1220 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. City of London Union. The quantity required will be about 3,800 tons of coal and 133 chaldrons of coke. Forms, Union Offices, 61, Bartholomew-close. London. June 19.—Coal and coke, for the Islington Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, Upper-street, N. London. June 19.—Coal to various establishments, for the Guardians of Greenwich Union. Forms, Guardians’ offices, Board room, East Greenwich. Longford (Ireland), June 10.—About 60 tons best screened coals (Wallsend and Whitehaven), for the governors of the Longford County Infirmary. Tenders, Mr. S. Wilson, registrar, Medical Hall. Maidstone, June 16.—180 tons of coal, for the Edmstt Charity Trustees. Forms, Mr. R. Hoar, clerk to trustees, 9, King-street. Maidstone, June 25.—Coal and coke for the infectious hospital, for the Rural District Council. Forms, Mr. Robert Hoar, clerk, Council Offices, King-street. Maldon, June 14.—Coal and coke, for the Maldon District Sub-Committee of the Essex E lucation Committee. Forms, Mr. F. H. Bright, clerk to the committee, 53, High- street. Merstham (Surrey), June 9.—Coal, &c., to the Northerne Asylum, near, Merstham, Surrey, for the Visiting Committee. Forms at the Asylum. Morpeth, June 13—Coal, for the Visiting Committee of the Northumberland County Asylum, Morpeth. Forms, the Clerk and Steward at the Asylum. Neath, June 17.—Large screened gas coal required at the gasworks, for the Corporation. Estimated quantity, 12.000 tons. Particulars, Gas Manager, Gasworks, Neath. Newport, June 9.—House and steam coal and coke, for the Corporation. Particulars the office of the Borough Engineer. Northwich, June 12.—About 9,000 tons of screened gas coal, for the Northwich Gas Company. Mr. P. S. Welbourn, secretary, Gas Office. Nottingham—Coal and coke to certain schools in the vicinity of Nottingham, for the Notts Education Committee. Particulars the Director of Education, Shire Hall. Omagh (Ireland), June 12.—For the supply of 750 tons best English steam coals, 750 tons of best South Wales through-and-through steam coals and 200 tons best English house coals, to the District Asylum, for the Joint Committee of Management. Oxford, June 16.—For the supply of about 40,000 tons of best screened gas coal or washed nuts, for the directors of the Oxford Gaslight and Coke Company. Pontypridd, June 9. — For the Pontypridd Urban District Council, viz.:—(a) gas coal and (b) cannel for their gasworks; (c) washed nuts for their electricity works. Forms (gas coal and cannel), Mr. E. H. Swain, engineer, Gasworks; (washed nuts), Mr. J. E. Teasdel, A.M.I.E.E., engineer, Electricity Works. Saffron Walden, June 18.—Coal and Beckton coke, for the Saffron Walden District Sub-Committee of the Essex Education Committee. Forms, Mr. W. Adams, clerk, 14, Church-street. Salisbury, June 9.—From 1,000 to 4,000 tons gas coal, for the Salisbury Gaslight and Coke Company. Tenders, Mr. N. H. Humphrys, gas engineer. Slough, June 16.—For the supply of coal and coke to the workhouse, for the Eton (Bucks) Guardians. Spalding, June 11.—Any quantity, not exceeding 6,000 tons, of gas coal or nuts, for the Spalding Urban District Council (Gas Department). Forms, Mr. M. R. Wimhurst, engineer and manager, gasworks. Staines, June 14.—Steam coal required at their outfall works, for the Staines Urban District Council. Coal required under this contract is hard rifler from Babbington CoJiery, or best main hard from Hucknall Torkard Colliery, or best hard from Linby Colliery, and it is to be supplied in full truck loads by L. and S.W. Railway to Ashford, Middlesex Particulars, Mr. E J. Barrett, A.M.I.C.E., engineer and surveyor, Town Hall. Stoke-upon-Trent, June 10.—For the supply of fuel to the Workhouse and Cottage Homes of the Union for six or 12 months from June 30, for the Guardians. Sunbury, June 19.—3 500 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Sunbury Gas Consumers’ Company Limited. Sunderland, June 9.—Coal to the Sunderland Orphan Asylum. Particulars, the Master. Sutton Coldfield—Steam slack for the Electricity Committee. Specification, Mr. T. Duesbury, engineer and manager, Riland-road, Sutton Coldfield. Tottenham, June 10.—Coal and gas coke for the Totten- ham Urban District Council. Forms, Council-buildings, The Green, Tottenham. Deposit £5. Upton (near Chester), June 11-16.—Coal and coke, &c., to the Cheshire County Lunatic Asylum, Upton, near Chester, for the Visiting Committee. Forms, the Steward. Ware, June 10.—Coal over a period of 12 months of the descriptions and quantities (more or less) as follow:— Annesley best hard hand-picked or Annesley nutty small steam coal, 100 tons (colliery weight); best screened Tirbach machine-cut and washed German anthracite nuts thoroughly screened, 70 tons (colliery weight) lin. to 2 in., and 25 tons (colliery weight) 1 in. to l|in., for the Ware Urban District Council. Tenders, Mr. G. H. Gisby, clerk, council offices. Warwick, June 23 —Cobbles for engine purposes to the Warwick County Lunatic Asylum. Particulars, the clerk. Watford, June 17.—Coal and coke to the Watford Isolation Hospital, for the Watford Joint Hospital Board. Forms, the clerk to the Board, Watford-place. West Ham, June 16.—For the supply of fuel for use in the schools under the control of the Borough Council. Persons tendering for coal and coke must have depots in the borough of West Ham. Also for the supply of a good hard Derbyshire or Nottingham steam coal to the Technical Institute, Romford-road, Stratford, E. West Malling, June 11.—For (1) the supply of best steam coal, household ccal and gas coke to the workhouse, West Malling ; and (2) for the supply of best household coal to the Isolation Hospital, East Mailing, for the Malling Guardians and Rural District Council. Westport (Ireland), June 9.—10 tons of best Irish anthracite coal, | in. beans, for suction gas plant, for the Urban District Council. Tenders, Mr. Francis Egan, town clerk. Westwell (Kent), June 11.—200 tons best Durham Wallsend screenings, 70 tons Cress well cobbles, and 150 tons gas coke, for the Guardians of West Ashford Union. Tenders, Workhouse, West well, near Ashford. Wicklewood (Norfolk), June 9.—Coal and coke. &c.» for the Guardians of Forehoe Union. Forms, Mr. W. P- Smith, Union Offices, Vicar-street. Wigton, June 17.—For the supply of about 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also a separate tender for suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wigton Gas Light and Coke Company Limited. Winchester, June 10.—Small steam coal, for the Cor- poration electricity works. Mr. R. Ayton, A.M.I.C.E., city electrical engineer, 64, Parchment-street. Winchester, June 30.—Best house, steam, and anthra- cite coal and coke, for the Education Committee. Forms, Mr. D. T. Cowan, Director of Education, The Castle. Winwick (Warrington), June 11.—For the supply of coal and slack to the Lancashire C >unty Asylum, Winwick, Warrington, for the Committee of Visitors. Witham, June 30.—Coal for their engines, for the Witham U ban District Council. Tenders, specifying descriptions (which must include Bestwood cobbles, New- stead hand-picked hards, and Portland hand-picked hards) Mr. W. Bindon Blood, clerk. Wolverhampton, June 9.—Coal, coke and slack, for the Education Committee. Forms, Accountant, Education Department, Town Hall, Wolverhampton. Worksop, June 12.—5,500 tons of best screened gas coal or nuts, for the Worksop Gas Company. Tenders, Mr. Frank Luke, gas offices, Beaver-place. Wrexham, June 10.—Coal to the Meadowslea Hospital. Forms, Dr. Middleton, 3, Temple-row. date given is the latest upon uhich tenders can be received WBTRACTS OPES FOR EBGIBEERIBG. IROI ABD STEEL WORK, AG. Antwerp, June 20.—Rails,