950 THE COLLIERY GLARDIaN. Mat 9, 1913. STEWARTS AND LLOYDS LTD. Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes & Fittings SPECIAL JOINT FOR COLLIERIES THE ALBION” LOOSE FLANGE JOINT. 41,Oswald St, Glasgow. Nile St., Birmingham. These Tubes are specially suitable for use in Mines, being both light and strong; Joints are easily connected, and a Tube can be removed without disturbing the run. See page Advertisement April 4 issue. Uli IM . — .............................. TO A.C. POWER USERS. THE USE OF HELSBY PATENT CONDENSERS will enable you to INCREASE THE CAPACITY OF YOUR PLANT IF WORKING AT A LOW POWER-FACTOR. When you remember that a machine working1 at unity power=factor will give MORE THAN TWICE the output than when working at a lagging power=factor of ’8, you will realise the importance of ascertaining how this inefficiency may be remedied. For full particulars, apply to our local branch for Pamphlet H68. BRITISH INSULATED AND HELSBY GABLES LTD., Head Office - - Prescot, IGancasliLire. Works ________________________.... Prescot and Helsby. BRANCH OFFICES ANO AGENTS— LONDON—Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand. MANCHESTER—2, Parsonage, Blackfriars. GLASGOW—260, St. Vincent Street. BIRMINGHAM—9, Livery Street. CARDIFF—1 & 2, Western Mail Chambers. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE—33, High Bridge< DUBLIg—17, Crow Street. BELFAST—11, Queen Street. Also at Melbourne, Johannesburg, Capetown, Durban, Montreal, ^Mexico, Buenos Ayres, Bombay, Calcutta, Rangoon, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Constantinople, Cairo, Bilbao, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Christiania.