1316 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 20, 1913. BOX CARBON BRUSH HOLDER Can be made to suit any machine. Spring entirely enclosed. Minimum circum- ferential space occupied. Pressure in direct line immediately over centre of brush. Substantially made and no screws or parts that can get loose. Easy adjustment when running if necessary. OverlOOO in Use MADE BY— WESTMINSTER ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Wlllesden Junction, London, N. W. ROPES & BELTS Treated with CLING SURFACE May be run SLACK WITHOUT SLIPPING and give INCREASED POWER. S'here are now many Imitations of Cling Surface, but they only deceive and disappoint. Photos oj Belts and Ropes running SLACK in the most important works in England sent on application to— THOMAS & BISHOP, Sole European Agents, Cling Head Office—119-125, Finsbury Pavement, London, E■ C ■ Teleg.—** Velcling, London.’ EARTHING CLIPS, why stock so many sizes, when the ADAPTABLE ” will fit any size Cable, Conduit or Pipe. HANN & INGLE, 13, Albert Place, Bridge Street. MANCHESTER, Tel.—5635 City. or your supplier. THE LEADING MINING JOURNAL OF THE WORLD. MINES AND MINERALS. AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF METAL AND COAL MINING. Published by the COLLIERY ENGINEER CO., Scranton, Penna., U.S.A It does not publish generalities. It gives its readers Details. The largest and best journal of its class. Subscription, post paid .. 10/6 per ann. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LTD. Broadway House, 68-74, Carter Lane. London, E.C. FOR THE PREVENTION of COAL DOST EXPLOSIONS ——— USE -—- ||OMCO gPBAYING fiOMPOUND icSsivS^ Sias yroreil itself a most efficient anil lasliiiy ihisl layer. HULL OIL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., Stoneferry, HULL. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS I Ascending and Descending Cages Safeguarded. No Interference with Winding. Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. KS- -n ... Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR. The most Effective Machine on the Market. Over 200 at work. particulars to JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd., Telephone : 55 Wigan. Engineers, WIGAN. Telegrams : “ Haulage, Wigan.”