Mat 30, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1149 Telegrams— ‘Vertical, Leeds.” LEECH. GOODALL & CO., Telephone No.— 1982 Leeds. MAKERS AND ERECTORS OF SCREENING PLANTS, PICKING BELTS, PITHEAD GEARS, HEAPSTEADS, STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK, BUNKERS, SCREENS, ROOFS, CONVEYING PLANTS, GAS RETORT INSTALLATIONS. Oil ■rwafe-. f SOLE MAKERS OF THE SHAW-HEMSWORTH OVERWINDER. Write for Descriptive Pamphlet. Representatives:— H. L. CHESTON, Sandal, Wakefield. W. OCDEM DAYSON, 1, Mount St., Swansea* CLARKE, CHAPMAN & CO. LTD Victoria Works, GATESHEAD. GENERAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS — AND — BOILERMAKERS. Specialists in Colliery Power Plant, Haulage and Winding Gears, Water Tube Boilers (“Woodeson” Patents), Pumps for all purposes (steam and electrically driven). Water Tube Boiler, ‘‘Woodeson” Patents, fitted with Patent Superheater and Stoker of the Underfeed Type. Telephones— 1070-1073 Central, Newcastle. 137, City. Telegrams— Cyclops, Gateshead. Cyclops Fen, London. Sectional view oi Boiler showing Superheater J.B. TREASURE r. ErC9, 1 VflUXHfltl RP, LIVERPOOL Ffl?LR PRESSURES CAUGE 1 Cifl 55 J WH5HER5 f LUBRICATORS-etc __________ '.r5T5 0* appi/w/M- LRSSE5 EARTHING MINING ENGINEERS should not fail to see our exhibit of the “ADAPTABLE” Earthing and Continuity Clip. Fit any size Cable, Conduit, or Pipe. MINING and MACHINERY EXHIBITION, Royal Agricultural Hall, London. Tei.—5635 City. HANN & INGLE, 13, Albert Place, Bridge Street, Manchester, o*» your supplier. THE SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK FOR 1913. (1,900 PAGES and a LARGE MAP of the WORLD). .Price, Post Free—United Kingdom, 10/- net. Foreign Countries, II/- E dited by MAJOR E. R. JONES. SOME OF ITS CONTENTS. Admiralty and Board of Trade Directory. Board of Trade Regulations (latest). Chambers of Commerce and Shipping. Coaling Stations Collision Regulations (International). Customs Boarding Stations. DIRECTORY OF EVERY PORT IN THE BRITISH ISLANDS, giving particulars as to Accommodation, Depth of Water, Port and Pilotage Charges, Officials, Trade. DIRECTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL PORTS OF THE WORLD, arranged alphabetically. DIGEST OF BRITISH SHIPPING ACTS, 1894-1912. Discharge and Engagement of Crews. Documents required for Clearing Vessels. Dock, Wharf and Quay Loading Regulations. Fastest Merchant Ships. Foreign Money, Weights and Measures. Freight Rates. Great Britain’s Trade with the World. Imports and Exports. International Load Line. LIFE BOATS AND LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES. Lloyd’s Signal Stations. Load-line Tables (latest Revisions). Masters’ and Mates’ Certificates. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, as it affects Shipowners, Seamen and Firemen, and Shipyard Workers. Navies of the World. PILOTAGE LEGISLATION in 1913. Seamen’s Wages and Certificates. Ship Rules at Sea. Suez Canal and its Regulations. Submarine Bells. THE TARIFFS OF ALL NATIONS. World’s Output of Tonnage (1912). The “SHIPPING WORLD” Offices, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London,||W.C. COTTON ROPE PULLEYS FROM 1 ft. to 20 ft. DIAMETER. For any size or number of Ropes. Also IMPROVED MILD STEEL INCLINE ROLLERS AND PULLEYS FOR WIRE ROPE. Worn Parts can easily be renewed. Lighter and more durable than Cast Steel. THOMPSON & SOUTHWICK LTD., Engineers, TAM WORTH, Staffs. Nat. Tel. No. 4. Tel. Address—“Pulleys, Tamworth.”