1142 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 30, 1913. inches apart, but if a comparatively fine product is desired, the intervening spaces between the large teeth should be provided with one or more ribs shorter and narrower than the larger ribs. The purpose of these short ribs is to prevent large fragments of rock from lodging between the large ribs and being carried around and discharged without being sufficiently broken or pulverised. With the inter- vening short teeth, such oversize lumps would be further crushed by pressure of the intermeshing long teeth. The accompanying section shows a sectional side elevation of the improved ore crusher. (Five claims.) 29178 (1911). Improvements in and relating to Load- equalising Arrangements for Electric Generators. E. C. R. Marks, of 57 and 58, Lincoln's Inn-fields, London, W.C. (a communication from Aktiengesellschaft Brown Boveri et Cie. and Ludwig Thallmayer, of Baden, Switzerland, engineers).—This invention relates to the regulation of dynamo-electric machinery, and more particularly to the A 2 IS 10 parallel buffering of dynamos feeding motors for the working of hauling plants and the like, the term “buffering” denoting the supplying of supplementary energy from an auxiliary source of current, which latter is capable of absorbing and restoring energy as required. The invention consists in a generator electrically connected to each hauling motor or the like (Ward-Leonard connection) with an electrical buffer source connected in parallel with the generator and the motor. The accompanying drawing shows an arrangement according to one form of the inven- tion. (Nine claims.) GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Report on an Explosion of Four Guncotton Stoves at Factory No. 3, Ayr (No. 206), 8d. National Insurance Act Regulations, 1913 : Subsidiary Employments Provisional Order, April 25,1913 (494), l^d. Factory Form No. 30 re Employment of Women and Young Persons, l£d. Education, Scotland: Return showing List of Day Schools, &c., 1912, 84d. ; ditto, Report for 1912-13 on the Royal Scottish Museum, 2d. Consular Reports for 1912: Chile, Coquimbo, 5|d.; Hayti, 3|d.; China, Ichang, 3d. MINES: REGULATIONS AS TO ACCOMMODATION AND FACILITIES FOR TAKING BATHS AND DRYING CLOTHES, lid. Foreign Trade and Commerce : Accounts for April, 6d. Egypt and Sudan: Report for 1912, by Lord Kitchener 9d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Ignition of Minh Gases by the Filaments of Incan- descent Lamps (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 52). By H. H. Clark and L. C. Ilsley. Washington: Government Printing Office. Sampling Coal Deliveries (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 63). By George S. Pope. Washington : Govern- ment Printing Office. Oil and Gas Wells through Workable Coal Beds. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin No. 65.) By Geo. S. Rice, O. P. Hood and others. Washington: Government Printing Office. Apparatus for the Exact Analysis of Fuel Gas. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 31.) By Geo. A. Burrell and F. M. Siebert. Washington: Government Printing Office. The Preparation of Specifications for Petroleum Products. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 36.) By Irving C. Allen. Washington : Government Printing Office. Metal Mine Accidents in the United States, 1911. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 40.) By Albert H. Fay. Washington: Government Printing Office. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 4. By Sir Edward Thorpe. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Price 45s. net. The People's Money. John W. de Kay. London •• Effingham Wilson. Price Is. National Physical Laboratory : Report for 1912. Teddington : W. F. Parrott. Guide to the Income Tax By F. B. Leeming. Third edition, revised. London: Effingham Wilson. Price 2s. 6d. net. South Wales Coal and Iron Companies, 1913. Eighth edition. Cardiff: Business Statistics Company Limited. Price Is. net. Acetylene Lamps in Mines. By R. Cremer. London : Mining Journal. Bibliography of North American Geology for 1911. (U.S. Geol. Survey, Bulletin 524.) By J. M. Nickles. Washington : Government Printing Office. Thirty-third Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior for 1912. Washington : Government Printing Office. “ To the Continent,” The Great Eastern Railway Company's Harwich Route to the Continent; “ Cassier’s Magazine” (Vol. 43, No. 5), May, price Is.; “ Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale” (Tome 119, No. 4); “The Journal of the Canadian Peat Society'' (Vol. 2, No. 1), February, price 25 c.; “Trade of the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia and British South Africa for March,” price 3s. 6d.; “ Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France” (No. 191), April; “University of Illinois Bulletin (No. 64),1 Tests of Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Load,"' by A. N. Talbot and Willis A. Slater; Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Societe 1'Industrie Minerale'' (Tome 3, No. 5), May; “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers ” (No. 77), May; “The Journal of the Western Society of Engi- neers” (Vol. 18, Nos. 3 and 4), April, price 50 cents; “ Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 45, Part 2) ; “ Proceedings of the South Wales Insti- tute of Engineers ” (Vol. 29, No. 2); “ Institution of Mining and Metallurgy ” (Presidential Address, March 13, 1913, by Bedford McNeill). NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 11547. Weighing machines. J. P. Clifford and S.G. Murray. 11553. Method of and means for protecting and supporting pipes, tubes, conduits and the like when exposed to furnace flame or subject to other high temperature. R. C. Lyness. 11554. Machines for use in mining minerals, particularly adapted for use in mining coal and the like. Mavor and Coulson Limited and S. M. Mavor. 11557. Manufacture of steel. F. Rogers. 11564. Steam generators. J. Meikle. 11610. Conveyors. British Mathews Limited, B. C. Barton and P. C. Barton. 11703. Chills employed for hardening and annealing cast- metal cylinders and the like. A. H. Wheldon and G. Hands. 11712. Gas producers, coal distillation retorts and the like. W. Anderson, J. Meikle and C. W. Fulton. 11758. Method for removing or recovering certain sub- stances from coal gas. G. H. Hultman. 11760. Aerial rope railways and tramways. J. E. S. Darkers. 11769. Safety apparatus for mining cages. S. W. Richard- son and W. Staveley. 11774. Method and furnace for heating gases or the like. C. M. T. Olsson. 11775. Ors-concentrating tables. J. M. Holman and J. L. Holman. 11778. Manufacture of steel and apparatus therefor. G. J. Boyle (Viscount Chetwynd). 11789. Construction of furnaces and utilisation of heat. W. P. Draper. 11795. Method of mounting the wheels of hand trucks and the like on their axles. T. Wilding. 11807. Generation of steam for, and its application to, the driving of prime movers. W. Goodwin and A. Macrae. 11809. Detonators and safety explosives. E. Herz. 11813. Construction and operation of steam superheaters and generators. H. Cruse. 11814. Device whereby pins of shackles and the like are made secure. E. D. James. 11816. Pneumatic hammers for riveting, chipping, dressing and the like. Soc. Anon, des Ateliers Leonard RicourandF. Eloy. 11822. Apparatus for coating iron and steel plates with other metals. S. O. Cowper-Coles. 11827. Chains. L. Bayer and T. Jeremiah. 11843. Metal furnace. I. Hall. 11847. Welding rail joints. J. Wattmann and Tudor Accumulator Company Limited. 11848. Method of securing suction and delivery valve seats of pumps. J. Dugdale. 11858. Electric safety lamps for use in mines and other places. T. Harrison and A. S. Fraser. 11859. Hammers, picks, axes and similar tools. J. W. Shelley. 11871. Apparatus for rolling metal plates. W. Gilbertson and Co. Limited and D. Jenkins. 11876. Process for making cement and the like from the residues resulting from the burning of and extrac- tion of gas from household and street refuse, sewage, sludge and the like. J. Elsner. 11897. Utilisation of peat. T. Rigby and Wetcarbonising Limited. 11904. Manufacture of steel. F. Rogers. 11913. Continuous weighing apparatus or the like. W. and T. Avery Limited, and T. St. J. B. Parnall. 11914. Haulage rope grips. J. J. Baggott. 11916. Machine for reducing metal waste. G. H. Denison and C. Korte. 11921. Annealing furnaces. M. L. Jonesland S. Jones. 11925. Haulage clips. T. Legan and G. Price. 11933. Portable forge for heating purposes, such as rivets or any kind of metal. T. McNical. 11956. Combustion of combustible mixtures. C. D. McCourt and Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited. 11957. Furnaces or other heating apparatus. C. D. McCourt and Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited. 11958. Generation of steam. C. D. McCourt and Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited. 11959. Generation of steam. C. D. McCourt and Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited. 11968. Rotary well-boring apparatus. J. W. Mackenzie. (Arthur Gay Willard and Charles Edward Wilcox, United States.) 11971. Process of and apparatus for treating peat. J. Berglund. 11984. Method of and means for removing deleterious substance from tar, tar oils or pitch. H. C. Ross. 11996. Compressors. British Thomson-Houston Company Limited. (General Electric Company, United States.) 12024. Means for the prevention of shock when lowering mine cages on to the keps. D. Bannister and Bever, Dorling and Co. Limited. 12096. Fuel savers for steam boiler furnaces. J. T. McKee, T. E. Powers and J. S. Tait. 12111. Escape tube applicable to men or women imprisoned in submarines, ships, diving apparatus, and such like, and egress of torpedoes, mines and such like. J. C. Smith. 12119. Means for automatically gathering up slack in operating mechanism or gear, such as break- operating mechanism used on cars, wagons and other rolling stock. Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Company Limited, H. C. Grigg and N. Swift. 12136. Device to increase the air or gas supply to air- compressors, internal-combustion engines and the like. F. Dowling and F. P. Du Santoy. 12137. Methods of injecting and separating water in air- compressing plant. F. Dowling. 12164. Brickmaking appliances and brick trucks. O. von Horstig. 12169. Pendulum attachment for maintaining free the couplings of railway brakes. E. Rennison. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on June 12. 1912. 11597. Methods of equalising the load on systems of supply for direct-current electric motors. Eckmann. 11680. Manufacture of fuel. Butler. 11784. Armour plates. Fischer. 12364. Mining-machines. Van Slyke. 12505. Storing and charging of electric hand lamp and like secondary batteries, and apparatus therefor. Maurice. 12562. Process for obtaining gas from peat, oil, sawdust, or like material. Oligny. 12563. Process for obtaining gas from peat, oil, sawdust, or like material. Oligny. 13050. Obtainment of dry air for use in blastfurnaces and other like furnaces. Johnson. (Chemische Fabrik G riesheim-Elektron.) 13699. Apparatus for scraping and cleaning boiler tubes. Walker. 14494. Methods of mining coal, converting it into gas, and then conveying the gas from the mine. Hoadley. 15286. Means for use in the production of metal castings. T. Holcroft and Sons Limited and Holcroft. 16686. Steam superheaters for locomotive and like tubular boilers. Stirling. 16755. Brakes for railway wagons and like vehicles. Locker. 18153. Tarpaulin supports for railway wagons and the like. Williams. 18244. Underframes of colliery tubs and the like. Berrisford. 18349. Ironclad electric switch and distribution boards. Berry and Markham. 21330. Means for withdrawing water from the casings of steam turbines. G. and J. Weir Limited and Petermdller. 21671. Machines for sharpening the bits of rock drills and the like. Kimber. 21979. Ventilating mines and conveying mined material to the surface. Hartmann. 21980. Distribution of air for pneumatic hammers. Van de Poel. 21991. Process and apparatus for the treatment of coal, shale, or the like in vertical retorts. Waddell. 22334. Methods of and apparatus for adjustably securing ropes and the like. Marks (Tod). 22665. Governing mechanism for elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Company (1908.) (General Electric Company.) 23814. Fitting electric lamps to firemen's helmets. Angel and Creane. 23921. Means for engaging carriers with a travelling chain. Matthews, and Rownson, Drew, and Clydesdale Limited. 24435. Electro-magnetic ore separators. Rietkotter and Claes. 27198. Explosive compositions for use in detonators. Herz. 29802. Uni-flow steam engines. Davidson. 1913. 1121. Open-hearth suction gas-producers. Crossley and Fielden. 2395. Process of making an alkaline gelatinous electrolyte for galvanic batteries. Engle. 2396. Copper oxide plate for use in electric batteries and process of producing same. Engle. 4446. Valves or dampers for brick kilns. Foster. 6144. Buffers for railway and tramway vehicles. k Loft- house. 7758. Controlling tapped turbines. Bergmann Elek- tricitats Werke Akt.-Ges. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1912. 26302. Apparatus for making gas and coke. Nelsen. 1913. 10253. Regenerator coke ovens. Lecocq. 10984. Adjustable guide-wheels for centrifugal pumps, turbine^ pumps, and 'compressors, or the like. Neufeldt and another.