June 20, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, 1343 THE IRISH COAL TRADE. THE LOHDOI COAL TRADE. Thursday, June 19. Dublin. There is a considerable falling off in demand this week in the household trade, as very warm weather has set in, but no reductions have been made in prices—the reasons being that contracts with the collieries have all been closed at figures much higher than for several years past, and the high freights ruling. Prices of other classes also remain unchanged. City prices are as follow:—Best Orrell, 27s. per ton; Arley, 26s.; Whitehaven, 25s.; Wigan, 25s.; kitchen, 24s.; Orrell slack, 21s.; steam coals from 21s. to 22s. per ton delivered; best coke, 23s. per ton; house coal, retail, Is. 7d. per sack. An extensive Corporation contract is open for a 12 months' supply of coal, coke and turf. The coaling vessels arriving during the past week amounted to 62 as compared with 41 the week previously, chiefly from Ayr, Garston, Troon, Glasgow, Irvine, Point of Aire, Newport, Campbeltown, Whitehaven, Liverpool, and Girvan. The total quantity of coal discharged upon the quays was 26,300 tons. It is stated that the proposed further develop- ment of the Leinster coalmines is not to be confined to the Wolf hill and Gracefield collieries. Belfast. The local trade is fairly good for manufacturing, steam, and works coal, but demand on household account is about at a summer level, although prices of all qualities are firmly maintained at late rates. The supply of Scotch coal is more plentiful than of late weeks. Business with the inland districts is rather quiet, as buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices. Quotations in the city range from 23s. 6d. to 27s. 6d. per ton; prices ex-quay are from 20s. 6d. to 24s. per ton for house coal (Scotch and English) ; 17s. to 18s. per ton for Scotch and navigation steam coal; Welsh steam, 20s.; English steam slack, 17s. per ton delivered. Cargoes arriving during the week were chiefly from Ayr, Garston, Troon, Preston, Girvan, Glasgow, Elles- mere Port, West Bank, Partington, Maryport, Working ton, and Neath Abbey. _____________________________ THE TIH-PLATE TRADE. Liverpool. Business has been very slow the last few days, and works are cutting prices to try and tempt orders along. Buyers, however, are proceeding cautiously, and only filling their early requirements. Unless an improvement sets in soon some mills will have to close down for want of work. Current quotations may be called :—Coke tins : I C 14 x 20 (112 sh. 108 lb.), 13s. 9d. per bo*; I C 28 x 20 (56 sh. 1081b ), 14s. 3d. to 14s. 4|d. per box; IC 28 x 20 (112 sh. 216 lb.), 27s. 6d. to 27s. 9d. per box ; I C 14 x 18f (124 sh. 1101b.), 14s. 3d. per box; I C 14 x 19| (120 sh. 110 lb.), 14s. 3d. per box; I C 20 x 10 (225 sh. 156 lb.), 20s. 6d. per box; I C squares and odd sizes, 14s. 3d. basis for approved specifications. Charcoal tins are easy at 16s. 3d. basis and upwards, according to tinning. Coke wasters are in moderate demand, and are quoted:—C W 14 x 20, 13s. per box; C W 14 x 18f, 12s. 3d. per box ; C W 20 x 10, 17s. per box; C W 28 x 20,26s. 9d.per box—all f.o.b. Wales, less 4 per cent. ______________________ THE BY-PRODUCTS TRADE. Tar Products.—Things generally are quiet, but fairly steady. Benzols, for instance, are firmer, while toluol leans the same way, but carbolics rule easy. Creosote and pitch much about the same. Naphthas are, if anything, a shade easier. Nearest values are:— Benzols, 90’s ................................ 1/1 Do. 50's ............................................. /101 Do. 90's North......................... 1/ Do. 50's North............ ............................ /10 Toluol...................................... /10f to /Il Carbolic acid, crude (60 per cent.) .......... 1/4 Do. crystals (40 per cent.)................. /5 Solvent naphtha (as in quality and package) ... /9f Crude ditto (in bulk) ....................... /5 Creosote (for ordinary qualities) ............ /3| Pitch (f.o.b. east coast) ..................... 42/ to 44/6 Do. (f.a.s. west coast) ..................... 41/to 42/ Do. (f.o.b. gas companies) ................. — [jBensols, toluol, creosote, solvent naphtha, carbolic acids, usually casks included unless otherwise stated, free on rails at makers3 works or usual United Kingdom ports, net. Pitch f.o.b. net.'] Sulphate of Ammonia—There is a healthy tone about the market, and the forward position keeps firm. There is really very little business passing, but an atmosphere of reassurance seems to pervade both the prompt and forward sections, the tendency being slightly more pronounced in the former market. Closing prompt prices are:— London (ordinary makes)............ £12/5 Beckton (certain terms) ............ nominal. Liverpool___,.......................... £12/17/6 to £12/18/9 Hull ............................... £12/16/3 Middlesbrough .................... £12/15/0 Scotch ports......................... £13 to £13/2/6 Nitrate of soda (ordinary) per cwt. ... 10/9 [Sulphate of ammonia, f.o.b. in bags, less 2| per cent, dis- count ; 24 per cent, ammonia. good grey quality; allowanct for refraction, nothing for excess.] Grimsby Coal Exports.—The following is the official return of the quantity of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ended Friday, June 13 :—Foreign: To Ahus, 1,369 tons; Antwerp, 287; Dieppe, 1,063; Dram- men, 638; Esbjerg, 478; Gefle, 2,544; Gibraltar, 183. Gothenburg, 1,686; Hamburg, 444; Malmo, 2,897 ; Orth, 391; Banders, 1,140; Rotterdam, 508; and Stockholm, 1,135; total, 14,763 tons. Coastal . To Hayle, 420 tons; Lerwick, 580; London, 219 ; Rye, 180 ; and Whitstable, 202; total, 1,661 tons. During the corresponding week last year the exports were 27,581 tons foreign, and 3,625 tons coastal. Thursday, June 19. The London coal trade for the past week has shown very little improvement, and the buying, especially for house- hold qualities, has been exceedingly small. The dep6t reports show that very little trade has been done with th6 ordinary public orders, in fact, merchants complain that where orders from the general public are received, they are all for delayed deliveries, for the most part for delivery during August and September. The week's trade opened with an encouraging start, as some of the large factors showed a disposition to buy more freely, but the prices offering were far too low for any practical purposes. Here and there however, reports were current that these offers had been accepted where the accumulated wagons loaded in the colliery sidings had become a serious menace, and for immediate orders a lower price was preferable to stopping the pit. Scarcely any of the large house' coal collieries are now working full time, but those collieries turning hard steam coal in any abundance are better able to work more uniformly and regularly. Steam coals are still in steady demand, but here again “ spot lots " have been sold at very much reduced quotations, and the few collieries who have endeavoured to maintain the recog- nised current prices have been left severely alone. The bringing forward of some of the Scotch small coal and slack into the river has had a tendency to lessen the demand for double-screened nuts and nutty slack from the usual rail- borne sources, but as at this season of the year the output is considerably diminished, the demand keeps fairly strong. For electric lighting, &c., the consumption is naturally low whilst the days are so long and the sun so bright, but for the power stations of the train, omnibus and tramway ser- vices the demand continues as strong as ever, and when it is taken into consideration that the Lots-road, Chelsea, power station alone are burning 410 tons per day, and that they have a storage accommodation of 15,000 tons in their coal bunkers, it will be seen at once how essential it is to keep up the supply of small nuts. There was a good average attendance on Monday's market, notwithstanding the pre- vailing heat, but it was soon evident that there were far more sellers than buyers on the Exchange. Seaborne qualities were reported in relatively good demand, and no cargoes are offering for open sale, either of the Durham or Yorkshire house coals. Thirty-one cargoes were reported as arriving in the Thames for Monday, and five for Wednesday’s market. ' Prices for all colliery quotations, both inland and seaborne, are firmly held by the collieries, but it is well known that stocks are accumulating largely at all the colliery sidings, and at the various coal centres, and it is becoming a very grave problem as to who can hold out the longest—the merchant who is refusing to buy unless at a considerable reduction, and the collieries who have such huge stocks on hand. The majority of factories are working evenly, but the buyers are confining themselves to the cheaper offers of steam coal, and some- what resent the higher prices claimed by the collieries. Wednesday's market was but thinly attended. The only seaborne cargo for which the quotation was recorded was a cargo of Sharlston Wallsend, which was reported as sold for 21s. per ton. Steam coals were distinctly weaker, and the house coal requirements were limited to putting into stock. So far as forward business is concerned, the bulk of the larger merchants refuse to renew at the advance, and there- fore all contracts are at a standstill so far as present renewals are concerned. The time, however, of the termina- tion of the old contracts is rapidly drawing near, as the bulk of them terminate on June 30, and though for a time, the relief from the daily consignment of fuel may be appreciated by the harassed merchant, yet the fear of losing the trade may stimulate negotiations, especially in view of the coming winter's trade. Market quotations (pit mouth) : Note.—Although every care is exercised to secure accuracy, we cannot hold ourselves responsible for these prices, which are, further, subject to fluctuations. Yorkshire. Wath Main best coal Current prices. 13/6 Last week's prices. 13/6 Do. nuts 12/6 I 12/6 Birley cube Silkstone 12 15/ 12/ Do. branch coal 15/ Do. seconds 11/ 11/ Barnsley Bed Silkstone 12/6 12/ 12/6 West Riding Silkstone 12/ 13/ Kiveton Park Hazel 13/ Do. cobbles 13/ 13/ Do. nuts 12/ 12/ Do. hard steam 11/ 11/ New Sharlston AVallsend 14/ 14/ Wharncliffe Silkstone coal 14/ 14/ Do. Flockton Main 13/6 11/6 15/ 13/6 Do. Athersley house coal 11/6 Newton Chambers best Silkstone 15/ Do. Grange best Silkstone Do. Hesley Silkstone Do. Rockingham selected Do. Rockingham Silkstone Derbyshire. Wingfield Manor host 14/ 13/ 13/6 13/ 11/ 14/ 13/ 13/6 13/ 11/ 10/9 10/ 9'6 Do. large nuts 10/9 10/ Do. small nuts Do. kitchen coal 9/6 West Hallam Kilburn brights 11/ 11^ 10/9 10/ 9/6 10/ 11/ 10/9 11/ ___________________________ Do. do. nuts 10/9 Do. London brights 10/ Do. bright nuts 9/6 Do. small nuts Manners Kilburn brights 10/ 11/ Do. do. nuts 10/9 i’/ 10/9 11/ Shipley do. brights Do. do. nuts 10/9 Mapperley brights 11/ Do hard steam 10/9 11/ 10/9 11/ Cossall Kilburn brights Do. do. nuts 1 10/9 11/ 10/9 11/ Tro well Moor brights Do. do. nuts.. 10/9 10/9 12/6 11/ Grassmoor Main coal 12/6 11/ Do. Tupton Do. do. nuts 12/ 12/ Derbyshire—(cont). Current prices. Last week's prices. _______________________ Clay Cross Main coal 12/6 12/6 Do. do. cubes 12/ 12/ Do. special Derbys 11/9 11/9 Do. house coal 11/ 11/ Pilsley best blackshale 12/6 12/6 Do. deep house coal 10/6 10/6 Do. hard screened cobbles 1°/ 10/ Hard wink best Silkstone j 12/6 12/6 Do. Cavendish brights 11/6 11/6 Do. cubes 11/6 11/6 Nottinghamshire. Clifton picked hards 12/ 12/ Do. small hards 11/ 11/ Do. deep large steam 12/ 12/ Annesley best hards 12/6 12/6 Do. bright cobbles 11/9 11/9 Linby best hards 12/6 12/6 Do. bright cobbles 11/9 11/9 Digby London brights 12/ 12/ Do. cobbles 12/ 12/ Do. top hards 13/ 13/ Do. High Hazel coal 14/ 14/ Bestwood hard steam coal 12/ 12/ Do. bright cobbles 11/3 11/3 Hucknall Torkard main hards 12/3 12/3 Do. do. cobbles 11/3 11/3 Do. do. nuts 11/ 11/ Do. do. High Hazel H P. ... 14/9 14/9 Do. do. London brights 12/3 12/3 Do. do. large nuts 12/3 12/3 Do. do. bright nuts 11/3 11/3 Sherwood H.P. hards 12/ 12/ Do. hard steam 10/6 10/6 Do. brights 11/3 11/3 Do. cobbles 11/3 11/3 Do. large nuts 11/9 11/9 Warwickshire. Griff large steam coal 10/9 10/9 Do. screened cobbles 11/ 11/ Do. bakers' nuts 11/ 11/ Do. loco Two Yard hards 14/ 14/ Do. Ryder nuts 11/6 11/6 Do. do. cobbles 12/6 12/6 Nuneaton steam coal 10/9 10/9 Do. screened cobbles U/ 11/ Do. nuts 11/ 11/ Haunchwood steam 10/9 10/9 Do. screened cobbles 11/ 11/ Do. nuts 11/ 11/ Wyken steam coal 10/9 10/9 Do. screened cobbles 11/ 11/ Do. nuts 11/ 11/ Exhall Ell coal spires I. 12/6 12/6 Do. large steam coal 10/9 10/9 Leicestershire. Snibston steam 10/6 10/6 Do. cobbles 10/3 10/3 Do. nuts 10/6 10/6 South Leicester steam 1°/ 1°/ Do. cobbles or small hards 10/6 10/6 Do. nuts 10/6 10/6 Whitwick steam 10/6 10/6 Do. roasters 10/6 10/6 Do. cobbles 10/6 10/6 Do. nuts 10/6 10/6 Nether seal hards 17/ 17/ Do. Eureka 12/6 12/6 Do. kitchen 10/6 10/6 Ibstock kibbles 10/ 10/ Do. large nuts 10/ 10/ Do. bakers' nuts 9/6 9/6 Do. Main nuts 10/ 10/ Do. hards 9/6 9/6 Granville New Pit cobbles 11/6 11/6 Do. Old Pit cobbles 10/6 10/6 North Staffordshire. Talk-o'-th'-Hill best 13/6 13/6 Sneyd best, selected 14/6 14/6 Do. deeps 14/ 14/ Silverdale best i. 15/ 15/ Do. cobbles 14/ 14/ Apedale best 13/6 13/6 Do. seconds 13/ 13/ Podmore Hall best / 13/6 13/6 Do. seconds 13/ 13/ South Staffordshire (CannockDistrict). i Walsall Wood steam coal, Londor brights 13/ 13/ Do. shallow one way 12/ AO/ 12/ Do. deep nuts 11/6 A^/ 11/6 Cannock steam 11/ 11/ Coppice deep coal Al/ 13/ 13/ Do. cobbles XO/ 12/ I. 12/ Do. one way 12/ 12/ Do. shallow coal 12/ 12/ Cannock Chase deep main 17/ 17/ Do. Deep kitchen cobbles ... 12/ i. 12/ Do. best shallow main 14/ 14/ Do. shallow kibbles 13/6 13/6 Do. best brights 13/ 13/ Do. yard cobbles 13/6 13/6 Do. yard nuts 12/6 12/6 Do. bakers' nuts 10/3 10/3 Do. screened hards 11/ 11/ From Menn. Dinham, Favoai and Co.’i Report. Friday, June 13.—The seaborne house coal market con- tinued quiet to-day, no cargoes reported as sold. Cargoes 18 Monday, June 16.—The enquiry for Yorkshire seaborne house coal was fairly good to-day, but only a small quantity was available. No Durham cargoes on offer. Cargoes 32. Wednesday, June 18.—There was no alteration in the seaborne house coal market to-day, no cargoes being on offer. Cargoes 5. ____________________________ The Council of the Sheffield University, realising that great attention had been paid to the Applied Science department, had decided on making an immediate appeal for £40,000 for the development of the Pure Science I departments.