1352 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 20. 1913. other works, for the Thatcham Rural District Council* Copies of the general conditions from Major Tulloch, C.B., R.E. (retired), 28, Victoria-street, Westminster, or from Mr. H. J. Weaver, M.I.C.E.I., MI.Mech.E., F.G.S., Northgate Mansions, Gloucester, on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward chartering on the north-east coast has not been great in volume during the week, transactions being restricted by the scarcity of tonnage and the dulness of the coal trade. Rates are on the upward grade, however, as will be seen from the appended fixtures. An exception must be made in the case of the Baltic, figures for which show little alteration on the week. At South Wales, chartering has been fairly active. Rates for the Mediter- ranean are well maintained, and handy boats are in good request. The River Plate is dull. The Bay and coasting ports are quiet. At the Humber, business is not brisk. The Clyde reports a fair business at about former rates. Homewards, less fixtures than ordinarily are reported. New York advices state that the market, despite tonnage offering at lower rates, is extremely dull. Charterers are refraining, as far as possible, from booking tonnage for July, in the hope of “ bearing” the market. The demand for grain and timber vessels is slack. There is a limited enquiry at steady figures for time-charter boats. At the Biack Sea there is an improved enquiry, and the tone is firmer. The Eastern market is steady, but without any pressure. The Plate is firm, but unfavourable weather for loading has checked operations, which are, further, impeded by the indisposition of shippers to pay the higher rates for which owners ask. The Mediterranean and ore trades are well maintained. The Baltic is unchanged. Tyne to Algiers, 5,000, 8s. fid. ; Antwerp, 2,400, 5s., from Dunston ; Barcelona, 4,200, 10s. 4|d. ; 3,800, Ils., 600; 3.200, Ils. ; Bourgas, 7,000, 12s., reported ; Bordeaux, 3,000, 6s. 6d. ; Cronstadt, 4,200, 5s. 3d. ; 5,600, 5s. 6d. ; Ci vita Vecchia, 5,000, Ils, reported ; Christiansholm, 2,100, 5s., from Dunston ; Couronne, 2,000, 7s. 3d. ; Carthagena, 1,250, 12s. 3d. ; Castellamare, 3,000, 13s. 9d. ; Genoa, 3,200, 10s. 6d. ; Havre, 1,700, 5s. ; 1,000, 5s. 3d. ; 1,500, 5s. 3d. ; 900, 5s. 3d., from Elswick ; Hamburg, 2,000, 4s. 6d. ; 2,450, 4s. 3d. ; 2.600, 4s., from Dunston ; 2,500, 4s. ; 2,850, 4s. ; 2,750, 4s 3d., from Dunston ; Leghorn, 2,700, 10s. 9d., 800 ; Libau, 2,200, 5s. 6d.; Marseilles, 3.100, 9s. 9d., 600 ; North Norway, 1,450, 5s.; Norresundby, 900, 5s. 3d.; 2 200, 5s. 3d.; Oran, 2,800, 8s. 10|d. ; Port Said, 5,400, 9s. 9d., 400; Pczzuoli, 3,100, Ils. 3d. ; Rouen, 2,000, 6s., from Elswick and Felling ; Rostcck, 1,400, 5s. 9d. ; St. Petersburg, 4 200, 5s. 3d. ; 1,600, 6s. 3d.; Spezzia, 3,200, 10s. 6d. ; Solovetsk, 1.200, 5s. 9d. ; Savona, 6,000, 9s. 9d. ; 3,200, 10s. 6d. ; St. Nazaire, 2,300, 6s. 6d. ; Varna, 7,000, 12s., reported ; Venice, 5,200, Ils. 3d. coal, 13s. 9d. coke ; 5,200, Ils. 4|d., from Dunston ; Volo, 1,000, 12s. Cardiff to Alexandria, 5,400, Ils.; 4,200, Ils., June 24; Algiers, 5,500, 10| fr.; 3,600, 11 fr.; 3.600, 11 fr., June 23; Almeria, 2,200, 10s. 6d.; 1,400, 10s. 61.; Alboniria, 1,400, 10s. 6d.; Ancona, 5,500, Ils. 6d.; Agua Amarga, 1.900, Ils. 6d.; Bizerta, 3,700, ll|fr.; Bordeaux, 3,000, 8 fr.; Buenos Ayres, 20s. 3d., with Is. 3d., June; Bjorkoe or Lappvik, 2,000, 6*. 31.; Barcelona, 5,400, 10s. 3d.; Cape Verds, 4,300, 10s. 3d., June 25; Cronstadt, 3,300, 5s. 10|d.; Cherbourg, 1,200, 5s. 9d.; Calais, 2,100, 5s. 3d., June 23; Cronstadt, 3,400, 5s. 10|d., June 26; Cork, 500, 4s. 9d.; Campana, 4,200, 20s. 9d.; Chatham, 2,800, 3s.. Admi- ralty; Constantinople, 3,300, 12s. 6d., June 23; Casa Blanca, 900, 20s. 9d. coal, 21s. 6d. fuel ; Chan- tenay, 2,500, 8fr. ; Devonport, 2,800, 3s., Admiralty; 2,000, ditto, ditto; 3,800, ditto, ditto; Dieppe, 5s. 7jd.; 1.200, 5s. 6d.; 2 100, 5s. 3d., June 23; Danube, 6.000, Ils. 6d.; Genoa, 4,300, 10s.; 6,800, 9s. 6d., 84 hours ; 3,300, 10s. 6d.; 5,900, 10s.; 5,600, 9s 9d., June 26; Garrucha, 1,900, 11s. 6d., 400, June 25; Havre, 1,300, 5s. 6d.; 2.200, 5s. 6d.; 2,400, 5s. l£d.; 2,900, 5s. 6d.; Huelva, 2,500,8s. 3d.; 2.500, 7s. 3d.; Honfleur, 1,500, 5s. 6d.; Lappvik, 1,100, 6s. 3d.; Leghorn, 5 300, 9s. 9d.; Lisbon, 2,800, 7s. lOJd., 400; 1,750, 8s.; La Pallice, 3,000, 7|fr.; 2,500-2,700, 7|fr.; 2.300, 7 62|fr.; 1,900, 7|fr.; Las Palmas, 4 800, 9s. 3d.; 4.400, 9s. 3d, June 23; La Rochelle, 3,000, 74fr.; 2,300, 7 624fr.; Monte Video, 5,000, 19s., early July; Marseilles, 6,000, 114fr.; 3,600, 114 fr. and 124 fr.; 5,500, 11 fr. ; Malaga, 1,900, 10s. 6d., 350; Malta, 5,500, 9s. 3d.; Messina, 4 800, 9s. 6d., free dues, June; Maran- ham, 19s., July ; Naples, 5,000, 9s., 800; 9s. 9d., 500, 10s., 400, June; 5,500, 9s. 9d., 800, June; Oporto, 1,400, 8s. 6d. ; 800, 8s. 6d. ; Port Said, 7,000, 9s. 9d., June; 6,000, 10s., June 25 ; 6,700, 10s*. 14d., end June; Palermo, 9s. 9d., 500, 10s., 400, June ; Pembroke, 300, 3s. 6d.; Pernambuco, 5.500, 17s., July ; Rio de Janeiro, 18s. 3d., fuel, early July ; 10,000, 16s. 6d., 300, July 8 ; 7,000, 16s. 6d., July ; River Plate, 5,500, 20s. 6d. , 5,900, 21s., June ; 5,000, 21s. ; 20s. 3d., with is. 3d., June ; 5,500, 21s., 5,800, 20s. 6d., early July ; 20s. 3d., July ; three steamers, 20s. 6d., lower ports, June 17, June 20 and July 1-15 respectively; 5,000, 20s., August 5 cancell ng ; 5,500, 20s., early July ; 6,000,20s., July ; Rouen, 1.600 6s. 3d.; Rosario,3,600, 22s., Is.discharge; St. Nazaire. 3.200, 7f fr. ; Savona, 3,300, 10s. 6d. ; 5,600, 9s. 9d. ; 4,300, 10s. ; Seville, 1,500,9s. 9d. ; Sveaborg, 1,700,6s 3d., June 25 ; Sheerness, 2,800, 3s., Admiralty, 380, 5s. 3d. ; Spezzia, 4,400, 10s. ; Svendborg, 1.700, 6s. 3d. ; St. Servan, 1,900, 5s. 6d. ; 1.200, 5s. 6d. ; 1,950, 6s. 44d.; Teneriffe, 4,800, 9s. 3d. : Trouville, 1,000, 5s. 7|d.; Tarragona, 2,700, 10s. 6d.; Venice, 6.400, 11s. ; 5,500, Ils. 6d.; Villa Constitucion, 4,200, 20<9d ; Valencia, 1,900, ]0s. 9J. ; 4,100, 10s. 6d., 400 ; Zarate, 3,800, 21s., end June ; Zeebrugge, 2,300, 5s. 3d. Newport to Calais, 2.600, 5s. 3d. ; Bordeaux, 3,000,8| fr. ; Cadiz, 1,200, 9s. fid.; Nantes, 2,600, 7| fr.; Seville, 1,500, 9s. 9d. ; Depots, 800, p.t. ; Ibicuy, 22s. 6d., July ; Gibraltar, 2.300, 9s. ; 1,700, 9s. 3d.; 1,400, 9l 3d., 500 ; Venice, 6 000, Ils. 6d. ; Alexandria, 4,400, 10s., July 1 ; Genoa, 4,500, 10s. ; Savona, 4,500, 10s. Swansea to Chantenay, 2,200, 74 fr. ; Rouen, 780,6s. 44d.; 1,600, 6s. 3d.; Caen, 900, 5s. 9d.; Bayonne, 1,800, 94 fr. and 104 fr.; 900, 94 fr.; Bordeaux, 2,500, 9 fr., 500; Palermo, 3,000, 12s.; Calais, 1,900, 5s. 6d. ; 2,600, 5s. 3d.; 1,100, 5s. 6d. ; La Pallice, 1,600, 8 fr.; 6,900, 8 fr.; St. Naziire, 4,000, 74 fr.; 1,600,8 fr.; Callao, 1,600, 13s. 6d.; La Rochelle, 1,900, 8 fr.; 1.300, 8 fr.; Boulogne, 1,650, 5s. 6d.; Savona, 9s. 9d. coal, 10s. 6d. fuel; Valencia, Ils. coal, Ils. 9d. fuel, 250, 1896 tax clause. Wear to Hamburg, 2.100, 3s. 9d.; Cronstadt, 2,800, 5s. 74d.; River Plate, 5,000, 20s. 6d.; 20s. 9d., with up-river options; Rostock, 1,400, 5s. 9d. Hartlepool to Norresundby, 1,950, 5s.; Hamburg, 2,900,4s. Biyth to St. Petersburg, 2,400, 5s. 74d.; 3 200, 5s. 74d.; Wallvik, 1,900, 4s. 10|d.; Cronstaat, 2 400, 5s. 74d.; Norresundby, 1,300, 5s. 3d.; Sundswall, 2.100, 4s. 9d. Seaham Harbour to Bordeaux, 2.000, 6s. 9d.; Fecamp, 600, 6s.; Civita Vecchia, 3,200, Ils. 3d., 500; Hamburg, 2,400, 4s. 3d.; Kj ge, 900, 5s. 6d. Hamburg to Savannah, 2,900, IOl 9d., kainit, June. Bo’ness to Aarbuus, 1,500, 5s. 74d. Hull to Riga, 1,900, 5s.; Genoa, 3,200,10s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 3 000, 5s. 6d.; 2,600, 5«. 6d.; 2,500, 5 s. 4jd.; 3,000, 5s. 7|d.; St. Petersburg, 3,000, 5s. 74d.; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 20s., end June; Pernau, 1,900, 5s. 3d.; London, 2,600, 4s.; St. Brieux, 900, 5s. 104d. Immingham to Cronstadt, 5,200, 5s. 6d.; 2,300, 5s. 9d., June 23; River Plate, 21s. Partington to Cronstadt, about 5s. 3d., June; Sydney, C.B., gravel, p.t. Fowey to Rouen, 600, 8s.; 600, 7s. 9d., china clay. Sharpness to Melbourne and Brisbane, sail, salt, basis 19s. Melbourne. Wales to direct nitrate port, sail, 17s. 3d., July; Monte Video, sail, 17s., with options; 16s. 9d.; River Plate, 21s., June; Buenos Ayres, sail, 16s. 9d.; Monte Video, Buenos Ayres or Rio, sail, 17s. 3d., option Acapulco 24s.; Iquique, sail, 17s. Glasgow to Buenos Ayres, 20s. 6d, 250, Is. 3d., end June. Sundswall to Cape Town, sail, 62s. 6d., June. Burntisland to River Plate, 2Is., June. Neath Abbey to Havre, 950, 5s. 104d. Garston to Buenos Ayres, sail, about 21s. Forth to Raa, 1,200, 5s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 2,700, 5s. 9d. Barry to Santos, 5,900, 21s. 6d., July. Port Talbot to Bordeaux, 2.250, 8 fr.; Genoa, 6,300,9s. 9d Rotterdam to Bagnoli, 6,500, 9s. 6d., June 25; 7,300, 9s. 6d., June 30; Porto Ferrajo, 6,500, 9s. 61., June 25; 7.300, 9s. 6d., June 30; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 21s., June 20- Juiy 10; Genoa, 4,000, 9s. 9d.; River Pla e, 5,000, 21s.; Seville, 3,400-3 600, 10s.; Marseilles, 5,000, lli fr., June 23; Bordeaux, 4,500, 6s. coals, 6s. 9d. fuel, June 23; Lisbon, 3,800, 8s. 104d. Hamburg to West Coast South America, sail, p.t., July. Homeward charters :—Sulina, 4,900, Rotterdam 6s. 9d., Antwerp 7s., spot; 3,400, Denmark, 10s. 6d. one port, 10s. 9d. two ports. Ils. three ports, June ; Sydney (N.S. W.), 2,541 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 32 June; Kurrachee, 3 055 net, Mersey 16s. 6d., other p p. 16s. 7£d., Hamburg 17s. 14d., July; 3,047 net. Barry and Sharpness, 17s. 4£d., June-July ; 2,801 net, U K.-Cont., 16s. 3d., p.p., July; 16s., July; 2,936 net, Antwerp, 16s, June-July; Newcastle (N.S.W.),4,551 net, Singapore 14l,option Java or Philippines 14g 6d., July; Saigon, 6,600max., France, 28s. one port,29s. two ports, rice, July; Virginia, 2,903 net, River Plate, about 20s., early July; San Lorenzo, 5,600, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 15s. 6d. o c., less 6d., June; 5,000, 10 per cent, 15s. 6d. o.c., with options, July; 6,600, 10 per cent, 15s. o.c., less 6d , less 3d. more if L noon or 6d. if Rotterdam direct, July-August; 4 400, 10 per cent., 15s 3d. o.c., less 6d., September ; 15s. 6d , August-September; 6,200, Marseilles, 15s. 3d., ppt.; 5,300, 10 per cent., Rotter- dam, 14s. 6d., no reduction direct, June-July ; 4,800, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 16s. o.c., less 6d., July; 4,500, 10 per cent., 16s. o.c., less 6d., with options, June- July ; 4,500, 10 per cent., 16s. 3d. o.c., less 6d., ppt.; Hornillo Bay, 3,500, Cardiff. 5s. 3d., ppt.; Sanjuan, 3 800, Rotter- dam, 7s , ppt.; 3,500. 7s 3d., ppt.; Bilbao, 3,400, Sunderland, 5s., ppt.; 3 200, Boulogne, 6s., ppt.; Marbella, 3,300, Rotterdam, 8s. 3d., f.t., ppt.; Pensacola, 700 stds., West Italy-Sicily, 126s. 3d. two ports, July; Ertrasteria, 2,200, Antwerp, 7s. 3d., ppt.; Carthagena, 4,200, Middlesbrough, 6s. 3d., July ; 4.600, Calais, 6s. 9d., ppt.; Wallaroo, sail, 27s., Callao; Bay of Fundy or Grindstone I-land, 50s., West Britain or East Ireland, July; Cuba, 2,816 net, London, Liverpool or Greenock, 15s., option Northern States 10 c. per 100 lb., July; New York, 1,795 net, Mediterranean, four ports between Italy and Bulgaria, basis, 23 c.. one port, August; 3s., Lisbon; Savamah, 1.944 net, Ui Led Kingdom-Continent, 38s. 9J., p.p,, Form O, July; Agutlas, 3,900, Antwerp, 7s. 3d, ppt.; Castro-Alen, 1,800 Middlesbrough or Stockton, 5s. 91., ppt.; Hornillo Bay or Almeria, 3,000, Newport, 6s., June; Mira- michi, 51s. 3d., West Britain or East Ireland, July; time charter, 5s. 3d., about seven months delivery Japan, re-delivery Australia, via North Pacific; time charter, States and West Indies, 1,700. .£700, six months, delivery January ; 3s., one round trip, delivery north of Hatteras ; Eupatoria, 4 500, Libau, 14g, salt, July 15-25; Bombay. 5,800, Stettin, 22s., ore, 600-700, ppt.; Baltimore, 5,800, Rio de Janeiro, 17s., coal, June-July ; 6,600, Alexandria, 6s. 6d.; Buenos Ayres, 5,200, 10 per cent., L< ndon or Rotterdam, 12s. 9d., no reduction direct, June 20; Oporto and or Leixoes, 1,100, Bristol Channel, 6s. 3d., June; Buenos Ayres, sail, 22g, Channel, f o.; 24s., Libau; 26s.; Transatlantic trade ; 7s., Hamilton Roads to West Italy ; Gulf to United Kingdom- Continent, 7s., with one round trip, delivery and re-delivery United Kingdom-Continent, 4s. 6d.; Azof, 18,000 qrs.; 10 per cent., 400, 10l 6d. no.; or any, Ils., Hamburg, ppt.; Sfax or Sousse; 2,500, Bristol, 8s. 6d., fd.,July; Bougie, 3.300, Cardiff, 5s. 3d., 600-600, ppt.; 4,400, Middlesbrough, 6s., ppt.; La Calera, 4,200, Rotterdam, 6s. 10£d., ppt.; Santander, 2.000, Rotterdam, 5s. 7|d., ppt.; St. Andrew’s Bay, sail, 21|dols.; Santa Fe; New York, sail, 7,000 barrels refined petroleum, Gothenburg, 4s. 6d., July-August; West Bay, 52s. 61., United Kingdom-Continent, July; Halifax, 51s. 3d., Bristol Channel. The Edward Medal.—The London Gazette announces that the King has awarded the Edward Medal of the Second Class to the following:—Albert Henry Cooper (under- managei), Arthur Bernard Hewitt (manager), and George Thompson (workman), for rescue work after a fall of roof in Markham No. 2 Colliery, Staveley, Derbyshire; Thomas Tnompson, a collier, who worked almost without cessation for 10 hours beneath dangerous roof to extricate a man buried by a fall of roof at Swinton Common Colliery, York- shire ; and to Thomas Chatterton and Albert Schofield, who risked their lives in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue two men who were overcome by noxious gases in some old workings at Lodge Mill Colliery, Lepton, Huddersfield. COAL. IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES- Argentine Iron and Steel Company Limited.—Dividends at the rate of 9 per cent, per annum on the preference and ordinary shares, and the placing of .£8,000 to reserve. Barnitts Limited.—This private company has been registered with a capital of .£2,500 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business of ironmongers, iron, steel and tool merchant*, tin, copper, and white smiths, engineers, plumbers, &c., and to adopt an agreement with G. Barnitt for the acquisition of the business carried on by him at 24, Colliergate, York, as “ George Barnitt and Co.” Beatson and Co. Limited.—This private company has. been registered, with a capital of .£3,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of an electrical engineer carried on by H. Beatson at 14 Wingate, Sheffield, and 76. Frederick- street, Rotherham. First director, H. Beatson (permanent)u Cooke (William) and Co. Limited.—The report for the year ended March 31 last states that after providing ample depreciation the net profit for the year is .£15,147, to which must be added balance brought forward .£3,856, making together £ 19,004 The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, for the year on the ordinary shares, leaving to- be carried forward £9,004. The year’s trading has been seriously interfered with by the railway and coal strikes. The trading in Australia and New Zealand has resulted in a slight profit for the year. Dominion Steel Corporation Limited.—The report for the year ended March 31 last states that the net earnings of the corporation and its constituent companies for the year amounted to 4,714,057 dols., out of which 1,009,650 dols. was set aside for depreciation, sinking funds, &c. Besides providing for all charges and dividends, including 1,277,101 dols. on the common stock of the corporation, the reserve funds and surplus were increased during the year by 1,272,199 dols. The prices received for steel products in the earlier part of the year were low; the costs and output were affected adversely by the pressure to complete the new plant, and, as before, a considerable part of the product had to be marketed in forms of finished steel which, owing to the condition of the tariff, were unprofitable. In addition, while part of the expenditure of new capital on the proper- ties has increased fixed charges, it has not yet produced the- increased earning power which shareholders are entitled to expect. The acute depression in iron and steel prices, resulting from the conditions which prevailed in the United States, was severely felt by the company during the first half of the year. During the year the capital expenditure,, exclusive of the final payment of 350,000 dols. in respect of the steel company’s purchase of coal company’s stock,, amounted to 4 939,866 dols., of which 2,456,026 dols. was expended on the new collieries and other property and improvements connected with the coal business, and 2,483,839 dols. on the steel company’s plant, mines and quarries. Of these expenditures the earnings of th© combined companies supplied over 1,000,000 dols. On the c >al company’s property, the reopening of Victoria mine (now No. 17) has been commenced, also of the mine on the Emery seam, known as No. 11, underlying No. 3 colliery, the latter being now nearly exhausted ; 8 000 shares of the common stock of the corporation were issued during the year in exchange for an equal number of shares of the common stock of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company Limited, and were subsequently disposed of by the latter. The directors have sold, at a satisfactory price, £200,000 of the 5 per cent, consolidated mortgage bonds of the Steel Company, and have under consideration the issue of a further moderate amount of securities. Everitt Allen and Sons Limited.—The report states that the sum at the disposal of the company (including £9IS brought from last account) is £4,238 The debenture interest amounts to £4.208 (covering a period of about one year and three weeks), and the balance, £30, is carried forward. Head Wrightson and Company Limited.—The report states that the gross profit for the year ended April 30 last has been £36,620, to which has been added the balance of undivided profits from the year ended April 30,1912, £2,276, making £38 896, which the directors propose shall be applied as follows Interest on debentures for the year, £6,750: dividend on preference shares, £10,148; directors’ fees, excluding management salaries, £1,000; reserve account for general purposes, £2,000; reserve account for workmen’s compensation, £1,000; depreciation of capital? expenditure, £5 000; writing off expenditure on purchase and development of patents, £2,000; a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent, on the ordinary shares, free of income- tax, £8,400; balance to be carried forward, £2,598. Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited.—The directors have- declared a dividend of 3 per cent, on the preferred stock. Lancashire Brass Founders Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of brass founders, &c., carried on by Richard Ainsworth and Co. Limited at Audley Machine Works, River-street, Blackburn. First directors: H. Gardner, J. Draydon, A. Morton, and E. Rennison. Registered office, Audley Works, River-street, Blackburn. Midland Coal Coke and Iron Company Limited.—The profit on trading for the year was £12 295. After crediting estate royalties and surface rents amounting to £6.205 and deducting expenses of administration and mortgage and general interest, there remains a balance of £8,926, which has been transferred to the A debentures interest account. Including the balance from last year, the amount at the credit of this account is £17.397, from which has been deducted the year’s interest on the A debentures at the rate of 4| per cent, per annum, referred to in the last report and paid in July 1912. The present available balance on this account is £9,036, out of which it is proposed to nay a year’s interest of 4| per cent., leaving a balance of £675 to carry forward. Midland Electric Corporation for Power Distribution Company Limited.—The < ffer is announced of £400,000 5 per cent, first mortgage debenture stock at par, guaranteed absolutely as to principal and interest by British Insulated and Hel.-by Cables Limited. Of the £400,000, £118 400 has been reserved for issue to the holders of the existing deben- tures of the company. The company during the last 10 years has established, and has now in full operation, a system* within a district which covers about 70 square mOes of the Black Country lying, in the main, between Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Stourbridge. The present ..