820 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 18, 1913. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The outward freight market has been rather quiet this week, and, of course, there is nothing doing for Belgian ports. On the north-east coast, the amount of business done is extremely limited. Mediterranean rates from the Tyne are firming up somewhat, although there is, as yet, no quotable change in prices paid. The Baltic is better, at from 5a. 4|d. to 5s. 6d. to Cronstadt. The Bay is quiet, at 5s. to Bordeaux. Coasting rates are still based on about 3s. to London, and from 3s. 3d. to 3s. 4|d. to Hamburg. At South Wales not a great deal of chartering has been done. There is a better tendency for handy-sized steamers, and rates are a shade stronger. At the Clyde, business is quiet at steady figures. The Humber market is more active, with greater firmness for Cronstadt and for the Baltic generally. Other directions are unaltered. Homewards, transactions barely attain the average in number. Black Sea advices report a severe restriction in business, but larger arrivals of grain at the ports. Tonnage is scarce and rates are steady. The Azof and Danube are similarly affected. Eastern markets are quiet, but forward enquiry is larger and the tone firm. The Mediterranean and ore trades are unaltered. The Baltic is firm. America is dull. The River Plate is slow and unchanged. Tyne to Bordeaux, 2,400, 5s. ; 3,000, 5s. l|d., from Dunston ; Bari, 3,200, 10a. 3d. coals and 600 tons bricks, 12s. 3d. coke ; Boulogne, 1,200, 4< 6d. ; 1,700, 4s. l|d. ; Cronstadt, 1,900, 5s. 4|d. ; 2,700, 5s. 4£d. ; 3,000, 5s. 6d. ; Cherbourg, 700, 6«. 6d.; Dover, 1,000, 3s. 3d. ; Genoa, 4 000, 9s. ; 3 500, 9s. ; Hamburg, 2 600, 3s. 3d. ; 1,800, 3s. 4jd. ; Honfleur, 1,100, 4s. 10|d. ; Havre, 1,800, 4s., from Dunston ; Lisbon, 1,700, 7s. 4|d., from Dunston ; Las Palmas, 9s. ; Naples, 4,100, 9s. 3d. ; Oran, 1,400, 7s. 9d., 400 ; Porto Ferrajo, 4 800, 9s. ; Riga, 2,700, 5s. 3d. ; Rotterdam, 2,500, 3s., from Dunston ; Teneriffe, 9s. Cardiff to Alexandria, 4,000, 10s.; 500, April 23; Aden, 6.600, Ils. 9d., April; Algiers, 3,200, 10 fr.; Brindisi, 7,000, 10s.; 500, end April; 7,000, 10s. 3d.; 3,400, 10s. 6d„ April; Bari, Ils.; Bordeaux, 1,400, 6 fr.; Cape Verds, 2,200, 9s. 6d., April; Carthagena, 900, Ils., f.t.; Cork, 750, 4s. 6d.; Cux- haven, 1,400,4s. 6d.; Constantinople, 4,000, Ils. 6d.; Cadiz, 1,200, 8s. 6d.; Dakar, 2,200, 9s. 6d., April; Dieppe, 960, 4s. 6d.; Granville, 700, 5s., basis; Genoa, 3,400,9s.; 4,100, 8s. 9d.; Grimsby, 800, 3s. 4d.; Hamburg, 1,400, 4s. 6d.; Honfleur, 2,200, 4s. 6d.; Inverg^rdon, 1,400, 3s. 9d., Admiralty; Las Palmas, 3,000, 8s. 6d. April; 5,600, 8s. 6d., April 28; Malta, 5,300, 8s.; Monte Video, 14s. 9d , April; Maranham, sail, 1,000, 19s.; Marseilles, 5,000, 11 fr.; Naples, 5.300, 8s. 9d.; 600, lOd.; Pernambuco, 3,000, 16s., April; Para, 5,200, 15s. 6d.; Pembroke, 3s. 6d.; Port Said, 5,500, 9s. 6d. April 28 ; 5,800, 9s. 3d.; 6,500, 9s. 6d. ; River Plate, 6,000, 15s., end April; 3,600, 15s. 3d., April; 5,200, 14s. 9d., April 28; 4,500,15s. l^d, April 25 ; Rio de Janeiro, 5,500, 15s. 9d., April; Sables, 1,400, 6 fr.; Sierra Leone, 3,000, 13s. 9d.; Savona, 3,400, 9s.; Spezzia, 3,400, 9s.; St. Malo, 1.600, 4s. 6d.; Santa Liberata, 3,800, 10s. 3d. (? 9s. 3d.). Sveaborg, 1,700,6s. 3d., 500; Teneriffe, 3,000, 8s. 6d., April. Glasgow to Barcelona, 1,600, 9s. 3d.; Buenos Ayres, p.t. Methil to Trieste, 4,000, Ils.; Venice, 2,800, Ils. 9d. Antwerp to Buenos Ayres, sail, 22s. Hartlepool to Hamburg, 3s. 4|d. Newport to Venice, 6,000, 10s. 6d., early May; Ancona, 6,000, 10s. 6d., early May ; Naples, 5,400, 8s. 3 i.; Bordeaux, 2,900, 6 fr., 500 ; Nantes, 2,900, 6 fr., 600; Torre Annunziata, 2.600, 9s. 9d., 400 ; Civita Vecchia, 2,600, 9s. 9d., 400; Marseilles, 1,500-2,000, part cargo, 10| fr.; 5,000, 11 fr.; Gibraltar, 1,600, 8s. 3d., April; Genoa, 3,400, 9s.; 6,300, 8s. 6d.; Savona, 3,400, 9s.; 6,300,8s. 6d.; Spezzia, 3,400, 9s.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,500, 15s. 9d., April. Llanelly to Stockholm, 1,400, 6s. Port Talbot to Alexandria, 5 500, 9s. 9d., April. Wear to Bordeaux, 3,000, 5s.; 3,400, 5s. Blyth to Cronstadt, 3,500, 5s. 4|d.; 4,000, 5s. 6d.; 3,100, 5s. 6d.; London, 750, 4s. 3d.; Boulogne, 900, 4s. 6d.; Dover, 1,000, 3s. lid. Hull to Pernau, 1,300, 5s. 3d.; Buenos Ayres, 6,000. 14s. 9d., 250, 15s., 200, May 10; Cronstadt, 3,150, 5s. 6d.; 4.300, 5s. 6d. ? Baltic port to Melbourne, sail, 80s. Swansea to St. Servan, 1,400,4s. 3d.; Rouen, 2,200, 4s. 9d.; 800, 5s. 3d.; 800, 5s. l^d.; London, 1,700, 4s.; Caen, 1,100, 8s.; Marseilles, 1,300, 11 fr., April 28; Calais, 1,600,4s. 4|d.; Charente, 1,200, 5| fr.; Stockholm, 1,200, 6s. Boston to Copenhagen, 700, 5s. 3d. Fredrikstadt to Melbourne, sail, p.t. Goole to Antwerp, 1,100, 5s.; Dieppe, 1,200, 4s. 6d. Leith to Cronstadt, 2,000, 5s. 6d. Sundswall to Alexandria, 1,000 stds, 80 fr., balks. Forth to Cronstadt, 3,200, 5s. 7|d.; Sundswall, 1,100, 5s. 10|d.j Riga, 2,250,4s. 10|d. Rotterdam to Barcelona, 9s., April; Malta, 8s. l|d., April; Rochefort, 2,400, 5s.; La Pallice, 3,400, 4s. 9d., April 23; Bordeaux, 2.800, 4s. 10|d. steam coals, 5s. 7£d. fuel, April 21; Algiers, 3,100, 9 50 fr., April 23; Bagnoli, 5,000, 8s. 9d.; Porto Ferrajo, 5,000, 8s. 9d.; Piombino, 5,000, 10s.; Ergasteria, 2,000, Ils. steam coal, 13s. 6d. coke, April 25. Seaham Harbour to Aberdeen, 650, 3s. 6d.; Nice, 2,000, 9s'6di Homeward charters:— Marianople, 4,400, Rotterdam, 10s. l|d., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; 3,400, 10s. 3d., with 3d. less barley, 1,000 tons heavy guaranteed, April-May ; 2,700 max., 10s. 3d., with 3d. less barley up to half-cargo, 800 tons heavy guaranteed, ppt.; Azof, 4,500, Rotterdam, 10s. l£d., with 3d. less barley, April; 18,000 qrs., 10 per cent. (400), Ils. n.c. or any, Ils. 6d. Hamburg, April-May; 7,200, Rotterdam 10s. 3d., Emden or Weser 10s. 6d., Hamburg 10s. 9d., with 3d. less barley, May 5-20; 5,300, Emden, 10s. 9d., with 3d. less barley, April-May; Kurrachee, 7,500, Hull or Antwerp, 17s. 6d., May-June; 2,308 net, 17s. 4|d., June 10-30; 18s., London, with 2,000 tons seed guaranteed; 4,507 net, Birkenhead 15s. 6d., other p.p. 15s. 9d., early May; Saigon, 8,300-9,000, Marseilles, Havre, Dunkirk, Hamburg, Liverpool, three ports, 29s. 6d. rice, 32s. meal, Is. less if two ports discharge, April-May; Calcutta, 2,323 net, Penang, Rs. 6 6, April-May ; 4,928 net, U K.-Cont., 25s. on d.w., May; 8,570 net, U.K. - Antwerp-Holland, p.p., 25s. on d.w., net terms, May; Gulf timber port, 2,352 net, River Plate, 160s, May ; 1,100 stds., 10 per cent., 160s., May-June ; 1,050 stds., Greenock and Cardiff, 110s. ; Buenos Ayres and La Plata, 6,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom- Continent, 19s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., xlpril ; 5 400, 10 per cent., 18s. 6d., o.c., less 6d., April 19-30 ; 5,500, 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 18s., no reduction, April 15-25 ; 6,300, 10 per cent., 18s., no reduction, with options, April ; San Lorenzo, 5,200, 10 per cent., Antwerp, 20s., April; 1,825 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 21s. 4£d. o.c., less 6d., May ; 21s. 6d., o.c. ; 7,000, 10 per cent., 20s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., option Bahia Blanca same rate or Buenos Ayres Is. 6d. less, with other options April; 4.000, 10 per cent, 20s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., Colastine Is. extra, April 20-May 10 ; Bahia Blanca, 7,200, 10 per cent., Rotterdam, 19s. 3d., April; 7,000, 10 per cent., L.H A.R., 18s. 9d., with part oats 2s. extra, May; Hornillo Bay, 3,700, 5s., ppt. ; 3,400, Glasgow, 6s. 9d., April ; 2,000, Newport River, 5s. 4|d, ppt.; Benisaf, 4,500, Barrow, 7s. 6d., f.t., April; Huelva, 3,500, Pensacola, Mobile or New Orleans, 9s. 6d, f.d., April ; Bilbao, 3,800, Oslebshausen, 5s. 3d., April ; 2,500, Cardiff, 4s. 10|d., ppt.; 3,400, West Hartlepool, 4s. 10|d., gppt.; 1,600, Middlesbrough, 4s. 10|d., ppt.; Sagunto, 4,800, Kratzwick, 7s. 3d., April; nitrate ports, sail, 30s., United Kingdom- Continent, less 9d., season ; 29s. 9d. ; 3,200, 30s. 6d., less 9d., September-October; 30s. 3d., less 9d., October-November; 30s., October-November; Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 21s., direct nitrate port; 48s., West Coast South America and home; Melbourne, sail, 30s., United Kingdom-Continent; time charter, States and West Indies, 5s, three months; 5s. 3d., one round trip; 5s. 6d., one round trip, delivery and redelivery States; New York, 19s. 6d., Rio de Janeiro or Santos; La Plata, 19s., United Kingdom-Continent, Glen charter; 6,400, 10 per cent., 18s. o.c., no reduction direct, with Mediterranean options, ppt.; Fremantle, sail, 32s., United Kingdom-Continent; Novorossisk, 7,500, Rotterdam, 8s. 6d., April; South Australia, 2,470 net, United Kingdom- Continent, 32s. 6d., May; 2,504 net, 33s., option Melbourne, Geelong loading 32s. 6d., or Sidney 34s. 6d., with other options, May; Durban, 2,882 net, Penang, 9s., June ; Algiers, 3,000, Cardiff, 5s., mid-May ; Wilmington, 41s. 3d., Liverpool or Bremen, May; Danube, 6,000, Rotterdam 10s. 9d., Antwerp 11s., with 3d. less barley, May 10-June 10; Bombay, 4,066 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 19s. one port, 19s. 6d. two ports, on d.w., May ; Barreiro, 1,850, Rotterdam, 6s. 3d., April 21; St. Nazaire, 1,200-1,300, Grangemouth, 3s. 9d., ppt.; time charter, Transatlantic trade, 4s. l|d., one round trip, delivery United Kingdom-Continent and home, via Gulf; South Africa, 8s. 6d., Bombay or Kurrachee, May ; New Caledonia, 36s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, July- August; Ghenitchesk, 3,600, Rotterdam, 10s. lid., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; Kherson or Nicolaieff, 17,000 qrs., 10 per cent., (480), Belfast, 7s. 7id., ppt.; Sulina, 6,200, Rotterdam, 9s., with 3d. less barley up to half cargo, April-May; 3,600, 10s. 3d. n.c. or any, 10s. 9d. Hamburg, with options, April; 5,300, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 9s. 9d., April; South Japan, 4 602 net, Bombay, Ils., April-May ; Burmah, 6,600, United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. 3d. o.c., Alexandria, 23s. 9d., April- May ; Limiona, 5,000, Glasgow, 7s., ppt.; Thermia, 4,100, Glasgow, 7s. 9d., ppt.; Dicido, 3,200, Rotterdam, 5s., ppt.; South Australia, sail, 1.500, United Kingdom-Continent, 35s., option South Africa, 30s., ppt.; Geraldton, sail, 24s. South Africa, option 32s. 6d. United Kingdon-Continent, May. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Apex Mines Limited.—In the directors’ report for the year ended December 31, 1912, it is stated that the net profit from the coal section amounted to £37,490; the balance unappropriated from the previous year was <£10,207, and the total amount thus available has been applied as follows: To dividend No. 16, £15,000; to Government tax on coal-winning profits, .£2,011 ; to directors’ special remuneration, £750, leaving a balance unappropriated of £29,936. Negotiations for the amalgamation of the com- pany with the Benoni Consolidated Gold Mines Limited, and the provision of working capital, have been proceeding for some time. The reports of the consulting engineer and manager deal with the work of the colliery. The output was 203,198 tons, a decrease of 16,212 tons as compared with last year. The company, in conjunction with the other members of the Transvaal Coal Owners’ Association, has entered into a fresh agreement with that association for a further period of five years from July 1 next. A* W. M. Syndicate Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £500 in Is. shares, to carry on businesses and operations connected with coal and other mineral, &c., and to adopt an agreement with A. F. Argles and J. A. Wallis. First directors : A. A. Argles, 34, King- street, Cheapside, E.C., and J. A. Wallis, Highfields, St. Margaret’s Bay, near Dover (both permanent). Remu- neration, £100 each per annum (chairman £150). Babcock and Wilcox Limited. — The directors have declared a final dividend of 9 per cent., making, with the interim dividend, 16 per cent, for the year. Coal Products Limited. — This company has been registered, with a capital of £25,000 in £1 shares, to acquire certain inventions and applications for British patents therefor Nos. 28791, dated December 14, 1912, and 3375, dated February 10, 1913, and an exclusive licence for the application of a process for the production of light oils from crude, heavy or lighting oils in connection with any products obtainable from coal, and to adopt two agreements with parties not named. First directors: J. Moeller and F. Steinhoff. Registered office, Dacre House, Victoria- street, S.W. Courts and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire ' the business of coaldust manufacturers carried on by Courts and Co., Radford, Nottingham. First directors, H. Everett, W. Mann and W. Parker. First secretary, F. Tovey. Gragg, Ramskir, and Catley Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of colliery and mine owners, agents, coalmasters, coke, coal, and general fuel merchants, shippers, &c. The first directors are Mr. W. C. Catley, Mr. C. G. Ramskir, Mr. W. T. Catley, and Mr. I. Woodhouse, all residing at Doncaster. Furness, Withy and Co. Limited.—The directors have declared a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the quarter ending April 30, being 6d. per share, free of income tax. Ingersoll Rand Company Limited.—The directors have declared a dividend of 5 per cent, on the common stock, payable on April 30. In addition, a stock dividend of 25 per cent, was declared on the common stock, to be issued on May 1 next. Irish Peat Moss and Infusorial Earth Company Limited* —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares (3,000 preferred), to take over from J. A. Stott (inter alia) certain options and leases of peat land or bog and mineral earths in Antrim and Londonderry, and to adopt an agreement between J. A. Stott, F. R. Dixon- Nuttall, and A. Robinson. The first directors are F. R. Dixon-Nuttall, A. Robinson, and J. A. Stott. Registered office, Britannia-chambers, 26, George-street, St. Helens. Iron Trades Employers9 Insurance Association Limited. —The premium income for 1912 was £255,820. and £8,884 was received from dividends and interest. Claims amounted to £200,485, and after setting aside £134,290 for outstanding claims and reducing investments to the market value as at December 31, there is a divisible balance of £45,620. The directors have transferred £20,000 to reserve fund, and £402 to depreciation of furniture, and a bonus of 10 per cent, has been declared, leaving £2,718 to be carried forward. The annual wages bill of the insured firms is approximately £23.000 000. Vacancies on the board caused by the death of Mr. J. Dunn and the retirement of Mr. H. Murray and Mr. S. Hunter have been filled by Mr. W. Jackson, Mr. A. Miller, and Mr. T. Westgarth. Ludlow Brothers (1913) Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £120,000 in £1 shares (60,000 preference), to carry on the business of tin-plate workers, galvanisers, iron and galvanised hollow-ware and sheet iron manufacturers, &c., to acquire the business carried on by Ludlow Brothers Limited, of Birmingham and Lye, Worcestershire, and to adopt an agreement with the said old company (incorporated in 1905). The first directors are H J. Walduck, J. Ludlow, T. E. Iles, and E. T. Barton. Registered office, Palmer-street, Birmingham. National Bituminous Coal and Coke Company.—The audited accounts of this company, which owns 52,000 acres of coal land in West Virginia, show a net profit of 291,600 dols. for the 11 months ended December 1 last. The company has outstanding 1,975 000 dols. of 6 per cent, first mortgage 20-year profit-sharing gold bonds, of which a considerable proportion are quoted at 98 per cent. The authorised total of this issue was 2,000,000 dole., but a sum of 25,000 dols. has been redeemed by the operation of the sinking fund, while the assets are valued in the books at over 7,000,000 dols. In addition to the American directorate, there is an ordinary committee in London, consisting of Mr. L. T. Boustead (chairman of the New Dynant Anthracite Colliery), Mr. F. Kerr (director of the Car and General Insurance Company), and Mr. Tyndale White, J.P. (chairman of the Tanganyika Concessions). National Engineering Company Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £25,000 (12,000 preference shares of £1 each, and 26,000 ordinary shares of 10s. each), to acquire from Otto Viola the business known as the National Engineering Company for £19,000 (£6,500 preference shares and £12,500 ordinary shares), and to carry on the business of general and electrical engineers, &c. Registered office, 30*2, Seaton-street, Euston-road, N.W. Newton, Chambers and Co. Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 states that after allowing for depreciations the profit and loss account shows a profit of £60,893, making, with the balance of £17,707 brought forward, a total of £78,600. The directors recommend transferring to reserve account £35,000; a dividend of 7| per cent, on 7,975 ordinary shares of ‘£20 each ; carrying forward £17,769. St. George’s Coal and Estate Company Limited.—The report states that the output from the mine during the year amounted to 179,078 tons, an increase of 8,016 tons. Negotiations have resulted in a proposal to amalgamate the interests of the company with those of the Dundee Coal Company, and shareholders will be called together to consider and, if approved, ratify a provisional agreement with that object in view. A sum of £5,104 has been written off for depreciation of plant, &c., and the balance of £11,141 is carried forward. A further dividend has been declared, which will absorb £3,125 of this balance. Wood (Wm. fl.) and Lamplough Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £8,000 in £1 shares (500 deferred), to take over the business of a manufacturer of and dealer in brass and brasswork carried on at Tyseley, Birmingham, as the Wm. H. Wood Brass Fittings Company Limited. First directors to be appointed by signatories. Registered office, King’s-road, Tyseley, Birmingham. Wright’s Forge and Engineering Company Limited.— This private company has been registered, with a capital of £40,000 in £1 shares, to take over the forge and engi- neering business carried on by R. Player, of Tipton, as Joseph Wright and Co., in connection with the business of a chain and anchor maker carried on there, to enter into any agreements with Joseph Wright and Co. Limited, relative to the supply of steam power, &c. The first directors are R. Player (permanent director and chairman, special qualification 10,000 shares), and C. C. G. Corbett. Registered office, Sedgley-road, Tipton. Mortgages and Charges.—The following have been registered in pursuance of the Companies Acts, 1907:— Duffryn Llantwit Colliery Company Limited (debenture dated March 20, 1913, to secure all moneys due or to become due from the company to Lloyd’s Bank Limited not exceeding £2 500); Fraser and Chalmers Limited (par- ticulars of £100,000 debentures created February 6, and secured by trust deed dated March 14, 1913, present issue £50,000) ; Mersey Coal Elevators Ltd. (particulars of £65 000 debentures created March 20, and secured by trust deed of even date, present issue £30,000); Metropolitan Coal Com- pany of Sydney Limited (particulars of £23,000 debentures created July 22, 1907, and secured by trust deed March 12, 1913, whole amount now issued); Port Talbot Steel Com- pany Limited (satisfaction to the extent of £2,000 on December 31, 1912, of mortgage dated August 17, 1906, securing £40,000) ; Tannett, Walker and Co. Limited (issue on March 31, 1913, of £850 debentures, part of a series). At the monthly meeting of the Dunfermline Town Council on the 14th inst., the question of part of the burgh coalfield was under consideration. A proposal that three months’ notice be given on either side for the termination of the lease of Muirbeath Colliery, the tenants of which are Messrs. Henry Ness and Co. Limited, was approved.