1160 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. Marcus Screen. Capacity, 90 tons per hour. *• E r ■ ■ • . '4 < ■ <_ Ts ! »i» « ..^2* M ®M*----- i Marcus Screens. Each, 100 tons per hour into 4 grades. “THE MARCUS” Combined Screen and Picking Conveyor demands the consideration of all interested in Successful Screening. This simple, efficient equipment accomplishes its work with a saving of nearly 50 °/0 in power expenditure alone; facilitates classification, and results in a better sized and cleaner product. For full particulars apply to: Head, Wrightson & Co. Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees. Marcus Screen. Capacity, 75 tons per hour. Marcus Coke Screens. Each, 30 tons per hour capacity.