1296 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 13, 1913. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AKO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During May and the first five months of 1911, 1912 and 1913. To May, 1913. May. Coal-Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (X). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1911. | 1912. 1913. 1911. 1912. 1913. Russia 112,718 75,020 17,451 11,017 520,028 386,919 473,123 450,584 650,197 257,257 309,808 472,956 Sweden 78,106 46,767 . 39,326 25,122 304,411 207,623 • 386,332 371,719 421,843 192,550 216,214 279,512 Norway 51,002 28,409 7,178 4,459 134,935 92,704 176,190 199,537 193,115 84,530 116,188 125,572 Denmark 49,935 30,973 53,222 35,424 105,412 72,618 208,832 • 225,958 208,569 107,715 137,279 139,015 Germany 315,938 181,188 318,746 185,248 195,926 130,824 924,416 871,211 830,610 428,417 455,170 497,260 Netherlands 81,505 49,674 39,716 25,241 43,392 29,226 218,016 198,215 167,613 107,422 104,436 104,141 Belgium 71,547 38,636 28,197 17,374 41,065 27,215 157,479 120,489 143,809 67,221 59,384 83,225 France 417,107 236,472 281,785 167,373 305,367 240,688 880,820 951,316 1,004,259 472,432 540,264 644,533 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 17,731 10,639 7,564 5,132 71,891 60,360 108,213 127,718 97,186 69,621 85,357 76,131 Spain and Canaries 39,962 26,060 105,955 69,131 152,149 128,165 239,950 282,142 298,066 151,125 198.541 223,356 Italy 116,125 67,940 168,552 110,825 423,472 346.369 893,132 . 970,361 708,149 526,045 681,788 525,134 Austria-Hungary 15,231 8,'487 16,413 10,070 43,507 31,048 103,711 73,094 75,145 53,191 45,359 49,605 Greece 2,810 1,624 17,568 11,092 39,606 25,700 45,253 79,162 : 50,984 23,737 51,499 38,416 Turkey 1,331 1,172 — — 9,252 8,203 66,525 39,849 j 10,583 42,197 30,407 9,375 Egypt 15,546 11,320 40,384 25,820 155,305 127,270 276,790 282,^88 211,235 171,530 203,542 164,410 Algeria 20,766 13,141 38,180 25,602 36,913 31,259 86,129 85,049 95,859 45,857 51,039 70,002 United States of America 10 14 — — 198 233 373 155 208 326 170 247 Chile 1,326 1,983 — 80,934 70,217 82,825 146,845 82,260 56,161 130,545 72,200 Brazil 3,909 3,209 5,180 3,108 111,513 102,938 144,881 195,198 120,602 106,472 166,712 109,255 Uruguay — — — — 44,422 38,395 102,373 - 75,403 44,422 78,440 63,748 ■ 38,395 Argentine Republic 8,599 7,156 — — 242,926 204,738 302,370 381,985 , 251,525 223,501 315,855 1 211,894 Gibraltar 4,096 3,005 6,297 4,351 17,018 14,310 23,655 40,521 27,411 14,626 27,656 21,666 Malta 6,808 3,817 1 6,739 4,841 15,341 12,259 llj378 42,317 28,888 24,453 27,239 20,917 British South Africa 591 503 — — 1,466 1,323 13,992 10,156 2,057 9,887 8,885 1,826 ,, India 756 609 — — 12,444 11,757 25,414 22,095 13,200 16,804 15,130 12,366 Straits Settlements 683 1,038 — — — — 144 216 683 218 321 1,038 Ceylon — i — — — 26,155 22,419 ! 41,809 : 11,347 26,155 31,532 j 10,078 22,419 Other countries 34,598 1 24,949 1 9,814 6,432 120,893 102,447 181,708 193,506 165,305 123,828 1 i 148.801 133,828 C Anthracite 115/99 80,017 — — 135,518 119,513 220,306 196,423 251,117 161,963 153,332 199,530 j Steam 1,068,132 . 617,879 309,284 196,468 2,941,495 2,289,851 4,506,806 4,659,433 4,318,911 2,612,202 3,162,285 3,104,198 Totals Gas • 88,918 48,687 760,932 465,405 80,105 57,617 1,011,706 1,120,763 929,955 483,914 608,866 571,709 Household 45,317 27,641 — — 83,539 55,862 138,926 140,711 128,856 71,568 86,849 83.503 L Other sorts 156,773 99,581 138,051 85,789 6,284 4,384 328,089 331,706 301,108 157,448 190,083 189,754 Total 1,474,739 873,805 1,208,267 747,662 3,246,941 2,527,227 6,205,833 6,449,036 5,929,747 3,487,095 4,201,415 4,148,694 Total (May 1912) 1,413,031 709,188 1,394,308 762,512 3,641,697 2,729,715 — — — — — — Total (May 1911) 1,381,187 608,823 1,262,080 602,434 3,562,566 2,275,838 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 81,980 48,765 71,944 64,958 42,360 70,821 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 168,958 131,446 145,723 117,276 105,237 127,057 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — " 6,456,771 6,629,247 6,147,614 3,669,329 4,349,012 4,346,572 First five months of 1913. First five months. Anthracite 540,065 370,997 — — 648,218 574,840 986,525 784,220 1,188,283 736,059 621,378 945,837 Steam 5,167,336 2,878,636 1,586,653 989,991 14,882,465 11,379,471 19,138,316 14,791,968 21,636,454 11,145,534 9,646,476 15,248,098 Total^ Gas 389,087 212,796 3,653,445 2,155,270 481,366 337,401 4,215,605 3,326,247 4,523,898 2,059,753 1,749,327 2,705,470 Household 205,996 122,819 1,137 808 503,450 333,770 613,181 485.599 710,583 323,527 290,946 457,397 _ Other sorts 644,153 400,807 759,978 463,943 56,476 39,638 1,301,439 1,028,645 1,460,607 622,112 555,780 904,388 Total 6,946,637 3,986,055 6,001,213 .3,610,012 16,571,975 12,665,123 26,255,066 20,416,679 29,519,825 14,886,985 12,863,907 20,261,190 Total for five, months of 1912 4,519,771 2,193,408 4,296,919 2,275,915 11,599,989 8,394,584 — — — — — — Total for five months of 1911 5,860,955 2,578,863 5,273,906 2,538,886 15,120,205 9,769,236 — — — — — — Coke — — — — 392,889 336,969 424,334 297,270 258,185 409,18? Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 717,655 526,634 837,070 494,574 402,008 > 702,386 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 27,365,610 21,280,282 30,781,229 15,678,829 13,524,100 21,372,764 Mediterranean, Is. 6d. extra one port, 2s. two ports, ppt.; Cuba, 5,000, Liverpool or Greenock, 15s. 6d., June-July; 16s., July; 5,500, Liverpool, London or Greenock, 16s. 6d., June; 2,279 net, London, 15s. 6d., early June; San Lorenzo, 4,500, 10 per cent, Cadiz, Seville, Huelva, 16s. one port, 16s. 3d. two ports, 16s. 6d. three, no reduction, June-July ; 15s. 6d. o.c. days, June 25; 5,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 15s. o.c., less 6d., less 3d. more if Rotterdam, June; 5,500, 10 per cent., 15s. o.c., less 6d., less 6d. more if p.p., early June; Huelva,4 500, New Orleans, Pensacola or Mobile, 16s. 6d.,f.d., June; 1,938 net, Northern States, 10s. 6d., June; Barreiro, 750, Goole, 9s., ppt.; Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 22s. 9d., Talcahuano, Pisagua Range, September-October; nitrate ports, sail, 30s. 6d., Mediterranean, spring, 1914; Sagunta and Agua Amarga, 4,500, Philadelphia or Baltimore, 8s. 3d., f.t., June ; New Caledonia, 36s. 6d. one port, 37s. 6d. two ports United States, August; time charter, Mediterranean trade, delivery Antwerp, re-delivery Continent; Antwerp-Hamburg range, £825 one round, J>815 if re-delivery Tyne, ppt.; Nicolaieff, 7s. 3d., Cardiff, ore, 2,000-600, ppt.; Miramichi, 52s. 6d., Belfast, August, reported ; 2,100 stds., Manchester, 55s., July; 1,700 stds., West Britain or East Ireland 55s., option Campbeltown loading 52s. 6d., July; Bay Chaleur, 1,200 stds., United Kingdom-Continent, 52s. 6d., option Miramichi 55s., July; 52s. 6d., West Britain-East Ireland, July-August; Campbeltown, 52s. 6d., p.p. United Kingdom-Continent, July ; time charter, delivery Baltimore, re-delivery Alexandria, 7s , one trip; time charter, American ore trade, about 5s. 7d., four months, July; time charter, Calcutta coal trade, delivery Calcutta, re-delivery India, 4s. Id., 12 months, December; Gulf, 1,100 stds., Continent and one port United Kingdom, 110s., July; 1,100 stds., 10 per cent., River Plate, 152s. 6d., July; two ports loading, 2,591 net, Rotterdam and two ports East Coast United Kingdom- Continent, 100s., June-July; Calcutta, 2,506 net, Rs. 612, Bombay or Kurrachee, coal, July; 2,316 net, Rs.6 12, June; 2,656 net, Rs. 6 10, commencing July 10; 3,059 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 22s. 61. one port, 23s. 3d. two ports, on d.w., July; Kurrachee, 6,200, Hull, 16s. 9d., less 2 per cent., end June-early July; Seriphos, 4,600. Glasgow, 6s. 3d., f.d., June; Malgrat, 3,500, Rotterdam, 5s. 10|d., ppt.; Onega, 750 stds., London, 50s., d.b., few bds., end June; Kherson or [ Nicolaieff, 3,500, Hull and Leith, 9s. 3d., ppt.; Pensacola, 1,050 stds., 10 per cent., West Italy, Messina, Oran or Tunis, finishing Alexandria, 127s. 6d. two ports discharge, July-Aug.; Port Breira, 4,000, Tyne Dock, 5s. 6d., ppt.; Bilbao, 3,51)0, Middlesbrough, 5s. 4jd., ppt.; South Australia, two ports, 3,829 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 32s., with options, June ; nitrate ports, 25s., United Kingdom-Continent or United States, with Mediterranean and other options, July; time charter, States and West Indies, J>850, two years, delivery autumn; time charter, Venezuelan ore trade, Jj 1,025, three years, delivery January; Danube, 5,100, Adriatic or French Mediterranean, 11’75 fr. one port, 12 fr. two ports, 12’25fr. three ports, spot; Saigon, 2,339 net, Hamburg, 28s., rice meal, August; San Lorenzo, 4,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 14s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option Santa Fe Is. extra, seed Is. extra, France Is. extra, September; 14s. 6d. o.c., July; 3,800, 10 per cent., 15s. 7|d. o.c., less 6d., option Srettin 2s. more, June 25; 5,300, 10 per cent., 15s. o.c., ex France, less 6d., July 1-25 ; 4,400, 10 per cent., 15s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., July; Santa Fe, 2,027 net, Dantzic, 22s. 9d., quebracho, June-July; 1,959 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 21s. 6d., quebracho, June- July ; Carthagena, 4,000, Middlesbrough, 6s. 4£d., ppt.; 4,000, Calais or Dunkirk, 6s. 10jd., end June; Benisaf, 5,600, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., f.t., June; 7s., f.t., June ; La Goulette, 2,700, Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool or Jarrow, 8s. 6d., ppt.; nitrate ports, 2,952 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. 3d., July-August; Pugwash, 53s. 3d., West Britain or East Ireland, August; Vladivostock, 31s. one port, 32s. two ports, United Kingdom-Continent; time charter, New York to West Coast South America and back to States, 4s. 6d., round trip; 4s. 7|d.; time charter, New York to United Kihgdom-Continent, 6s. 6d., one trip ; Poti, 5,000, Middles- brough, 9s. 9d., ppt.; 5,300, Rotterdam, 9s. 3d., ppt.; Azof, 4,4L0, Marseilles, 12 fr., ppt.; St. Joe and Pensacola, 1,250 stds., 10 per cent., River Plate, 147s. 6d., July-August; Bahia Blanca, 6,000, 10 per cent., Rotterdam, Ils. wheat, 12s. 6d. oats, spot; Rivadesella, 1,700, Rotterdam, 6s., ppt.; Garrucha, 6,800, Rotterdam, 8s., f.t., ppt.; Sapelo, 800 stds., United Kingdom-Continent, two ports, 102s. 6d., June-July ; Bala Bala, sail, 35s., United Kingdom-Continent; time charter, West African trade, about 4s. 3d., one round trip, delivery United Kingdom-Continent; nitrate ports, 26s. 6d., United Kingdom - Continent or United States, August- September. I Miners’ Relief.—The annual meeting of the Northumber- land and Durham Miners’ Perm ment Relief Fund was held at the Connaught Hall, Blackett-street, Newcastle, on Monday, when Mr. Neville presided. Mr. William Barnes was re-elected general secretary, and Mr. George Robson was re-elected general treasurer of the fund. The business related to proposed alterations to rules. There was a long discussion on a motion from the Blaydon Main branch to the effect that members should have made seven fortnightly contributions to the fund before receiving benefit. According to the present rule, a member is entitled to benefit after his first contribution has been made, and it was urged in favour of the proposed change that it would strengthen the Minor Accident Fund. Against this were put the claims of the young men, who were stated to be more liable to accidents during their first weeks’ labour in the mine than more expe- rienced men, and eventually the motion was defeated by 318 votes to 193. A resolution from the executive council providing that in the case of a recipient going abroad no benefit should be paid during the recipient’s absence, but should be resumed after his or her return, providing that the visit did not extend beyond the time applied for in the first instance, was carried. At the afternoon session a resolution was submitted to the executive council to decrease the amount of benefit payable for accidents over 26 weeks, to apply to future recipients only. This resolution was lost, as were also similar motions from Hazlerigg and TwizMl, which proposed that the reduction should apply to existing and future recipients. On Tuesday, the business of the meeting again related to proposed alterations of the rules governing the society. A resolution from the executive committee, seeking to provide that no recipient should be medically examined who is receiving compensation unless such is specially recommended by the local committee, was carried by a large majority, as was one amending the rule dealing with punishment for fraud on the society, though it was pointed out that the existing rule was one which applied to all friendly societies, and that the Registrar might not pass the alteration.