10S6 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 23, 1913. operated switch 20. The coil of this switch is in series with the switch 21 and is connected to the mains. The contact bars 22 (and if necessary in parallel with these the contact bars 22’) are connected in series with the last- mentioned circuit. When the switch 21 is in the open position corresponding to that for rock or ore hoisting, then the coil 20 is out of circuit and the resistance 19 is in series with the controlling circuit. When raising persons the switch 21 is moved to the upper or closed position. The coil 20 may be energised and the resistance 19 short-circuited as soon as the contacts 22 or 211 are bridged over. This may be conveniently effected by means of the arms 18 or 18’, which as hereinbefore described carry the contacts for short circuiting the bars 17 and 171. The bars 22 and 21’ are arranged at such a position that they are not short- circuited until the arms 18 and 18’ arrive at a position corresponding to that of the respective skips at which the persons enter or leave. As soon as 22 or 22’ are short- circuited, the resistance 19 is also short-circuited and the total resistance of the controlling circuit is suddenly reduced to such an extent that the current in this circuit increases sufficiently to cause the hoist motor to be switched out. (Four claims.) HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 11165. Water-tube steam boilers. D. B. Todd. 11166. Safety signalling apparatus for use in mines. R. Nelson. 11172. Steam condensers. F. Hauswirth. 11190. Apparatus for casting metals in steel moulds or dies. C. H. Ivinson and E. le Bas. 11215. Grading and sizing machine. A. J. Fletcher, H. Becker, and F. W. Becker. 11226. Jib cranes, sheers, and the like. Babcock and Wilcox Limited, and H. N. Wylie. 11228. Method of manufacturing combustible substances in an agglomerated form. M. Rossi. 11235. Apparatus for converting rotary into reciprocating motion. H. W. Williams. 11244. Dry coal-cleaning machines. R. S. Baxter. 11251. Cranes. H. N. Wylie. 11260. Superheaters for locomotive and like boilers. North British Locomotive Company Limited, and W. Adamson. 11269. Injectors. H. E. Gresham and F. J. Gresham. 11282. Spraying or diffusing apparatus. P. A. Smithurst. 11305. Treatment of coal. J. Harger. 11307. Boiler tube scraping devices. A. Willis. 11313. Alternating-current commutator electric motors. Siemens-Schuckertwerke G. m. b. H. 11314. Centrifugal pumps. A. Mond. (Verein Chemischer Fabriken, Mannheim, Germany.) 11331. Drilling machines. A. Ash. 11336. Draught devices for use in boiler tubes. A. Ross. 11337. Automatic coupling gear for railway cars. T. Garankin. 11353. Car couplers. O. Imray. (National Malleable Castings Company, United States). 11354. Prevention of incrustation in boilers and the like. I. Radaeff. 11357. Tinning sheet iron. P. B. Taylor. 11363. Apparatus for applying lubricant to railway rails. O. W. Jones. 11370. Steel manufacture. British Thomson-Houston Com- pany Limited (General Electric Company, United States). 11374. Rotary converters. E. Schneider. 11380. Loading or unloading cargo from ships. W. E. Taylor and A. Franklin. 11385. Mechanism or plant for shipping coal. J. M. Thom- son, H. H. Jones, and W. C. Dougan. 11389. Boiler-tube cleaners. C. F. Lumb. 11400. Method of and means for separating different kinds of minerals or other substances such as coal, ores and the like. J. W. Blackhurst and I. Cartwright. 11430. Rotary magnetic separators. E. C. R. Marks. (Maschinenbau Anstalt Humboldt, Germany.) 11444. Apparatus for washing gases, applicable also for other purposes. A. J. Liversedge and W. B. Davidson. 11450. Process for recovering ammonia from products of incomplete combustion or destructive distillation. B. Mohr. 11458. Water-tube boilers. W. J. Mellersh-Jaokson. (Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay, Belleville, France.) 11464 Blades of propellers and fans. Emil Imle and Horenz and Imle G. m. b. H. 11471. Concentration of ores. H. H. Greenway and A. H. P. Lowry. 11486. Furnaces for steam boilers. W. R. Wills. 11487. Furnaces of the underfed type. W. R. Wills. 11501. Furnace fronts. J. Howden and Co. Limited, and J. H. Hume. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on June 5. 1912. 8369. Production of water-tight joints at the bolt or rivet holes of joined metal sheets and the like. Price. 10982. Riveting, caulking machines, and the like. Cross. 10983. Device for use in displacing rail-tracks laterally. Kleber. 11413. Gearing for driving and reversing planing machines for metals. J. Buckton and Co. and James. 11643. Extraction of tin and other metals from tin ores and slags. Gibbs. 11770. Buffer couplers. Cossey, Mitchell, Watson, and A. B. C. Coupler Limited. 13000. Steam turbines. Cross. (Pyle National Electric Headlight Company.) 16025. Manufacture of jaws for crushing machines. Farmer, Waddell, Hovell and Simpson. 17550. Telpherage. R. Dempster and Sons Limited and Toogood. 17655. Means for fastening the doors of closed railway wagons and like vehicles. Pettigrew. 20318. Driving chains. Renold, and Hans Renold Limited. 23450. Manufacture of explosives, fuses, detonators, percus- sion caps and the like. Jaques and Wells. 25676. Mechanical stokers for locomotive and like boilers. Kometter. 26045. Centrifugal separators. De Raasloff and Brown. 26885. Device for governing a steam turbine. Vereinigte Dampfturbinen Ges. 27149. Differential governors for the control of reciprocating steam engines. Das. 27417. Centrifugal apparatus for purifying, cooling, and washing gases. Theisen. 28571. Process and apparatus for testing metal sheets and plates. Erichsen. 28582. Process for treating carbonaceous material. Parker. 28712. Pailway chair keys and wedges. Parry. 29617. Apparatus for washing, grading, and concentrating ores, minerals, and the like. Michel. 1913. 691. Sheet iron pipe for subterranean uses. Allison (Internation Metal Products Co.). 1169. Device for utilising the waste heat of the Cowper apparatus in blastfurnaces. Pregardien. 1614. Steam or gas turbines. Weishaupl. 2301. Chocks for colliery tubs or wagons. Widdas. 2984. Forging axles and dies employed therein. J. Baker and Co. (Rotherham) and Baker. 6077. Steam turbines. Aktiebolaget Ljungstroms Angtur- bine. 7163. Automatic brick-cutting machine. Ruetz. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection) before Acceptance. 1913. 8848. Steam-generators. Schmidt. 10485. Rotary pumps or motors.! ^Tabard. 10563. Casings for the impellers of rotary blowers. Green. 10784. Scale-scrapers for boiler tubes. Niraseon. 10821. Ingot moulds. Bradford. 11007. Flywheel storage arrangements such as used in the electrical driving of hauling or winding machinery. Siemens Schuckertwerke. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Revue Universelle des Mines de la Metallurgic ” (tome 2, No. 1), April 5 “ The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society” (vol. 28, parts 1 and 2), 1912 “ The Mining Magazine” (vol. 8, No. 5), May, price Is.; “ Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale ” (Extrait January Issue); “Etudes sur 1’Affaissement du Toit dans les Travaux Chassants,” by A. Tsichevski; “ United States Geological Magazine—(Bulletin 471) Contributions to Economic Geology, 1910, Part 2, Mineral Fuels,’ by Marius R. Campbell; (Bulletin 501) ' The Bonnifield Region, Alaska,’ by Stephen R. Capps; (Bulletin 513), ‘ Pliocene and Pleistocene Foraminifera from Southern California,’ by R. M. Bagg, jun.; (Water Supply Paper 281) ‘Surface Water Supply of the United States, 1910, Part 1, North Atlantic Coast,’ by C. C. Babb, C. C. Covert and R. H. Bolster; (W.S.P. 283), Ditto, Part 3 : * Ohio River Basin,’ by A. H. Horton, M. R. Hall and H. J. Jackson; (W.S P. 299) ‘Water Resources of California, Part 2: Stream Measurements in San Joaquin River Basin,’ by H. D. McGlashan and H. J. Dean ; (W.S.P. 301) ‘ Surface Water Supply of the United States,’ 1911, Part 1: North Atlantic Coast, by C. C. Babb, C. C. Covert and R. H. Bolster; (Pro- fessional Paper 77) ‘ Gaology and Ore Deposits of the Park City District, Utah,’ by J. M. Boutwell, with con" tributions by Lester Hood Woolsey ”; “ The Engineering Standards Committee, ‘ British Standard Specification for Copper Tubes and their Screw Threads,’ ” published by Messrs. Crosby Lockwood and Sons at 2s. 6d. net; “Mines Department of the Union of South Africa: ‘ Statistics for the Month of March, 1913 ’ ” ; “ The Engi- neering Magazine ” (Vol. 45, No. 2), May, price 1s.; “ The Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 175, No. 5, May, price 50 cents. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. REPORT ON EXPLOSIONS AT THE CADEBY MAIN COLLIERY, 2s. Id. Return of Railway Accidents for 1912, 5d. Light Railways Act: Report for 1912, 2Jd. Consular Reports for 1912 : China, Pakhoi, 3 Jd.; Portugal, Cape Verde Islands, 3jd.; Greece, Patras, 3d. ; Mexico, Colima, 3Jd.; Belgium, Antwerp, 9d.; France, St. Pierre and Miguelon, 4Jd. ; China, Kiungchow, 3d.; Kiukiang, 3Jd. ROYAL COMMISSION ON METALLIFEROUS MINES AND QUARRIES : Fiftieth Day’s Evidence, December 20, 1912, 2s. Id. Board of Education: Reports of the Geological Survey, &c., for 1912. Is. 2Jd. COAL MINES : Order Approving the Oldham Miners Electric Safety Lamp (No. 296), ljd. Civil Service Examination Papers: Sub - Inspector of Quarries under the Home Office, February 1913, Is. Id. Explosive Substance (Order in Council), No. 481, Ijd. John Russell & Co. Ltd Alma Tube Works, WALSALL OXYGEN The KNOWLES OXYGEN Head Office: WOLVERHAMPTON, and at BROMBOROUGH PORT (Cheshire), GUARANTEE ALL THEIR For Gas, Steam, Water, &c. K WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, &c. GAS 99% PURE. WELDING & CUTTING llV^Hnngll PLANTS SUPPLIED. II I U llUU CH ■ THE “ PROTO (FLPATEIHSIS) RESCUE APPARATUS -------------------------------- IS THE - L ... NO INJECTOR EMPLOYED. ALWAYS UNDER POSITIVE PRESSURE, therefore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. All fatalities that have occurred have been with the Injector type. The “PROTO” has saved lives and an immense amount of property. It has never cost a life. Our bulletin of actual work done, sent free on request, will convince you as to its efficiency and reliability. Sole Makers: SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “ Neptune ” Works, And 187, Westminster Bridge Road. London, S.E. Telegrams, “ SIEBE, LONDON” Telephone No. 251 Hop. the KOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— The Keppers’ Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—" Kochs, Sheffield.”