May 30, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1107 A—s KEITH CENTRIFUGAL FANS THE KEITH FANS ARE OF STRONG AND COMPACT CONSTRUCTION, AND GIVE LONG SERVICE WITH MINIMUM ATTENTION. THESE FANS ARE EXTENSIVELY USED FOR VENTILATION, INDUCED DRAFT, DUST EXHAUSTING, SMOKE REMOVAL, &c. James Keith & Blackman Co. Ld. 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. “Bowie” Underground Lamp Re-Lighter. Patented in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, U.S. America, in 1907-8, and since used with success and without accident in the most dangerous Mines injthese Countries. Adopted by the French Government for use in French Mines. DEFER ORDERING MINERS’ | ",...... Air-tight, Non-Inflammable, Gas-proof, Insulated & Non-external Sparking. Electric Contacts are fixed and there are no switches or secondary cur- rent to contend with. No cells or accumulators to replace. The Lamp is totally enclosed in gas- proof chamber when being re-lighted, and can only be operated by authorised persons. It can be used with absolute safety for igniting Lamps in the most gaseous atmosphere. Adapted to Ignite any form of Safety Lamps. impossible to generate an electric current from the apparatus until the Lamp-containing receptacle has been made perfectly air-tight. Always ready for use and its upkeep is practically nil. ELECTRIC LAMPS UNTIL SEEING Stand No. 104, Row J, AT THE GREAT MINING MACHINERY EXHIBITION, ROYAL AGRICULTURAL HALL, LONDON, MAY 29th to JUNE 7th. ± M. S. Electric Gas Detector Lamps. Further particulars may be obtained on application to— E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS LT? A=E^s PATENT EYE GUARD. OPEN VIEW; Back, Front & Side. Eyelets, 2s. single pair. Good Discounts for Quantities. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Approval guaranteed. W. J. FLETCHER, V.S. Wrexham, N. Wales. Telegrams—Fletcher, Vet, Wrexham. Telephone—No. 59. WILL BEAR THE F 1 MOST SEARCHING TESTS ! ABSOLUTELY SAFEST As proved by 23 years’ practical use in the most Fiery and Dusty Mines in the Country. AMVIS, NEGRO POWDER and DREADNOUGHT POWDER. tin no Nitro-Glycerine Safe to Handle. Cannot Freeze ALL ON PERMITTED LIST. ELECTRIC DETONATOR FUSES with “Tetryl” Detonators, Shot Firing Batteries, Cables, and all accessories. Address orders to— The ROBURITE EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD., GATHURST, nr. WIGAN. London Office:—103, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. Telephone < London—Bank 141. Numbers : t Gathurst—Upholland 9. (“Roburite, London,” t “ Roburite, Gathurst.’