868 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Arril 25, 1913. COKTRACTS OPEB FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Birkenhead, May 5.—The Corporation of Birkenhead are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of washed slack, or washed small coal, and screened coal, to be delivered at the pumping stations of the Springhill, Flay- brick Hill, Borough-road, Mount-road and Ford Water- works, and the Hind-street water stores for a period of 12 months, commencing on July 1, 1913. Forms of tender and specification, together with any further information, may be obtained from Mr. J. W. M. Richardson, A. M. Inst. C.E., water engineer, 52, Balls-road, Birkenhead. Tenders, stating the price per ton delivered at the various pumping stations and the water stores, Hind-street, must be sent in to me sealed and endorsed “ Tender for coal and slack, Water Committee,” not later than 5 p.m. on Monday, May 5, 1913. All deliveries to be made from time to time according to the requirements of the water engineer. The parties whose tenders may be accepted will be required to enter into a contract containing a clause as to the payment of the rate of wage?, and the observance of the hours of labour recognised and agreed upon between the trades unions and the employers in Birkenhead or in the locality in which the work for carrying out the contract is executed, as the case may be. The Corporation do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest or any tender. James Fearnley, town clerk, Town Hall, Birkenhead. Cheltenham, May 14.—Tenders are invited for 12 months* supply of rough small steam coal, delivered on to the electricity works siding on the Midland railway at Cheltenham, from July 1, 1913. Specifications may be obtained from the town clerk. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal,” must be addressed to the town clerk, Municipal Offices, Cheltenham, and must reach him before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 14, 1913. Walter J. Bache, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Offices, Manchester- street, Cheltenham. Eastbourne, May 1.—The directors of the Eastbourne Gas Company are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 40,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh-wrought gas coals, delivered at Eastbourne railway station during the year ending August 31, 1914. The deliveries to be in about equal monthly quantities. Payment in cash monthly. Particulars and forms of contract may be obtained from the secretary. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. They also reserve the right to accept the whole or a part of any tender received. Tenders, sealed and endorsed “ Tender for coals,” to be addressed to the chairman of the company, at the offices, 10, Sussex- gardens, Eastbourne, on or before May 1 next. James S. Gerrard, secretary. London, May 5.—Tenders are invited by the South Suburban Gas Company for the supply of any quantity up to 150,000 tons of screened or unscreened gas coals, deli- vered at the company's works, Lower Sydenham and Bromley, during the ensuing 12 months, or as may be arranged. Particulars as to delivery, &c., can be obtained of the company's engineer, Mr. S. Y. Shoubridge. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Sealed tenders, marked “ Tender for coal,” to be addressed to the chairman of the company, and delivered to their offices not later than Monday, May 5. Wilfrid Wastell, secretary, Gas Offices, Lower Sydenham, S E. London, May 19.—The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of St. Marylebone invite tenders for the supply of coal and best gas coke for the period commencing July 1, 1913, and ending June 30, 1914. Tenders must be made on the printed form to be obtained, with further particulars, upon application at the Town Hall, Marylebone-lane, Oxford-street, W. Tenders must be sealed and delivered at the Town Hall to the undersigned in envelopes endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke,” not later than 4 p.m. on Monday, May 19 next. The Council will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. James Wilson, town clerk, Town Hall, Marylebone-lane, Oxford-street, W. Sheffield, May 2—The Electric Supply Committee of the City Council are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 5,000 tons of coal delivered at the electricity generating station, Club Mill-lane, Neepsend, Sheffield. Particulars and forms of tender, together with conditions of contract, may be obtained from the undersigned on payment of the sum of 10s. 6d.. which will be refunded on receipt of a bond fide tender. Tenders, enclosed in official envelope provided, to be delivered not later than 10 o’clock a m. on Friday, May 2, 1913. The committee do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest or any tender. The tender will incorporate conditions which provide (inter alia) for com- pliance with the Council's form of clauses respecting wages, hours and conditions of labour, and prohibition against assigning or sub-letting. S. E. Fedden, general manager and engineer, Commercial-street, Sheffield. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Belfast, May 1.—For a supply of 125,000 tons of best screened gas coal, for the Corporation, delivered free, and trimmed, in barges at Belfast Harbour, between August 1, 1913, and July 31, 1914. Blackpool, April 28.—For the supply of gas coals and nuts for one year, for the Corporation. Brecon, May 6.—For the supply of 3,000 tons of gas coals, large, cobbles, nuts, peas, or slack, and cannel, for the directors of the gas company. Brinscall (Lancs), May 1.—For the supply of gas coal, for the Withnell Urban District Council, for the year ending March 31, 1914. Broadstairs, May 7.—For the supply of about 7,000 tons of best Durham or Yorkshire gas coal, for the directors of the gas company. Colchester, May 2.—For the supply of coal and coke, for the Tendring and Lexden and Winstree district sub- committees, for one year from June 25, to all or any of the elementary schools in the districts of Tendring and Lexden and Winstree. Dover, May 5.—For supply and delivery of 4,000 tons small steam coal of the north-country or Midland descrip- tion for use at their electricity works, for the Electricity Committee. Forfar (Scotland), May 8.—For the supply of gas coal, sulphuric acid, (144 degs. Twaddel, delivered in tank wagons), meters, pipes, fittings and furnishings, for the Corporation. Helensburgh, April 30.—For the supply of (1) gas coal and nuts; (2) 90 per cent, benzol, all to be delivered free at Helensburgh, for the Corporation, for the year ending April 30,1914. Hemel Hempstead, April 30.—For the supply of 600 tons (more or less) of slack coal, for the year ending June 1914, for the Corporation. Inverness, April 28.—For the supply of cannel, gas, and splint coals, to be quoted f.o.r. at pits and f.o.b. at ports on the Firth of Forth; also for freight and insurance of coals from Firth of Forth to Upper Harbour, Inverness, in steamers carrying about 300 tons; also for the discharge of seaborne coals and trimming of same at gasworks when required, for the Gas Commissioners. Johnstone (Scotland), May 3.—For supply of coal for 12 months from July 1, for the Corporation, delivered at the Gasworks, Johnstone. Kirkcaldy, April 30.—For the supply of coals for the various departments of the Corporation. Also for the supply of cast iron work, &c., and stores for the Surveyor's Department. Kirkintilloch, April 29.—For coking coals, triping and nuts, for the period ending May 15, 1914, for the Corporation, delivered free at gasworks siding, Kirkin- tilloch. Larkhall (Scotland), April 29.—For the supply of 4 500 tons Virtue well coal, for the directors of the gas company. London, W.C., April 29.—For supply of coal and coke to the various stations of the Board during period from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914, for the Metropolitan Water Board. London, May 6.—The London County Council invites tenders for the supply and delivery, from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914, (a) of coal of various descriptions for the pumping stations, sludge vessels, ferry boats, &c., in the Chief Engineer’s Department (Schedule No. 87), and (b) of coal of various descriptions and coke for the several offices, schools, fire stations, tramway depots, parks, &c (Schedule No. 88). Clerk of the Council, County Hall, Spring-gardens, S.W. London, May 14.—Sealed tenders for military services, during 12 months, from July 1, 1913, will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, May 14, 1913, by the general officers commanding the various districts. Officer Com- manding, Army Service Corps. Lymm, April 30.—For the supply of coal, coke and cut firewood (bundles), for the Cheshire County Council (Lymm Administrative Sub-District for Education). Manchester, May 1.—For the supply of best burgie coal for Walton House, Harrison-street, Ancoats, and Ashton House, Corporation-street, for a period of 12 months from June 1, for the Corporation. Montrose, April 28.—For supply of about 3,000 tons of best quality screened gas coal and washed nuts, delivered f.o.r. (or f.o.b. Firth of Forth ports) in such quantities as may be required till May 31,1914, for the Montrose Gaslight Company. Ramsgate, May 12.—For the supply of 22,000, 44,000 and 66,000 tons (one, two and three years' supply respectively) of best quality soft caking and gas-producing screened Durham or other coal, for the Corporation, delivered free into carts on the quay at Ramsgate Harbour, or free into the stores at the gasworks. Bathdrum, April 28.—For supply of 200 tons of best Wigan coal (screened) and 50 tons of Irish coal, at per ton, for the Guardians. Rhyl (Wales), May 5.—For the supply of 5,400 tons of screened gas coal and 100 tons of best house coal, for the Urban District Council, delivered f.o.b. Rhyl. Rothesay (Scotland), April 28.—For the supply of about 9,000 tons of gas coal, to be delivered for the year from May 15, 1913; and also tenders for freight of same to Rothesay for the same period, for the Corporation. Rothwell (Northants), April 29.—For the supply of about 1,500 tons of best quality screened gas coal, washed nuts and peas, for the Urban District Council. Salford, May 1.—For the supply of coal and cannel required at the gasworks during the period of one year, for the Corporation. Stoke-on-Trent.—For the supply of washed gas fuel required at the gasworks of the Corporation at Burslem, Fenton, Longton and Stoke-on-Trent during the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Stranorlar (Ireland), April 28.—For supplying 80 tons of the best double-screened Cumberland or Whitehaven coal and 25 tons of the best Glasgow splint, for the Guardians. Tavistock, May 2.—For the supply of 90 tons of good house coal and 90 tons of steam coal, for the Guardians. Thornton, April 30.—For supply of about 1,500 tons gas coal, nuts and slack, 300 tons steam coal, 50 tons office coal, for year ending June 30, 1914, for the Thornton Urban District Council. Tonbridge (Kent), April 29.—For supply of 8,000 tons of gas coal during period from June 1 to March 31,1914, for the Tonbridge Gas Company. Wickham Market, May 5.—For supplying the work- house at Wickham Market with 80 tons of Bestwood cobbles, or coal of equal quality, and 80 tons of hard steam coal, for the Plomesgate Guardians. Workington, May 5.—For the supply of 10,000 tons (screened round, hand-picked; partly screened, unscreened, washed double and single nuts, and peas) gas coals, for the Corporation. date given is the latest upon which tenders ean be received, ^■TRACTS OPEH FOR BNGIIKER1IG, IROB AID STEEL WORK. Ac. Abergavenny, April 29.—Cast Iron Water Pipes, fyc.— For the supply and delivery of cast iron water pipes, lead pipes, stoneware pipes, cast iron manhole covers, for the Corporation. Alnwick (Northumberland), April 28.—Pipe-laying.— For providing and laying 500 yards of 4 in. cast iron socket pipes and fittings near Den wick Quarry, for the Rural District Council. Bradford, May 3.—Turbine Pumps.—For the supply of two petrol motor propelled turbine pumps and one petrol motor propelled fire tender, for the Corporation. Bridgnorth, May 3.—Purifier Alterations.—For altera- tion of purifier connections, and addition to scrubber at the works, River Side, Bridgnorth, where plans and specification can be seen, for the Corporation. Burslem, May 13.—Boring.—For the boring and lining of borehole No. 2 in connection with the Oak Farm water supply, for the Alsager Urban District Council. Cashel (Ireland), April 24.—Well Sinking .—For sinking well at Freighduff, in Cashel Rural Electoral Division ; sinking well at Springfield, in Knockgraffon Electoral Division, for the Rural District Council. Christiania (Norway), May 8.—Centrifugal Pumps.— H. M consul at Christiania (Mr. E. F. Gray) reports that tenders are invited for the supply to the Christiania Electric Works of two electrically-driven centrifugal pumps.* Darlington, May 3.—Pumps—For the supply, delivery and erection complete at the Waterworks, Broken Scar, of pumps, of a capacity of 2,000 and 1,850 gallons per minute respectively, for the Corporation. Dublin, May 1.—Switchboard—For the supply of one E.H.P. sub-station switchboard and accessories, and altera- tion to existing E H P. switchboard, for the Corporation. Felixstowe, May 5.—Generating Set.—For one 150-kw. Diesel- i riven direct-current generating set, for the Felix- stowe and Walton Urban District Council. Hartlepool, May 1. — Railings and Gates. — For 98 yards of iron railings and three pairs of entrance gates for Redheugh Close Improvement, Hartlepool, for the Corporation. Hoylake (Ches.), May 5.—Alternator.—For the supply, delivery and erection of (a) 400-kw. alternator, to be coupled to triple-expansion Beiliss engine, (b) evaporative condensing plant, for the Hoy lake and West Kirby Urban District Council. King’s Lynn, May 5 —Dynamo.—For the supply, delivery and erection of one 400-kw. steam dynamo, with condensing plant and pipework, for the Corporation. London, W., April 29.—Bridge Girders.—For the supply of about 200 tons of steel bridge girders and other iron and steel work of British manufacture, for the directors of the Great Western Railway Company. London, E.C., May 1.—Fencing Material.—For (1) fencing materials, (2) cast iron straining pillars, for the directors of the Assam-Bengal Railway Company Limited. •London, S.W., May 6.—Steel Rails.—For the following, for the directors of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Company Limited:—(1) About 500 tons steel rails (broad gauge) ; (2) about 4 861 tons steel rails (metre gauge); (3) about 47 tons steel fishplates (broad gauge) ; (4) about 160 tons steel fishplates (metre gauge); (5) about 4,417 tons cast iron pot sleepers and fittings; (6) 2,500 steel tires for carriages and wagons; (7) 575 steel axles for carriages and wagons. London, S.W., May 6.—Tramway Track Rails, fyc.—For the supply and delivery of about 3,200 tons of steel girder tramway track rails and fastenings of British standard section; of about 2,100 tons of track rails of special section, with renewable guard flange and fastenings, and about I, 400 tons of slot rails and conductor tees, for the London County Council. Morecambe (Lancs.), May 3.—Bored Main.—For the supply of 450 yards of 4 in. cast iron turned and bored main, for the Corporation. Newcastle-on-Tyne, April 30.—Goods Wagons.—For the supply of 25 second-hand high-sided goods wagons, for the Tyne Improvement Commissioners, delivered at Albert Edward Dock, by Percy Main. Newcastle-on-Tyne, May 2. — Flat-bottom Rails and Fishplates.—For the supply and delivery of 200 tons of flat- bottom British standard steel rails, 80 lb. per yard, and 8 tons of fishplates, for the Tyne Improvement Commis- sioners. Newcastle-on-Tyne, May 2.—Locomotive Tank Engine. —For the supply and delivery of one locomotive tank engine for the Tyne Improvement Commissioners' North- umberland and Albert Edward Docks. Pentyrch, April 29.—Water Mains.—For providing and laying 2,433 lineal yards, or thereabouts, of 3 in. cast iron water mains, with the necessary valves, fittings, &c., for the Llandaff and Dinas Powis Rural District Council. Roughton Heath (near Cromer), May 3.— Well.—For the construction of either a well or a borehole at Roughton Heath, near Cromer, for the Erpingham Rural District Council. Teignmouth, May 5.—Exhausting Set.—For the provision and erection of a new exhausting set at the gasworks, for the Teignmouth Urban District Council (Gas Department). Thornton-le-Fylde, May 1.—Gasholder.—For supply of a telescopic gasholder, 80,000 cubic feet capacity, and a small luteless purifier, for the Gas Committee. Thornton-le-Fylde, May 1.—Gasholder Tank.—For the construction of a brick and puddle gasholder tank, 54ft. diameter by 21 ft. deep, for the Gas Committee. * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, EC. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The following is the official return of the quantity of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ended the 18th inst.:—Foreign: To Antwerp, 719 tons; Bergen, 1,206; Bermuda, 801; Christiania, 3,805; Copenhagen, 1,100; Dieppe, 1,285; EsbjArg, 727; Gefle, 3,946; Gothenburg, 2,235; Hamburg, 947; Havnef jord, 648; Helsingborg, 2,971; Malmo, 748; Rotterdam, 394; and Ystad, 2,148; total, 23,180 tons. Coastal—To London, 100 tons. In the corresponding week last year there were no exports, due to the effect of the coal strike.