May 23, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1049 fe Trade Mark. COLLIERY SYPHON POMPS ------------ A SPECIALITY. ------- LARGE STOCK for Immediate Delivery. Trade Mark. Single Plunger Type. Bucket Type. Ml I Bucket Type with Guide Motion. -It ^1111111111 Double Bucket Type. Write for “SYPHON” Pump List -----------TO- • JOSEPH EVANS t SONS WOLVERHAMPTON LTD.), Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telegrams—“Evans, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—Nat. 39. LONDON OFFICE: Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C. DEPOTS: Glasgow, Newcastle-on Tyne, Cardiff. Double Plunger Type. THE HEERLEN, DRILLING CO., HOLLAND. CONTRACTORS for COAL, OIL, WATER and all MINERAL BORINGS down to 6,000 ft. SPECIALISTS in PERCUSSION, DIAMOND and other ROTARY SYSTEMS. THE HOLLAND CORE BARREL enables CORES to be extracted from SOFT FORMATIONS and MINERAL DEPOSITS. MANUFACTURERS of DRILLING PLANTS combining the advantages of PER= CUSSION and ROTARY SYSTEMS with or without MUD FLUSH, providing a very rapid system for exploration of new territory and suitable for hard or soft formations, capable of giving cores when required. CONTRACTORS TO THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT. For estimates and particulars, apply to— THE MANAGER, Telegrams—“ Drillistic, London.’ Department “ C,” John Wells, Telephone—2273 Wall. Cross Keys House, 56, Moorgate Street, London, E.C.