June 6, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1157 Pumps and Pumping MACHINERY Fig. 600.—“CORNISH” STEAM PUMP for General Purposes. (300 feet Pattern). SINKING PUMPS DUPLEX PUMPS (Simple & Compound) BOILER FEED PUMPS. HIGH LIFT PUMPS. ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS. Fig (653.—“JCORNISH’^DOUBLE-ACTING RAM STEAM PUMP. (600 feet Pattern). HORSE PUMPS. HAND SYPHON PUMPS. Telegrams—“ Evans, Wolverhampton.” Telephone No. 39 (2 lines). Write for “ Colliery ” List. JOSEPH EVANS & SONS 'Wolverhampton; Utd., Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. depot for £. GENERAL STORES HAVE KflD 12 YEARS •ACTUAL COLLIERY .EXPERIENCE 7YEARS ACTUAL ENGINEERING ^EXPERIENCED J. If k W;;. K - vrxv.'.*: ■;. | >A’"W Patentees and Sole Suppliers of Frost’s Gloves for Ironworkers, Furnace Builders, Etc. COKE FORKS, COLLIERS’ SHOVELS, DOG SPIKES, DRILLING MACHINES, EMERY WHEELS, FAN FORGES, FIRE EXTINCTEURS, GAUGE GLASS PROTECTORS, GRINDSTONES, WE HAVE ALL THESE The two circles are the important part of the above paragraph, for they show WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT. We do not waste time’by asking needless questions, and as we possess the largest representative stock in Sheffield, you can IMMEDIATELY have ANYTHING you REQUIRE. It is in the thousand and one articles of the stores department that expenses run up, so it is important to deal with a firm who, knowing by ACTUAL EXPERIENCE what prices ought to be, have reduced them to the lowest amount possible consistent with the HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. If not pressed for time, it is better to write for a catalogue before ordering. We have ILLUSTRATED catalogues for each department and shall be pleased to forward you one or all of them. BUCKETS, HACKSAWS, HAMMERS, PULLEYS, PICKS, RIVETS, SCREWING MACHINES, SPANNERS, SHOVELS, GOODS IN STOCK, AND CAN SUPPLY GUN METAL VALVES, LATHE CHUCKS, LIFTING BLOCKS, SIGNAL WIRE, STEEL WHEEL- BARROWS, STOCKS & DIES, TELEPHONES, TRAM NAILS, TWIST DRILLS, VALVES, WINCHES, &c. YOU IMMEDIATELY.