1100 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 30, 1913. WRIGHT’S FORCE & ENGINEERING CO. LTD. ---SOLE MANUFACTURERS- TIPTON & LONDON Polish Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFER'S LUBRICANT Regd. Trade Mark. TANDARD MACHINE GREASE AVING 80 TO 90 °/o OVER LIQUID OIL OLE MAKERS: TRIER BROS. CUMBERLAND WORKS, CAMBERWELL, S.E. | r J « Office: Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. | ilOUUOlle Patent ST AU *i«’ER and “TELL-TALE” Lubricators. Agent for Northern Counties: Mr. JOHN YOUNG* 9, Croft Terrace, Jarrow-on-Tynab ISCA FOUNDRY AND ENGINEERING CO., RAILWAY PLANT St GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works: NEWPORT, MON. London Office : 16 & 17, Devonshire Sq. Bishopscate St., E.C. NONEX A COVERING for COR- RUGATED IRON. Can show corrugated sheets painted in 1903 with it. G. & T. EARLE (1912) Ltd.. HULL. FOR THE PREVENTION of COAL DOST EXPLOSIONS —— USE ----------------------_____ ||OMCO ^PRAYING COMPOUND whieh hax proved itself a most efficient and lasting dust lager. SirsT=s- HULL OIL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., Stoneferry, HULL. MINERS’ PALM ETTO PACKING SAFETY LAMPS. ____________ FLAME AND ELECTRIC. ________ All LAMPS and GLASSES supplied by us comply with the COAL MINES ACT, 1911. DAVIS DEPUTY LAMP. GRAY-SUSSMANN ELECTRIC LAMP. Quotations given for complete Lamp Cabin outfits. ___________________ SEND FOR LIST 41 D.L. JOHN DAVIS A SON (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; & 17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. is made to conditions. . is most economical because it lasts so long in service. “ Palmetto ” meet difficult PLAITED round and square for large rods. rpATME.no TWIST on 1 lb. spools. For Globe and other small valves. Let us send you free working samples to prove economy. GREENE, TWEED & CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, LONDON, S.W. STANLEY Trade g^uiniuiiyiiiiinnhwmwMM* STANLEY >UONIJC The largest manufacturers of Surveying and Drawing Instruments in the World. Drawing Office Stationery supplied on the most favourable terms. A very large stock kept............ Please send for a copy of our “K 12” Catalogue (post free), and compare our prices with those of other first-class makers. ——— W. F. STANLEY*Go. Lo Export Dept.—Great Turnstile, Hol born, W.C. ■ Head Offices & Show Rooms— STANLEY’S NEW MODEL COLLIERY ______ i_ .1 .. i . ... M transit theodolite. 286, High Holborii, London, W.C, specially designed for Colliery Surveying.