1178 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. MANLEY & SANDY LTD., Sole Manufacturers of the POWER TRANSMISSION. A BIC TRADE WITH SMALL PROFITS is the policy on which we work. ELECTRIC MINER’S LAMP, Fitted with 66 GAS DETECTOR ” for ANY Percentage. Write Works— CALEDONIA STREET, KING’S CROSS, LONDON, N. PECKETT & SONS, Bristol Speciality— TANK LOCOMOTIVES Locos, of various sizes specially designed for COLLIERIES, IRONWORKS, CONTRACTORS, &c., always in Stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. Telegraphic Address—” Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. Established 1864. 1 ... ' . ' 'a**; __________________ iffireggKgBEji J»ECKtTT a. SONS i- C '* / •/(.'. ■ .’-J Diameter. 1 in. in. 2 in. 2£ in. 3 in. No. 1. Bright turned steel shafting per foot 9d. 1/2 1/9 2/5J No. 7a. Flange couplings... 2/Zi 3/- 4 5ft 6/4| 8/6J I 1 JJ Diametf' lin. Ilin. 2 in. 2J in 3 in. No 2b. Loose collars 5id. -ja. 9£d. voj 1/43 No. 70. Plummer blocks ... 5id- lOJd. 1/6 2/9 4/S SEND FOR OUR ILLUSTRATED “ B” DEPT. CATALOGUE. JARDINE, Deering St., Nottingham. Tel. Address—“ Jardine, Nottingham.” Tel. No. 3295 (2 lines). THE HOLLAND OJ DRILLING CO., HEERLEN, HOLLAND. CONTRACTORS for COAL, OIL, WATER and all MINERAL BORINGS down to 6,ooo ft. SPECIALISTS in PERCUSSION, DIAMOND and other ROTARY SYSTEMS. THE HOLLAND CORE BARREL enables CORES to be extracted from SOFT FORMATIONS and MINERAL DEPOSITS. MANUFACTURERS of DRILLING PLANTS combining the advantages of PERCUSSION and ROTARY SYSTEMS with or without MUD FLUSH, providing a very rapid system for exploration of new territory and suitable for hard or soft formations, capable of giving cores when required. ---------- CONTRACTORS TO THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT. - For Estimates and particulars, apply to-THE MANAGER, Dept. “ C,” John Wells, Cross Keys House, 56, Moorgate St., London, E.C. Telegrams—“ Brilltstic, London.” Telephone—2273 Wall. Telegrams— “CUBITT, PENTRE.” Telephone— O.P.O., No. 5, PENTRE. ELECTRICAL HAULACES —A— SPECIALITY. LLEWELLYN & CUBITT L= Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders and Boiler Makers, A 150 H.P. Electrical Haulage Set. .*4 ■ Engine Works, PENTRE, R.S.O., GLAM., YSTRAD STATION, TAFF YALE RAILWAY. WINDING ENGINES. Improved Self-contained Underground Hauling Engines. Horizontal S Vertical Stationary Engines. ENGINES SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. AIR COMPRESSORS. VENTILATING FANS. STEAM FORCE PUMPS. COAL-CRUSHING MACHINERY. Lancashire, Cornish, Multitubular, and Vertical BOILERS. Wrought-Iron or Steel Pithead Frames. Pithead Pulleys to 20 ft. diameter. And all kinds of Colliery Requisites. Makers of Machine-moulded Spur, Mitre and Bevel Wheels. Haulage Pulleys of all sizes. Pit Cages. Fangs & Auomatic Banking Arrangement. Coal-screens a d Endless Chain Creepers. Makers of Automatic Expansion Gear for Winding Engines.