May 30, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1105 fells “FIRE KING” SPRINKLING SHOVEL Patented FOR BOILER FIRING. Similar, but Better Effect than with Mechanical Stokers. Spreads the Fuel. No Caking. Less Smoke. Increases Efficiency of Boilers. Great Saving in Fuel. MORE STEAM GENERATED. MANY REPEAT ORDERS. See Stand 21, Row C. ■ I ! * Mining Machinery Exhibition. C. A. FELL, DRONFIELD, Near SHEFFIELD. How Steam User Can Every IF it wasn’t for the fact that a profitable use is made of the bye-products of many large industrial concerns, a number of articles in daily use would cost twice as much or more to produce. Mr. Steam-User, there’s a valuable bye-product in your plant. It’s exhaust steam, and we want to tell you how to use it, so that you can get the fullest advantage from it. By utilising your exhaust steam, Mr. Steam-User, you will surely make large additional profits — profits which are there and only need picking up. The “Exol” System for the utilisation of exhaust steam makes it possible by a proved, reliable method to obtain profits where loss was before. Do you know that by utilising only forty pounds of exhaust steam per hour, you will save ten tons of coal per annum ? Think how much you would save with a plant dealing with hundreds of pounds of exhaust steam per hourI The “Exol” System is the only thoroughly practical and proved system for efficiently utilising ex- haust steam, and we want every steam user interested in this new knowledge to write for our free booklet, which is brimful of steam plant facts. Send for your copy to-day, NOW. EXOL COMPANY, 66, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. Save Money HAULAGES AND THREE-THROW PUMPS TO DRIVE BY Air, Steam or Electricity. BRIQUETTE MACHINERY. IRON a STEEL FORCINGS. HAMMERED SHAFTS IN STOCK up to 16 in. diameter. WT.../., ,Wts,6E ■' " !’?5«hg THE USKSIDE ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Newport, Mon. a NEW COAL BREAKER. WHITAKER’S PATENT. Large coal reduced to uniformly sized cobbles or nuts, without any cost for labour. More equal and saleable cobbles made, with less slack than by other methods. BREAKERS MAY BE SEEN AT WORK IN SEVERAL DISTRICTS, BY ARRANGEAIENT WITH The HARDY PATENT PICK Co. Ld. SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND.