888 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Apbil 25, 1913 MACHINERY, Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT A SON, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers. ready for immediate delivery:— Other sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 1001b. working pressure. 30 ft. „ 8 ft. „ 1601b. 30 ft. „ 8 ft. 6 in., „ 1201b. 8PURR, INMAN & CO. LTD,9 Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. Locomotives of every description, Col- liery or main lines; COAL CUTTER MACHINES to undercut up to 6 ft.—YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD., Meadow Hall Works, Sheffield. rphe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., JL CYMRIC BUILDINGS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Telegrams—” Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). FOR SALE. RAILWAY WAGONS.—Several hundred 10-tonners for prompt delivery, new and old specification, for cash or redemption hire; all now in main line traffic. Also Wheels and Axles and Wagon material, new and second-hand. STEEL RAILS with Accessories when required. STEEL FLANGE BAILS.—About 125 tons, good as new, about 75 lb. per yard, principally 24 ft. lengths, with accessories to match, ready for immediate delivery. SPECIAL OFFER TO SAVE REMOVAL.-140 tons new slightly defective Steel Flange RAILS, 351b. per yard, British standard pattern, 3| in. by 3J in., with or without fastenings. 16 sets of POINTS and CROSSINGS, made from steel flange rails, 501b. per yard, about 4 in. high. THUNDERBOLT HAMMER DRILLS.—Catalogue on application. LOCOMOTIVE.—Two 4 wheels coupled, cylinders 10 in. by 16 in. and 9 in. by 15 in., 1401b. pressure. Situations Vacant A Wanted. For Sale at low price, one 250-kw. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, 210 volts, one 175-kw. do., 250 volts, and one 52-kw. do., 210 volts; in excellent order.—Particulars on application to Box 5016, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. MACHIKERY-contlnued, IMPORTANT NOTICE For Sale, three 750-kw. Willans Parsons Triple Expansion Turbo GENERATOR SETS, 440 volts, alternating current three-phase; each set complete with Surface Condenser, Exciter, &c. ; will sell sets together or separate ; have done very little work; immediate delivery and very low price.—Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM 9k CO. LTD., Staines. For Sale, 5010-ton Spring-buffer Wagons, built 1905, and other good parcels.—Full particulars on application to BRITISH WAGON CO., Rotherham.. We have acquired from Sir Wm. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., several sets of high-class Corliss Geared Horizontal Engines in first-class condition. Arrangements may be made for one of the above to be seen working (others being dismantled). For particulars and price, apply— R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Ings Foundry, Wakefield. Telephone 44. Telegrams—” Engineer, Wakefield.” Advertisements can be received at the Office of the* Colliery Guardian, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, E.O.>t up to TEN O’CLOCK on Friday mornings for insertion the same day. Charge (which must be prepaid): One Penny per word minimum, 2s. 6d. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded free of charge. Copies of Testimonials—not originals—should accompany applications for situations. Where possible, information will be given in these column* when appointments advertised have been filled up. Wanted, a competent Electrician; must thoroughly understand colliery electrical machinery and coal, cutters, and be able to take charge; also an Assistant —Apply, Box 5191 Colliery Guadian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Wanted, an energetic, practical and experienced first-class certificated MANAGER for a Warwickshire - colliery, whose chief duties will be the supervision of work underground ; must oe a six o’clock man.—State age, references, and salary required, to Box 5197, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, . London, E.C. TT nder - Manager, experienced and vJ capable, required for small thin seam colliery in North-east Lanca- shire.—State age, salary, &c., Box 5218, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31,. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Dismantlers of Gas, Chemical, and Col- LIERY PLANT.—PIRTH BLAKELEY, SONS & CO. LTD., Church Fenton, Leeds, make a speciality of buying and dismantling, and offer best prices for metals all descriptions. Boilers and Machinery (good Second- hand) for sale ; if you are requiring Boilers, Engines, or other plant, please send us particulars as we shall probably have something suitable to offer you.—JOHN STRINGER A SON, Dept. 11, Blackburn. RH. Longbotham & Co. Ltd, Wake- • field,who buy and sell extensively Machinery of every description, will esteem it a privilege to tender for the purchase and dismantlement of Plant. Telegrams: **Engineer, Wakefield.” Telephone: 44 Wakefield. Catalogue on application. Qpecial.—Economic Type. Boiler, 18 ft. KJ/ long by 8 ft. diameter, 1501b. working pressure, just been completely retubed; equal to largest Lancashire boiler made, and no seatings required, all fittings, chimney, &c . ready. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironworks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, almost new “ Beiliss-Silver- town,” 150-kw. Steam Balancer ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, 250 volts, 180 lb. steam pressure; to be seen erected.—Box 5198, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Practical Mechanical and Electrical ENGINEER wanted for a large colliery in Co. Durham; must be a six o’clock man, and thoroughly steady and reliable; good salary paid to competent man.- Address applications, stating age and wage required, to- Box 5212, Colliery uuataian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn,. London, E.C. Wanted, Colliery Winding Engines, from 20 to 30 in. cylinders.—State price and where to be seen, Box 5199, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival st., Holborn, London, E.C. VATanted, First-class Certificated Colliery ▼ V MANAGER, highly trained, thoroughly experienced and reliable^ in all duties, surface and underground; must be fully capable of supervising sinking and thoroughly acquainted with the laying out of a large colliery; state age, salary required, and details of experience, with testimonials ; none • but competent men need apply.—Box 5209, Colliery Guardian Office* 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ir Compound Tandem Winding ENGINES, cylinders 21 in. and 36in. by 60 in. stroke, 1601b. steam pressure; pair 30in. by 5ft. WINDING ENGINES; pair 22in. by 4ft. WINDING ENGINES; pair 18 in. by 4 ft. WINDING ENGINES: pairs 18£ in., 16 in. and 12 in. Horizontal ENGINES; two Sunderland Forge Triple Expansion High Speed ENGINES and D.C. DYNAMOS, cylinders 9in., 14^ in.. 23^in. by 10 in. stroke, 380 r.p m., Dynamos 168'kw., each 220 volts; pair 18Jin. by 11 in. Vertical ENGINES; Loco. Type BOILER. 140 lb. pressure; 3-ton LOCO. CRANE, all motions; 2'ton ditto; Evans Cornish D.A. RAM PUMP, 22 by 10 by 24; No. 7 PULSOMETER; Lancashire BOILER, 30ft. by 7ft. by 80 lb.; 15 ft. Capell FAN. B. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. For Sale, 30 ten - ton Spring - buffer WAGONS, built 1898 by Chas. Roberts & Co., good condition.— Apply, Box 5203, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. One 80-H.P. High-class Loco. Type BOILER, by Davey Paxman & Co., to re-insure at 1751b. working pressure; complete with all fittings and mountings. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironworks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. Wanted, thoroughly competent and. experienced ASSISTANT to firm of mining engineers ; well versed in laving out of large collieries and supervision of sinking operations ; must have first-class manager’s certificate —State age, salary, experience, &c., Box 5210, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn,,. London, E.C. FOR SALE. Practically new INGERSOLL RAND STEAM- DRIVEN TWO-STAGE AIR COMPRESSOR, class “ A. A-2,” steam cylinder 18 in. diameter, air cylinders 20J in. by 13J in., 18 in. stroke, capacity 1,115 cubic feet of free air per minute; has worked only THOS. W. WARD LTD., Albion Works. Sheffield. For Sale, 2 Second-hand “ Siskol ” Coal- CUTTING MACHINES, been very little used.—Apply, Box 5206, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Situation Wanted as Cashier, Accountant, kJ} double entry : present situation 25 years; first-class references; colliery closing.—Reply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5083, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31,. Furnival-street. Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, 13 in. six wheels Coupled Saddle Tank LOCO , by Hunslet Engine Co., equal to new.—Apply, Box 5211, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ATTanted by experienced Man, age 3V V V years, position as DEPOT MANAGER or WHARF CLERK ; II years in last situation ; good references ; reasonable wage. — Apply* “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5091, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, 50-H.P. Vertical Diesel Oil ENGINE (Mirrless, Bickerton & Day), heavy flywheel 8ft. diameter and driving pulley, injector and air starting reservoirs; nearly new, low price, immediate delh ery.—WILLIAMS & SONS, 73, Queen Victoria- street, London. For Sale, 16in. cylinder Horizontal Steam ENGINE, by Tangye, with 8 ft. belt flywheel and high-speed governors; low price, room wanted.—J. T. WILLIAMS A SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London. 1 Turbo - Generator JL 5 V/ Vv V.7 (Parsons). 700-h.p. Compound Tandem STEAM ENGINE, 20 in. and 34 in. by 54in. Paxman EC’MIO BOILER, 9 ft. by 14 ft., 1801b. High-speed Enclosed ENGINES and DYNAMOS. BOILERS, PUMPS. Portable and Fixed ENGINES. Write for lists, specifications and drawings HABRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., STAINES. XTTanted, a Post by competent Man as- ▼ ▼ LEDGER CLERK or TRAVELLER; 20J years’ experience.— Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5092, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. AV7'anted by a Competent Accountant, V v age 56, position as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERK; highest references as to character and ability.—Reply, “B.A.C.T.,” Box 5107,. Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, 7-^ in. Plunger Vertical Three- throw PUMPS, direct driven by 9in. cylinder Vertical Engine; set of 5Jin. ditto, motor driven, 100 volts 141 amps., by Hayward-Tyler, suitable for boiler feed.—WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London. For Sale, 150 Sets of Hadfield’s best Toughened CAST STEEL WHEELS, 15in. diameter, fitted with Hadfield’s special fast method on steel axles 2 in. diameter for inside bearings, gauge 2ft. 6 in.; also six cylindrical iron Water Tanks, capacity 280 gallons. —The whole of the above are in good condition, and can be seen at any time at POWELL’S NAVIGATION COLLIERY, Talywain, Mon. ll/rining Engineer with 20 years’ experi- 1 v 1 ence of colliery management, is open for re-engagement; excellent references.—Apply, Box 5184, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, two excellent pairs of 11 in. HAULING ENGINES, at present fitted with single drums 4ft. 9 in. diameter by 4 ft. 9 in. wide, geared about 5 to 1, provision made for second drum on each engine; practically equal to new condition. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironworks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, nearly new pair 8 in. by 14 in. CAPSTAN ENGINES, with two drums, geared 30tol.—Box 5217, Cotliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTIC E CLO TH on good commission only.—Address,FAIRCLOUGK A SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. PATENTS PROPERTIES. FOR SALE 50 tons of new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, with Fishplates to suit, cheap for quick delivery. 100 tons of new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 18/25 lb. per yard, quick delivery. Fifty 1-yard Steel Side-tipping Wagons, 24 in. gauge. 20 capital second-hand Crane Skeps, cheap. Also 3/400 yards of capital second-hand 18 in. and 24 in. gauge Portable Railway, with Points and Crossings; also Tip Wagons to match. 500 tons specially selected hard Steel B.H. Rails, about 80 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 4/500 tons of splendid second-hand 50/56 lb. Flange Rails, with Fishplates, Points and Crossings, &c., to match. 2,000 * ......... • - - - Herbert Haddan & Co., Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers, 31 & 32, Bedford-street, Strand, W.C., London, beg to call the attention of Engineers, Manufacturers, and others to the following important ENGLISH PAT ENTS, the Proprietors of which are desirous of arranging by license or otherwise on reasonable terms, for the manufacture and commercial development of the inventions in this country. LIFTING GEAR FOR MINES. No. 1160, of 1912. CONTROL MECHANISM FOR THE CAGE LIFTING DEVICES OF MINING APPARATUS. No. 1167, of 1912. For particulars mentioning number and year of the patent, address HERBERT HADDAN & CO.. Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers, 31 & 32, Bedford-stieet, Strand, W.C., London. South Yorkshire Colliery for Sale; total reserves 60 million tons best house and gas coals; particulars to principals only.—Box 5200, Cilliefy Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C MISCELLANEOUS. A Firm of Brokers and Agents in Trieste desire to represent in Austria a firm of colliery or coal and coke • exporters.—Address, “ENERGETIC AGENTS,” Box 5190, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. DO YOU WANT TO YX/'rought Iron Plates.—Agents Wanted V V for sale of superior welding qualities—Apply, Box 5208, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Cash Scrap, Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. LOCOMOTIVE Also Purchase Hire Terms arranged. -- WRITE CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, ENGINEER AND IRONFOUNDER, Emlyn Engineering Works, NEWPORT, M0N< Or Wire—“Machinery, Newport, Mon.” Telephone—National No. 18; G.P.O. 576. N.B.—Locomotive and all other Engineering Repairs done by experienced Boilermakers and Mechanics, with suit- able machinery and facilities. Lowest Prices for Cash. A gents Wanted in different Coal Mining- ia. districts to represent new method of pit sinking, making speciality < of dealing with large feeders of water.—Replies, Box 5207, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. EDUCATION. TTniversal Mining School. Lessons by Post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams Syllabus free. . T. A. SOUTHERN and H. W. HALBAUM, The U.M.S., 215, Cardiff. FOR SALE. SECOND-HAND STEAM BOILERS, — including — by 8j ft t re-insure 1301b. pressure. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines' /Colliery Managers’, Inspectors’, and Sur- VEYORS’ CERTIFICATES. Correspondence Tuition. Exam. Guides Is.—PENNINGTONS, University Tutors, Oxford-rd., Manchester. 80 Four LANCASHIRE BOILERS. 28 One ditto 28 ft. by 8 ft., ,, 1001b. Two ditto 30 ft. by 7i ft., ,, 1401b. One ditto 20 ft. by 6 ft., 801b. Three M ECONOMIC” BOILERS. 14 ft. by 8 ft., 1601b. One VERTICAL BOILER, 7J ft. by 3Jft., .. 901b. „ One ditto 8 ft. by 3J ft., Also *» 801b. „ Three Green’s FUEL ECONOMISERS, each of 192 pipes, built for 1301b. working pressure. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO., LTD., NHWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress, — Telegrams—** Locomotive.” CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS. ** free on application. Inspection invited. fHO? w. ward limited, ■ Tel.—M Forward, Sheffield.” New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 15 in., 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality, GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. SUMMER MINING SCHOOL OF SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. Short Courses as follows for three weeks - during month of August, at University College, Cardiff, and County School, Penarth. 1. SURVEYOR’S COURSE at Penarth. To meet requirements of the Coal Mines Act, 1911. 2. ENGINEER’S COURSE: Mining, Mechanical, and Electrical Engi- neering (Laboratory work), and Practical Mathematics. 3 ARCHITECTS’ and BUILDERS’ COURSES. 4. TEACHERS’ COURSE: Geo ogy (Lecturesand Field Work), Physics- and Chemistry. This Course has been specially arranged to meet the requirements of Teachers engaged in or preparing for work at Evening Schools or Technical Classes. 5. ELECTRIFICATION OF COLLIERIES. Special Evening Course. One Hundred Hours’ Instruction will be given in Courses 1, 2, 3, and 4. Penarth, with its beautiful sea frontage, is a delightful place fora Summer holiday. Full particulars, prospectus, and forms of application, from the CHIEF EDUCATION OFFICIAL, County Hall, Cardiff. 10th April, 1913. ALBION WORKS. SHEFFIELD. PECKETT & SONS, ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. %* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges, see Page 862 (Leader Page). Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guabdiam Company Limited, 80 & 81, Furnival Street. Holborn, London. E.C. Fbiday, Apbil 25, 1913.