Mat 30, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1143 STEAM WAGONS. MANN'S WAGON CO., Leeds. See Advertisement next week. Mining At Tremendous Reductions ! New Books at”25"per cent. Discount! Books on Mining, Technical and all other Sub- jects. Sent on Approval. State Wants. Send for Lists. Books Purchased. W. & G. FOYLE, 121-123, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. Noted for Turtle Soup. Telephones—6911,6912 and 6913. Telegrams— Queen’s Hotel, Manchester. QUEEN’S HOTEL, PICCADILLY, MANCHESTER. This Krst-class Hotel holds the record for Public and Private catering. Choice Wines, Havana Cigars, &c. MODERNISED & REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT. HANDSOME NEW LOUNGE. Table d’hote Lunch. 1 to 3. Table d’hote Dinners 6 to 8. Served at separate tables. Write for Tariff of Charges to— GEORGE MIILiIL-IVrER, MANAGER. British Manufacture. Beet Quality at Lowest Prices. Every description either separate or In cases. SFRCIAL IS in. CARDBOARJO PROTRACTOR, rending io i°, nt Sa. Od.9 *oetnge Rd. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. Wu UADI IMP Mathematical Drawing and Surveying ■ Hi IlfllikllSUj Instrument Manufacturer, 47, Finsbury Pavement, LONDON, E.C. Established 1851. Factory—HACKNEY, E. British Insulated & Belsby Cables Ld„ ELECTRICAL CABLE MAKERS & ENGINEERS. READ. TRADE MARK. Works: Prescot, Belsby & Liverpool. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT EVERY FOURTH WEEK. WHY NOT USE THE MOST RELIABLE MATERIAL For your Air, Water, &c., Mains ? _______ ------- ESPECIALLY AS IT IS ALSO THE MOST ECONOMICAL! ■■ Mannesmann Tubes (Spigot & Faucet, Flanged, &c.) are SOLID DRAWN. Illustrated Booklets from— THE BRITISH MANNESMANN TUBE CO. LTD., Salisbury House, London Wall, LONDON, E.C. WORKS: LANDORE, SOUTH WALES. BRANCH OFFICES and AGENCIES at BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, BELFAST, CARDIFF, GLASGOW, MIDDLESBROUGH & NEWPORT (MON.). PUMPS FOR DIP WORKINGS IN COLLIERIES, MINES, &c. Lift 25 ft. Force 60 ft. and more. Worked by the handle being pushed TO and FRO. WILLCOX SEMI-ROTARY WING PUMPS i in. to 4 in. 4,000 Stocked in IRON, also BRASS. EASY ACTION SPLENDID RESULTS W. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD. more men. Large Sizes 2| in. to 4 in. bore have double handles for two or also for QUARRIES We have excellent testimonials and receive large orders for these Pumps from MINE MANAGERS, &c., on account of their EXCELLENCE IN WORKING and great CAPACITIES, which amount to over 8,000 gallons per hour. They are EASILY FIXED, and we mount them in various ways for hand and power. Fitted also for POWER. 32/38, Southwark Street, LONDON, S.E Semet-Solvay Coke Ovens ISECTION OF OVEN SHOWING SOLID CONSTRUCTION. Strongest in Design. Separate sets of flues to each oven. Very low Maintenance Cost. “DIRECT” AMMONIA RECOVERY PLANT, giving increased yield of Sulphate, with less Labour, and a saving in Steam consumption. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. L! Howard Chambers, 155 Norfolk Street, SHEFFIELD.