April 25, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 869 No. 25. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— ’ JI. Gasbeleuchtg. = Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung Berg- Hiittenmann. Rdsch. = Berg- und Hiittenman- und Wasserversorgung. nische Rundschau. Bull. Imp. Inst. — Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belgique = Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de Belgique. Canad. Engin. = Canadian Engineer. Canad. Min. JI. = Canadian Mining Journal. Chem. Tr. JI. = Chemical Trade Journal. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and < oke Operator. Coal Tr. Bull. = Coal Trade Bulletin. Colliery Guard. = Colliery Guardian. Concr. Inst. = Concrete Institute. D Bergwerks Ztg. = Deutsche Bergwerks Zeitung. D. Kohlen-Ztg. = Deutsche Kohlen-Zeitung. Engin. Contract. = Engineering Contractor. Engin. Min. JI. = Engineering and Mining Journal. Engin. Record = Engineering and Building Record. Geol. Soc. = Geological Society. Helios Export Zt. = Heilos Export Zeitschrift. Ilium. Eng. = Illuminating Engineer. Iron Coal Trades Rev. = Iron and Coal Trades Review. JI. Am. Soc. Meeh. Eng. - Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. I JI. Soc. Chem. Ind. = Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. | Meeh. World = Mechanical World. I Metallurg. Chem. Engin. = Metallurgical and Chemical ' Engineering. Mines Minerals = Mines and Minerals. Min. Inst. Scot. = Mining Institute of Scotland. Min. Science = Mining Science. Min. World Eng. Rec. = Mining World and Engineering Record. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistiche Rundschau. Nat. Gas JI. = Natural Gas Journal. N. Staffs Inst. Min. Eng. — North. Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Proc. Aust. Inst. Min, Eng. = Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Mining Engineers. Rev. Noire = Revue Noire. Soc. Chem. Ind. = Society of Chemical Industry. Stahl Eisen = Stahl und Eisen. Stein-Braunkohle = Stein und Braunkohle. Techn. Bl. = Technische Blatter. I Tiefbohrwes. = Tiefbohrwesen. Trans. Inst. Min. Engin. = Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. Trans. N. Engl Inst. Min. Engin. = Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Z. Berg.- Hutten Salinwes. = Zeitschrift fur das Berg. Hutten- und Salinenwesen im Preussischen Staate. Z. D. Geol. Ges. = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Z. Int. Ver. Bohring. = Zeitschrift des Internationaler Ver eins der Bohringenieure und Bohrtechniker. Z. Geologie — Zeitschrift fur Praktische Geologie. Z. Oberschles. Berg- Hutten- Ver. = Zeitschrift des Oberschlesischen Berg- und Hiittenmannischen Vereins. Z. Ver. D. Ing. = Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure. Z. Zentr. Berg. Betriebsl. = Zeitschrift des Zentral- Verbandes der Bergbau-Betriebsleiter Oesterreichs. *** We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive of postage. Chronology of Mine Accidents in the United States. “ Min. World Eng. Rec,” vol. 38,4, p. 167-71. Is. 3d. State Inspections of Mines in Pennsylvania. Thomas K. Adams. “ Coal and Coke Op,” January 9. (Before Coal Min. Inst, of Am.) 2s. 3d. Relative Hazard of All Vocations in Relation to Mining. H. Davis. “ Coal and Coke Op,” January 23, 1913, p. 54. 2s. 3d. III. Geology. The Advancement of Geology by Deep Boring. (Die ' Forderung der Geologie durch Tiefbohrungen.) O. Schneider. “ Tiefbohrwes,” 1912, 23, p. 101-3; 24, p. 105-6; 25, p. 110-11. 6s. Life of the Connellsville Coke Region. H. A. Kuhn. “ Coal Tr. Bull,” January 1, 1913, p. 41. The Soft Coals of the Bering Field. W. R. Crane. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 8, p. 298-300; ill. Is. 3d. The Occurrence of Brown Coal in Saxony. (Die Braunkohlenvorkommen des Koenigreichs Sachsen.) “ Z. Geologie,” 1912, 9, p. 381. On the Origin of Hard Coal. (Ueber die Entstehung der Steinkohle.) H. Potonie. “ Tiefbohrwes,” 1912, 21, p. 93-4; 22, p. 97-8. 4s. Stratigraphic Results of Deep Boring in the Biihlach Coalmine (Bavaria). (Stratigraphische Ergebnisse einer Tiefbohrung am Biihlac im oberbayerischen Kohlenrevier.) W. Koehne. “ Z. D. Geol. Ges.” 1912,1, p. 63-4. The Diffusion of Molybdenum in the Coal Measures of Liege (Belgium). (Sur la Difusion du Molybdene dans le Terrain Houiller de Liege.) A. Jorissen. “Bull. Soc. Chim. Belgique,” January 1913, p. 21. The Geology and Palaeontology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. R. D. Vernon. “ Colliery Guard,” vol. 105, 2726, p. 639; 2727, p. 714. (Abst. paper read before Geol. Soc.) Is. The Formation of Coal. F. Bergius. “ Colliery Guard,” vol. 105, 2729, p. 802. (Abst. paper read before Soc. Chem. Ind.) 6d. IV.—Mine Surveying. A Treatise on Mine Surveying. B. H. Brough. Rev. ed, cr. 8vo, 7f by 5£, 372 p. 0. Griffin. 10s. On the Uniform Execution of Mine and Ventilation Maps. (Uber einheitliche Ausfuehrung der Gruben- und Wetterkarten.) Otto Braun. “ Montan. Rdsch.” January 1, 1913, p. 5 ; ill. 2s. 6d. Survey Marks. “ M.E.” “ Colliery Guard,” vol. 105, 2729, p. 817; 1 fig. 6d. Office Methods in Mine Surveying. R. J. Donaldson and C. W. Matters. “ Proc. Aust. Inst. Min. Eng.” New series, No. 7, September 30,1912. Suppl. No. 1, 26 p.; ill. I.—General. An Outline of Mine Accounting. H. B. Fernaid. “ Engin. Min. JI,” vol. 95, 1, p. 5-8. Is. 6d. Economical Organisation in Mining. (Wirtschaftliche Organisation im Bergbau.) A. Macco. “ Bergwirtsch. Mitt,” January 1913, p. 1. History of the Early Days of the Coalmining Institute of America. Wm. Seldon. “Coal Tr. Bull,” January 15, 1913, p. 47. (Paper read before the Institute.) The Coal Resources of the British Crown Colonies and Protectorates, Part 2. “ Bull. Imp. Inst,” December 1912, p. 621. Germany’s Coal Resources. (Die Kohlenvorraete Deutschlands.) “ D. Kohlen Ztg,” 1912, 29, p. 348-9. Is. 3d. Development of Coalmining Industry of Japan. “ Min. World Eng. Rec,” vol. 37, 26, p. 1185-8 ; ill. Is. 3d. Our Future in the Export Trade, III. F. R. Wadleigh. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 10, p. 364-8. (Third and con- cluding article on this subject. This instalment discusses the monetary value of different export coals of the world and gives a careful analytical comparison. The question of transportation to the loading ports is also discussed in detail.) Is. 3d. Business Reports of the Coal Merchants’ Unions. (Die Geschaef ts- berichte der Kohlenhaendler-Vereine.) Polster. “D. Kohlen Ztg,” 1912, 22, p. 249-50. Is. 3d. Economic Value, Organisation and Self-protection of the Coal Trade. (Volks wirtschaftlicher Wert, Organisation und Selbsthilfe des berufsmaessigen Kohlenhandels.) “ D. Kohlen Ztg,” 1912, 23, p. 261-3. Is. 3d. The Organisation of the Saar Coal Trade—a Saar Coal Syndicate. (Die Organisation des Saarkohlenhandels- ein Saarkohlensyndikat.) “ D. Kohlen Ztg,” 1912, 41, p. 489-90. Is. 3d. On a Peculiar Method of Improving the State of the Coal Trade and the Protecting it against Attacks. (Eine merkwiirdige Art den Kohlenhandel zu bessern und ihn vor Angriffen zu schiitzen.) “D. Kohlen Ztg,” 1912, 21, p. 237-9. Is. 3d. Tests and Improvements in Prussian Mining during 1911. (Versuche und Verbesserungen beim Berg- werksbetriebe in Preussen waehrend des Jahres 1911.) “ Z. Berg-Hutten Salinenwes,” 1912, 1, p. 8047; 67 fig. On Some Mining Disasters in Great Britain. (Uber einige Grubenkatastrophen in Gross Britannien.) Seidl. “ Berg.- Hiittenmann. Rdsch,” vol. 8, 2, p. 11-4. Land and Mining Surveying: As Applied to Collieries and other Mines. G. L. Leston. Cr. 8vo, 8J by 5J, 382 p. 0. Lockwood, 1913. 10s. V.—Mining Technology. Coal: Its Origin, Method of Working and Preparation for the Market. F. H. Wilson. Cr. 8vo, p. 140. Pitman. 2s. 3d. The Construction of Mine Models. O. Trickett. “ Proc. Aust. Inst. Min. Eng.” New series, No. 6. Suppl. No. 2, June 30, 1912, p. 1. VI.—Working of Minerals. Coal Winning by Means of Electric Percussion Machines. (Kohlengewinen mittels elektrischer Stossmaschinen.) R. Grimshaw. “ Kohle Erz,” 1912, 46, p. 1177-82, 47, ' p. 1207-14; 8 fig. 5s. Mining Coal from the Top. A. Fullerton. -“Canad. Min. JI,” vol. 34, 4, p. 109; ill. Rearer Workings at Podmore Hall Collieries. W. Barber. “Colliery Guard,” vol. 105, 2727, p. 699. (Abst. paper read before N. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. The Gas and Oil Well Problem. R. D. HaU. “Coal Age,” vol. 3, 7, p. 257-8; 3, 8, p. 296-7; diag. (The Bureau of Mines called a conference of those interested in the drilling of gas and oil wells through coal beds). 2s. 6d. Gas and Oil Wells in Coalfields. G. S. Rice. “Coal Age,” vol. 3, 8, p. 292-5; ill. (On the proper methods of drilling and casing gas and oil wells in coalfields, and on the legislation needed for the regulation of the same. The author here suggests tentatively the discontinuance of the practice of leaving pillars around wells and the protection of boreholes by other means.) Is. 3d. Improvements in Rock Drills and Drill-sharpeners. McDonald. “ Min. World Eng. Rec,” vol. 38, 2, p. 69-71; ill. Is. 3d. Diamond Bit for Rock Drills. (Diamantbohrkrone fuer Gesteinbohrmaschinen.) “ Tiefbohrwes,” 1912, 25, p. 111-2 ; 4 fig. 2s. Boring Speed. (Die Bohrgeschwindigkeit.) “Z. Int. Ver. Bohring,” 1912, 2, p. 21. The Modern Substitute for the Diamond-drill Method of Boring. (Der moderne Ersatz der Diamantbohr- methode.) A. E. Liwer. “ Z. Zentr. Berg. Betriebsl,” January 15, 1913, p. 32 ; ill. Suggestions for Laws and Regulations in the Matter of Boreholes Passing through Workable Seams of Coal. O. P. Hood and A. S. Heggem. “Nat. Gas JI,” vol. 7, 3, p. 128-31.