May 2, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 925 PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES 66 The Leading Permitted Explosives are EXCELLITE. KOLAX. RIPPITE.” Nitrate of Ammonium Explosive for Hard Coal. High Explosive for Soft Coal, powerful Explosive for Pit - Sinking, Ripping, A Driving and Tunnelling. 66 BOBBINITE $ NO DETONATOR REQUIRED. Method of Fixing Electric Powder Fuse. Damp-Proof Permitted Pellet. Has the LARGEST SALE of any 66 9 PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES which have already passed the new Home Office Test; fired unstemmed into Gas and Coal Dust. u §UPER“EXCELLITE. A powerful Explosive suitable for Ripping & Hard Coal. “ SUPER-KOLAX For Coal getting. Curtis’s & Harvey’s Electric Detonators and Powder Fuses. Specially tested and Strongly Recommended. Detonators, Firing Cables, Warming Pans, and all Accessories for use with Explosives. Full particulars and prices upon application to Sole Manufacturers:— CURTIS’S & HARVEY ltd neAD 0PF'CE: CANNON STREET HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Depots in all Colliery districts.