May 9, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 991 THE SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK FOR 1913. (1,900 PAGES and a LARGE MAP of the WORLD). Price, Post Free—United Kingdom, 10/- net. Foreign Countries, 11/- Edited by MAJOR E. R. JONES. ---HEYWOOD & BRIDGE’S PATENT ' ' FRICTION CLUTCH INSTALLATIONS , SOME OF ITS CONTENTS. Admiralty and Board of Trade Directory. Board of Trade Regulations (latest). Chambers of Commerce and bhipping. Coaling Stations Collision Regulations (International). Customs Boarding Stations. DIRECTORY OF EVERY PORT IN THE BRITISH ISLANDS, giving particulars as to Accommodation, Depth of Water, Port and Pilotage Charges, Officials, Trade. DIRECTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL PORTS OF THE WORLD, arranged alphabetically DIGEST OF BRITISH SHIPPING ACTS, 1894-1912. Discharge and Engagunent of Crews. Documents required for Clearing Vessels. Dock, Wharf and Quav Loading Regulations. Fastest Merchant ships. Foreign Money, Weights and Measures. Freight Rates. Great Britain’s Trade with the World. Imports and Exports. International Load Line. LIFE BOATS AND L1FE-SAVING APPLIANCES. Lloyd’s Signal Stations. Load-line Tables (latest Revisions). Masters’ and Mates’ Certificates. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, as it affects Shipowners, Seamen and Firemen, and Shipyard Workers. Navies of the World. PILOTAGE LEGISLATION. Seamen’s Wages and Certificates. Ship Rules at Sea. Suez Canal and its Regulations. Submarine Bells. THE TARIFFS OF ALL NATIONS. World’s Output of Tonnage (1912). The “SHIPPING WORLD” Offices, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. OXYGEN. THE BRITISH OXYGEM CO. LTD., The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories In all Industrial Centres equipped exclusively with modern liquid air plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled purity, the only residual being a trace of nitrogen, as sanctioned and recommended by the Home Office Order of May 4th, 1912, for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS: LONDON...... Elvbrton Street, Westminster, S.W. ,, .... Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, S.E. BIRMINGHAM Saltley Works. CARDIFF ... East Moobs. MANCHESTER Great Marlborough Street. SHEFFIELD Celtic Works, Savile Street. NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE... Boyd Street. GLASGOW ... Rosehill Works, Polmadie. Write for N>w List No. 50. Speciality REPAIRS. 1 Pickering ’’ Governor. HOLL1NCDRAKE & SON, STOCKPORT. The Board of Trade Journal. The Official Organ of the Board of Trade. Published Weekly Threepence. Editid by thb Commercial Department or His Majesty’s Boaed or Traub. Contains each veek Information on Openings for Brltill Trade, Trade of Great Britain, the Colonies, and Forelgi Countries, Tariff Charges throughout the World, &c., Ao. and various Trade Notes of Importance to all Merchants Manufacturers, and Shippers. THE TIMES saysEverything, small or great, that concerns trade o traders, comes alike within its scope. There is hardly one of its chapter that might not be expanded into a volume, so compressed, so wid< sought, and so miscellaneous is the varied information which it convey* Its statistical tables and its extracts from consular reports abound ii Interesting facts. It tells us something of the contents of a dozen recen Blue Books, each of them as bulky as itself. Nothing, indeed, comei amiss to it which by any possibility or stretch of language can be in eluded under its comprehensive title.” THE MORNING POST says:—‘‘It is, as its many readers are aware, 8 record of the recent movements and present position of British anc Foreign Trade, compiled from reliable sources, and is a very valuable, ii not indispensable, publication to Merchants and others engaged ii commerce.” AU Application, for the Insertion of Advertisements in this Journal must be addressed— “The Board of Trade Journal” (Advertisement Department), 3, Wellington St., Strand, London. INTER- CHANGEABLE Gf!5 ENGINE DRIVE FROM 4-250 B.H.R BY OUR FRICTION CLUTCHES d 1 •i' f V . i -1 . w 1 ■ ® CD. fcf jmh HAVE SINCE RECEIVED REPEAT ORDERS ------y PATENTEES & SOLE MAKERS s. x ---... DAVID BRIDGE CO. LTD. — CASTLETON, MANCHESTER. London, 35,Queen Victoria St. E.C. THIS IS (1 ROUGH PHOTO TAKEN ON THE SITE SHOWING fl PORTION OF THE PLANT RUNNING& THE OTHER STOPPED “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (=‘) Steel Pit Girders & Colliery Rails a Speciality; also High-class Bar Iron for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS. STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS, Enquiries to— —...... ........ THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., SHSf Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C, Tsiagrapbic Address : “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address ; •• Sheltonian, London,,” Tel, Noo 886 First-class Medals— Paris, 1885 ? London. 1862. Gold Medals— Paris, 1878; Melbourne, 1881. ^EMBD55INCPRE55E5&DIE5'5Efil5'BRR55^MH>lRTE5^ M0ULDER5'LEnER5&FIGURt5IN-GRtflTYRRinT£ MRRK-NflME5TAMP5’BRRNDINGIR0N5’,V^aW^x k5ET50FLETTER&FIGURE-PUN[HE5-5TENai:PLflTE5^<>^W^>^ IkWffiW' mo C time yMwHMw ciiecks ) EDWARDPRY0R&50N. BRASS / 68.W15T5imD. k LABELS MEMMSHS mryynuLi.. '_——. - —' ' -4 CAMBRIAN LAMP fined with Magnetic Lock, Electric Ignition and Patent Automatic Lock on Bonnet E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Limited. Telephone—No. 7 P.O. Estd. i860. Tel. Address—“ Lamps, Aberdare.” OUR IMPROVED MINER’S SAFETY LAMP. The Strongest, most perfect and up-to-date Lamp in the Market. The lighting arrangement is easy and certain in its operation. Our Magnetic Lock is absolutely unpickable, having stood the test of many years’ use at the largest Collieries in the country. Our method of re-lighting underground by means of Bowie’s Patent Self Contained Re-lighter is proved to be safe and effective. Complete Installation of Lamps and Accessories on the Hire system. Lamp Rooms fitted on approved modern lines. Makers of the Cunningham-Cadman Gas Detecting Device. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE. Cambrian Lamp Works, Aberdare, S. Wales.