May 9, 1913. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 965 There is no change in best house coals, but in the better qualities of bituminous a slight advance has taken place, No. 3 Rhondda large being now 19s. No. 2 large is 17s. The quantity of coal shipped coastwise from the Welsh ports during March was 293,622 tons. Cardiff was credited with 147,058 tons, of which Southampton took 39,000 tons, London 34,427 tons, Liverpool 25,417 tons, and Bristol 13,539 tons. From Newport there were despatched 57,999 tons, Swansea 32,512 tons, and Port Talbot and Briton Terry 18,090 tons. Shipments of patent fuel last week were 35,803 tons, of which 16,103 tons were exported by the Crown Company, 3,000 tons by other local makers, 15,000 tons by Swansea, and 1,700 tons by Newport makers. Best brands are still held for 26s. Furnace coke is rather more, being 25s. to 26s., but special foundry is still quoted at 32s., and ordinary qualities at 29s. to 30s. Pitwood has ■fallen to 20s. per ton. Prices f.o.b. Cardiff (except where otherwise stated). Current Last week’s 'Steam coals:— prices. prices. Best Admiralty steam coals 22/ to 23/ 21/6 to 22/ 21/6 to 22/ Superior seconds 21/ to 21/3 Ordinary do 20/ to 20/6 20/ Best bunker smalls 15/ 14/6 to 14/9 Best ordinaries... 14/6 1 14/ Cargo qualities 13/9 to 14/3 13/6 to 13/9 Inferior smalls 13/ to 13/6 12/9 to 13/ Best dry coals 20/6 to 21/ 19/6 to 20/6 Ordinary drys 19/6 to 20/ 17/9 to 18/3 Best washed nuts 17/6 17/6 Seconds 16/6 16/6 Best washed peas 16/ 16/ Seconds 15/ 15/ Dock screenings 15/3 to 15/6 15/9 Monmouthshire— Black Veins 20/3 19/6 to 19/9 Wes tern-valleys 19/9 18/9 to 19/ Eastern-valleys 19/3 18/ to 18/3 Inferior do 18/3 17/6 to 17/9 Bituminous coals:— Best house coals (at pit) 19/6 19/6 Second qualities (at pit) 17/6 17/6 No. 3 Rhondda— Bituminous large 19/ 18/6 Through-and-through... 18/ 17/6 Small 16/6 16/3 to 16/6 No. 2 Rhondda— Large 17/ 17/ Through-and-through... 16/ 15/6 Small 14/ 13/9 to 14/ Best patent fuel 26/ 26/ Seconds 24/6 to 25/ 24/6 to 25/ Special foundry coke 32/ 31/ to 32/ Ordinary do. 29/ to 30/ 29/ to 30/ Furnace coke 25/ to 26/ 24/6 to 25/ Pitwood (ex-ship) 20/ 21/