1198 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. Another very noteworthy device is adopted on the premises of the Royal Mines Administration, Stassfurt, I where the Bleichert four - wheeled carriages are employed: Here measures are adopted to enable the heavy pit tubs, which weigh about 2j tons each, to be pushed on and withdrawn practically automatically, so that one man suffices foi' the attendance at the loading and unloading stations, which are located at the shaft and works respectively. A Bleichert four-wheeled carriage of natural size, mounted on a trestle, is at the side of the exhibition stand. These cars will carry single loads up to II tons in weight. A Bleichert telpher-car for the transport of rubbish, broken stone, and gravel is also exhibited, which, in contrast to the working telpher line, has lio winch mechanism—that is, it can only handle traffic on a horizontal track. A relief model of the steepest track in the world is to be .noticed among the exhibits. This is the wire ropeway built by Adolf Bleichert and Co., for an sourly traffic of 10 tons of timber and agricultural pro- for small users of belting, and this is also shown on the stand. Another type of fastener made by the firm is that known as the “ Drednort.” In it plates are used instead of the wire hooks, but the same provision is made by means of loops for the insertion of the pin to complete the coupling. It practically forms a hinged butt joint, and is particularly adapted for use in joining up “ Balata ” and other fabric belts. It is equally , flexible with the “Klincha” fastener. Another speciality of the firm is an indestructible file and tool handle. This handle has a thin flanged steel tube pressed into the centre. The object is to allow the tube to take up all the splitting action of the file when driving in, and it also prevents the ferrule from falling off. The “ Klincha ” electrical specialities will appeal to all users of electric lamps. The patent “ Klincha ” locking lamp-holder effectually secures lamps to their holders without the need of keys or other accessories, which often get mislaid or lost. The patent shade carrier ring can be fitted to any existing holders at a very small cost, and prevent the thread of the holder being crossed. THE “CEAG” ELECTRIC SAFETY LAMP CO. LIMITED. The stand of this company is bound to attract particular attention, as it shows the “ Prize ” lamp, the famous electric miners’ safety lamp, which, as is known, has obtained the first prize in the Home Office competi- tion, amongst nearly 100 competing lamps. The lamp is shown here along with all the accessories necessary to equip an up-to-date “ Oeag ” lamp cabin, which is a speciality of the company. We were shown how batteries are charged on charging sets specially constructed for simultaneously charging 80, 40, 24, 12 or six “ Ceag ” lamps, and fitted for HOor 220 volts, and equipped with marble switchboard, regu- lating instruments, &c. The smallest of these charging devices is constructed in the shape of a rescue shelf (in accordance with the new Mines Act), and contains all the necessary spare parts and accessories for six to eight lamps. Besides, we find here well-constructed lamp racks for 200 “ Ceag ” lamps each, with number plates, electric Bleicherr “Bleichert” Aerial Wire Ropeway BUILT FOR THE Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Ltd. for the Conveyance of Rubbish. Bleichert Curve Station looking towards Loading Station. (Bleichert’s Aerial Transporters Limited). duce to the lowlands over a distance of 5J miles with a fall of 5,000 ft., the heaviest gradient on the line amounting to 41 deg. = 8 per cent. This relief model shows very graphically how simply the greatest imaginable difficulties can be overcome by means of a wire ropeway. On the walls of the stand in the Exhibition are a number of photographs of plants erected for the Wigan Coal and Iron Company, the automatic dump piling plant for the Brakpan Gold Mines, and a similar instal- lation for the Great Boulder Mine in Australia. A picture of the telpher plant for the Randfontein Gold Mine is also on view, and many other plants used in mining operations both in England and the English colonies, giving conclusive evidence of the manifold uses to which the Bleichert aerial transporters can be put. W. T. NICHOLSON AND CLIPPER CO. LIMITED. The above firm have made a speciality of belt- fasteners. Their well-known “ Klincha ” fastener is a great improvement on the hinged type of fastener now in extensive use. Instead of the wire hooks of which it is composed being in separate parts, as before, they are now all fastened together, so that the joint of a 3 in. belt can be made with one blow of the hammer on a special tool This new arrangement is naturally quicker, but beyond this there is no likelihood of the hooks getting lost, as was the case when the hooks were u I I Battery Charging Set. (The “Ceag” Electric Safety Lamp Co. Ltd.) “ Klincha ” Fastener. (W. T. Nicholson and Clipper Co. Ltd.) inserted singly. We are informed that at a test recently made at the Municipal School of Technology, Man- chester, a 3 in. leather belt joined with this fastener was subjected to a strain of 2,100 lb., which broke the belt but left the fastener intact. This belt is on view on the stand. The “ Baby Klincha ” is especially adapted E. GREEN AND SON LIMITED. Messrs. E. Green and Son Limited, of Wakefield, show a model of Green’s improved patent fuel econo- miser working with a water-tube boiler. The scrapers are driven by a small electric motor. Specimen castings of economiser parts are also shown. Charging Set for Rescue Station. (“ Ceag” Electric Safety Lamp Company Limited.) magnetoes to open magnetically locked lamps, cleansing machines, driven by motor, to clean the lamps and glasses, lamp wagonettes to carry the lamps and cells ! about in the lamp cabin, acid-filling apparatus to fill the