786 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 18, 1913. Guaranteed. manufacture. A Trial will convince ' ■ ■. n ■t I ■•A '7' ' A < 1 V«l XSXxM z ’\ I Ed fx; V TTjXjgX 3vs®*ftk« s-s\hXX . 'ft'X ■ fti ' ■' .1 gMv y ;/i\’J *3 , B' BM* B's B’ i^&x M IS; \?i g 'S \ X *-r^ \ x o\wk < ^\wk w % IwfewSj S»^ ft' Vv- ’ „v $»W '■ I o ft Y%" ‘ |S ■L i'-Iv" R W^r ’Q . .. :_>•-■ ■ X? iW^'-’-'.-- X“\,-x iosi»® ftgj® fcSfeVl-'- '■>'?■ X.:..-.fe'XrX>s< [tj X 'MH Pamphlet on Manufacture and Use of Electric Fuses post free on application. 9/y \ ®L wfe 2T»5T xlliii s \ ’■ ■ 'x-ftJdF* ‘ ■-: ■ ' ™ >K'kBx idfM wfe L_ Ji;-,.;; X OV « O &/ f. ;y.,.ftwaafJi:<’-■<:■ -■*... -2-‘ ■■: .sx^W.Xt-ss^-.'.?>_•.< ,' J- :•• • • ■ ■ HARVEY LTD. ?A '•/>' b£r.l TfS ■ '.Ski/**.'. >® ■->''■ .vC'-x-ir? >.'...-■ 5>k.l ia . .. ,*? u as xftx ;x f .......’>* li yf Ml ill.. iO :■■■■ :■■ ■■‘^X' ■■■ y ->X A ■'■ ■? \* ;'. ' • .;•; -. ‘ ■ ■? < >fyf-: ’ ‘‘’C^ n. i?V'J *- y*y h4’ 4*!f‘ix^''' 'X-*,-; Arr 5 1 ■ '"■ s\. x'--•>*■- ;•■ ■ •—■■• .x-.;:<':-’'' jjFgrHGHMMl S’''^''r^?E1'#'V':.7^Eil ^Ax a . ■ X w*o is «’<'■ HC 5-.-t,-.-'" ^wBW^ iHBfc* ^sk&sSSS X r XV i;s^^xS-s^®Z ■' ■ .''■X Patent No. 17075 Two New Types of Anemometers embracing many and important advantages. DAVIS-BIRANI ANEMOMETER. :dhd WITH SHU MULTIPLY! TR CLOSED (J 51CSTIMSBT2 Patent No. 16215 DAVIS-LYALL AIR SPEED INDICATOR. Davis’ Improved Water Gauge. Hygrometers, Water-gauges, Barometers, Thermometers. Send for Catalogue 41 AH. No. 51. Hygro- meter. Portable form. !«■’ !i ft! 5/ \ 9d : r TURBON. The LATEST^ THING in FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD., ---FOR THE - TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LLANELLY. A Well Lubricated Rod means: Low Friction Load, Unworn Rod, Long Service from Packing. “PALMETTO” REG.TRADE MARK PACKING keeps the rod thoroughly lubricated as each single strand of which it is made acts as a separate reservoir of graphite grease lubricant. That is why “ Palmetto " gives much longer and more satisfactory service than any other packing. JOHN DAVIS & SON Send for free working sample, it will show you what a well lubricated packing will do. (Derby) LTD., ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY; London—17, Victoria St. Westminster, S.W. GREENE. TWEED &, Co., Sole Manufacturers, QueenJAnne’s Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.