regarding increase of volume of crushed material and extent and direction of movement of broken strata.) The New Wood Impregnation Method, System Hassel- mann. (Das neue Holzimpraegnierungsverfahren, System Hasselmann.) A. Buerklein. “ Braunkohle,” 1913, 48, p. 765-7. 2s. Application of Wood for Mining Purposes. (Verwendung des Holzes zu Grubenzwecken.) “ Z. Oberschles. Berg. Hiitten.—Ver.,” p. 54-6. Rock Pressure on Pit Timbering. (Gebirgsdruck auf die Grubenzimmerung.) W. Friz. 8vo, 16pp. Samml. Berg.-Hiittenmann. Abh. H. 116. Kattowitz, Boehm. The Preservation of Pit Timbers. (Die Konservierung von Grubenhoelzern.) M. Landau. “Brunkohle,” 1913; vol. 11, 45, p. 715-24, 7 fig. Description of plant for the process of the Grubenholz-Impraeg- nierung G.m.b.H.. Berlin. On the Suitability of Different Tars for the Impregna- tion of Wood. (Ueber dieEignung der verschiedenen Teere zur Holzimpraegnierung). F. Moll. “ Bitu- men,” p. 113. Methods for the Preservation of Wood (Mine Timbers). (Procedes de conservations des Bois. Les bois des mines.) “L’Echo des Mines,” 1913, p. 458, ill. A Progressive Report of Tests to Determine the Com- mercial Value of Wood Preservatives). H. F. Weiss. “ JI. Ind. Eng. Chem. ” vol. 5,5, p. 372-8; 5. fig., 8 tab. Hydraulic Packing at the Brugman Shaft, “Gliickauf ” Potash Mine. Sondershausen. (Die Spiilversatzanlage auf dem Bruegmanschacht des Kalibergwerkes “ Gliickauf,” Sondershausen.) F. Gloeckner. “ Kali,” 1913, 5, p. 105-12 ; 1 fig.