780 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Apbil 11, 1913. e«ss=s-==——==^== MACHINERY. ___________________________________________________________ Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT * SON, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers, ready for immediate delivery :— Other sizes in progress. 30ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 1001b. working pressure. 30 ft. „ 8 ft. „ 1601b. „ ,, 30 ft. „ 8 ft. 6 in., ,, 1201b. „ SPURR, INMAN & CO. LTD ,j Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. Locomotives of every description, Col- liery or main lines; COAL CUTTER MACHINES to undercut up to 6 ft.—YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD., Meadow Hall Works, Sheffield. _________________________________________________ Eails. 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to suit. B. M. RENTON & CO., Midland Works, Savile-street, Sheffield. For Sale at low price, one 250-kw. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET, 210 volts, one 175-kw. do., 250 volts, and one 52-kw. do., 210 volts; in excellent order.—Particulars on application to Box 5016, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. For Sale, three 750-kw. Willans Parsons Triple Expansion Turbo GENERATOR SETS, 440 volts, alternating current three-phase; each set complete with Surface Condenser, Exciter, Ac. ; will sell sets together or separate ; have done very little work; immediate delivery and very low price.—Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM a CO. LTD., Staines. ForSale, 5010-ton Spring-buffer Wagons, built 1905, and other good parcels.—Full particulars on application to BRITISH WAGON CO., Rotherham. Dismantlers of Gas, Chemical, and Col- LI FRY PLANT.-FIRTH BLAKELEY, SONS A CO. LTD., Church Fenton, Leeds, make a speciality of buying and dismantling, and offer best prices for metals all descriptions. Boilers and Machinery (good Second- hand) for sale; if you are requiring Boilers, Engines, or other plant, please send us particulars as we shall probably have something suitable to offer you.—JOHN STRINGER * SON, Dept. 11. Blackburn. Pair Compound Tandem Winding ENGINES, cylinders 21 in. and 36in. by 60 in. stroke, 1601b. steam pressure; pair 30in. by 5ft. WINDING ENGINES; pair 22in. by 4ft. WINDING ENGINES; pair 18 in. by 4 ft. WINDING ENGINES: pairs 18^ in., 16 in. and 12 in. Horizontal ENGINES; 14 in. LOCOMOTIVE, 6 wheels; two Sunderland Forge Triple Expansion High Speed ENGINES and D.C. DYNAMOS, cylinders 9in., 14Jin., 23Jin. by 10in.stroke, 380r.p m., Dynamos 168'kw , each 220 volts; pair 18|in. by Ilin. Vertical ENGINES ; Loco. Type BOILER. 140 lb. pressure; Diamond COAL CUTTER for compressed air; 3>ton LOCO. CRANE, all motions; 2-ton ditto; Evans Cornish D.A. RAM PUMP, 22 by 10 by 24 ; No. 7 PULSOMETER; Lancashire BOILER, 30ft. by 7ft. by 80 lb.; 15 ft. Capell FAN. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. For Sale, 4,100 Second-hand Relayable RAILWAY SLEEPERS; 180 tons Flange Rails, about 601b. per yard, with Fishplates and Points and Crossings; excellent second-hand 18 in. cylinder by 36 in. stroke Horizontal Condensing Engine; Boiler Tank, 30 ft. by 7ft. diameter ; Locomotive, lOin. cylinders, for 1201b. w.p.; about 43 tons new 30 lb. per yard Flange Rails, &c. GEO. V. PERRY, Gloucester-place, Swansea. For Sale, two excellent pairs of 11 in. HAULING ENGINES, at present fitted with single drums, 4ft. 9 in. diameter by 4 ft. 9 in. wide, geared about 5 to 1, provision made for second drum on each engine; practically equal to new condition. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Cattybrook Ironworks, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, about 130 good Second-hand 4-yard capacity Manchester Ship Canal Pattern Side-tip WAGONS, 4ft. 8£in. gauge: in condition ready for work, cheap to clear.—Apply, MARPLE A GILLOTT LTD., Sheffield. "Dailway Wagons for Sale. 1 qj 30 12-tonners, side, end and bottom doors, built by Chorley Wagon Co. in 1910, recently overhauled_____ £74 10 0 each. 60 10-tonners, built by Lancashire and Yorkshire Wagon Co. 1892-1896, side and end doors____________________ £44 0 0 „ 10 10-tonners, built by Lancashire and Yorkshire Wagon Co. 1891, side doors ________________________________ £43 0 0 „ 20 10-tonnets, built by Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. 1903-1904, side doors up through_________ £52 0 0 „ All in good state of repair.—Apply, G. BRYER ASH, Weymouth. FOR SALE. ____ 50 tons of new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, with Fishplates to suit, cheap for quick delivery. ICO tons of new perfect Steel Flange Rails, 18/25 lb. per yard, quick delivery. Fifty i-yard Steel Side-tipping Wagons, 24 in. gauge. SO capital second-hand Crane Skeps, cheap. Also 3/400 yards of capital second-hand 18 in. and 24 in. gauge Portable Railway, with Points and Crossings; also Tip Wagons to match. 500 tons specially selected hard Steel B.H. Bails, about 80 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 4/500 tons of splendid second-hand 50/56 lb. Flange Rails, with Fishplates, Points and Crossings, &c., to match. 2,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by lOin. by 5in. _________ Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Bails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. 6-wheel Coupled Saddle Tank Locomotive (Hudswell, Clarke & Co.), cylinders 12 in. diameter by 18 in. stroke, wheels 3 ft. diameter, wheel base 10 ft. 7 in., copper box. 4-wheel ditto (Peckett & Sons), 10 in. outside cylinders, wheels 2ft. 8 in. diameter, with tyres 2Jin. thick, wheel base 5 ft., copper box, passed 1401b. pressure. * 4-wheel ditto (Manning, Wardle & Co.), cylinders 8 in. diameter by 15 in. stroke, wheels 2 ft. 8 in. diameter, wheel base 4 ft. 6 in., gauge 4 ft. 8iin., copper b »x. passed 120 lb. pressure. 4-wheel ditto (Hudswell, Clarke & Co.), 7 in. outside cylinders by 12 in. stroke, wheels 1ft. Ilin, diameter, wheel base 4 ft. 10in., gauge 3ft. 6 in., copper box, 1101b. 4-wheel ditto (Miller & Co.), 7in. outside cylinders by 10in. stroke, wheel base 3 ft., gauge 3 ft., working pressure 150 lb. per square inch. 4-wheel ditto (John Fowler & Co.), 6 in. outside cylinders by lOin. stroke, wheels about 20in. diameter, wheel base 3ft., working pressure 1501b. per square inch. ___________________ (CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY-, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. TSO” W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS, B Tel.—M Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. T^he Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., JL CYMRIC BUILDINGS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Telegrams—“ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). FOR SALE. RAILWAY WAGONS.—Several hundred 10-tonners for prompt delivery, new and old specification, for cash or redemption hire; all now in main line traffic. Also Wheels and Axles and Wagon material, new and second-hand. STEEL RAILS with Accessories when required. STEEL FLANGE BAILS.—About 125 tons, good as new, about 751b. per yard, principally 24 ft. lengths, with accessories to match, ready for immediate delivery. SPECIAL OFFER TO SAVE REMOVAL.-140 tons new slightly defective Steel Flange RAILS, 351b. per yard, British standard pattern, 3| in. by 3$ in., with or without fastenings. 16 sets of POINTS and CROSSINGS, made from steel flange rails, 501b. per yard, about 4 in. high. THUNDERBOLT HAMMER DRILLS.—Catalogue on application. LOCOMOTIVE.—Two 4 wheels coupled, cylinders 10 in. by 16 in. and 9 in. by 15 in., 1401b. pressure. _______________________________________________________ MA OHINERY-contlnued. _________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE. ______________ We have acquired from Sir Wm. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., several sets of high-class Corliss Geared Horizontal Engines in first-class condition. Arrangements may be made for one of the above to be seen working (others being dismantled). 62 .. For particulars and price, apply—J R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Ings Foundry, Wakefield. Telephone 44. Telegrams—“ Engineer, Wakefield.” _______________________________________________ RH. Longbotham & Co. Ltd., Wake- • field, who buy and sell extensively Machinery of every description, will esteem it a privilege to tender for the purchase and dismantlement of Plant. Telegrams: “Engineer, Wakefield.” Telephone: 44 Wakefield. Catalogue on application. COAL CUTTERS FOR SALE. Two Compressed Air (large size) Bar COAL CUTTERS, undertype, pressure 50/80 lb., complete with all latest improvements, also accessories; depth of undercut 6 ft., cylinders 10 in. diameter, engine stroke 5 in.; new. One Direct-current (small size) Electrical BAR COAL CUTTER, undertype, 500 volts, complete, ready for despatch; second-hand, little used; brasses, good condition. One Direct-current (medium size) Electrical BAR COAL CUTTER as above, but requiring overhaul. Full particulars, illustrations, and other information from Messrs. WILSON, STIRLING & CO., C.A., 93, West George-street, Glasgow. TAT anted, a pair of Second-hand Haulage ▼ ▼ or CAPSTAN ENGINES, with 12in. or Kin. cylinders, and drum of 3 ft. or 4 ft. diameter.—Apply. Box 5186, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.U. To be Sold by Private Treaty, Modern COAL SCREEN PLANT to make 4 sizes, complete with Tippler, Bunkers, Shoots, Inclined Creeper, Engine and Boiler, quite new and ready for immediate erection.—Apply to Messrs. SILVESTERS, Engineers, Newcastle, Staffordshire. For Sale, one pair High-class 30 in. diameter cylinder ENGINES, 3 ft. stroke, with double slide bars, on strong box pattern bed, with cut-off valves and screw adjustment to regulate the same, wrought iron cranks fitted on driving shafts, with good strong rope driving wheel (in halves), 13 ft. diameter, for 11 l|in. cotton driving ropes; these engines were made by Messrs. Wood & Sons, Wigan,'and have only worked a few years, and are still in first-class working condition, suitable for driving, fan rate.—They can be seen by appointment, Messrs. CROSS, TETLEY & CO., Bamfurlong Colliery, near Wigan. TAT anted to Buy or Hire, pair of geared ▼ V WINDING ENGINES, 10 or 12 in. cylinder, for 100 lb. steam pressure, with either one or two drums.—Apply with full particulars, to SECRETARY, the Dunkerton Collieries Ltd., near Bath. Wanted, new or good Second-hand, 100 yards of 10 in. and 6 in. Cast Iron PIPES, 9 ft. lengths, recessed flanges.—Offers, R. ROUTLEDGE, Manager, Garforth Colliery, near Leeds. TAT anted, Second-hand Shaker Screen in V ▼ good condition, with cross belts, making three sizes, and about 40 tons per hour.—Reply, giving full particulars, to Box 5185, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. PATENTS. _________________________________________________________ TO ENGINEERS, STEEL AND METAL CASTERS. For Sale, Patent No. 14404, the best double-claw Wagon and Pit Corve Pedestal; “ Simplex.” easy fixed, easy detached.—For particulars, apply R. ROUTLEDGE, Garforth Colliery, near Leeds. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO _____________ ____________ HIRE a V LOCOMOTIVE ■ Also Purchase Hire Terms arranged. Lowest Prices for Cash. -- WRITE - CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, ENGINEER AND IBONFOUNDEB, Emlyn Engineering Works, NEWPORT, MON. Or Wire—“Machinery, Newport, Mon.” Telephone—National No. 18; G.P.O. 576. N.B.—Locomotive and all other Engineering Repairs done by experienced Boilermakers and Mechanics, with suit- able machinery and facilities. ___________________________________________ Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines' R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO., LTD., NHWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. — Locomotives always in stock or in progress. — Telegrams—“ Locomotive." New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 15 in., 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKE1T& SONS, ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. Situations Vacant & Wanted. ___ Advertisements can be received at the Office of the Colliery Guardian, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, E.O.^ up to TEN O'CLOCK on Friday mornings for insertion the same day. Charge (which must be prepaid) : One Penny per word minimum, 2s. 6d. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will be forwarded free of charge. Copies of Testimonials—not originals—should accompany applications for situations. Where possible, information will be given in these column* when appointments advertised have been filled up. __________________________________________________________ \V anted, Colliery Manager with First- ▼ ▼ class certificate for small colliery in Midlands; output 600 ton® per day; state salary required.—Reply, “ A. B. C.,” Box 5181, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. TATanted for Collieries in New South v V Wales, a thoroughly competent MINE MANAGER; must ba accustomed to working of mines by machinery and electricity.—Apply, "X. X. Z.,” Box 5182, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 A 31, Furnival-street. Holborn, London, E.C, The Directors of North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Ltd. invite applications for the post of RESIDENT GENERAL MANAGER of their properties, which will be vacant in August next; must be first-class mining engineer with South Wales experience.— Application to be made by letter addressed to the “ CHAIRMAN," North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Ltd., 23, Leadenhall-street, London,. E.C., marked “ Private.” Situation Wanted as Cashier, Accountant, double entry ; present situation 25 years; first-class references; colliery closing.—Reply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5083, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. TTTanted, a Post by competent Man as- ▼ V LEDGER CLERK or TRAVELLER; 20J years’ experience.— Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5092, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. TATanted by a Competent Accountant, ▼ V age 56, position as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERK; highest references as to character and ability.—Reply, “B.A.C.T.,” Box 5107, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. T/Tining Engineer with 20 years’ experi- 1 v 1 ence of colliery management, is open for re-engagement; excellent references.—Apply, Box 5184, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTIC E CLOT H on good commission only.—Address,FAIRCLOUGHJ A SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. ______________________________________________________ FINANCE. _______________________________________________________________________________ /Tolliery having large reserves and drawing excellent coal requires cash to complete developments and increase output; gentleman wanted to invest £3,000 and join board of influential directors; principals giving references only replied to. — Box 5175, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ___________________________ EDUCATION. ___________________________ TTniversal Mining School. Lessons by Post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus free. T. A. SOUTHERN and H. W. HALBAUM, The U.M.S., 215. Cardiff.. /Colliery Managers’, Inspectors’, and Sur- VEYORS’ CERTIFICATES. Correspondence Tuition. Exam^ Guides Is.—PENNINGTONS, University Tutors, Oxford-rd., Manchester- _______________________________________________ PROPERTIES. ___________________________ YORKSHIRE COLLIERY WANTED with daily output 1,000 tons or over. No agents. Full particulars, HARVEY, Cleave Hall, 27, Guilford-st., London, W.C ______________________________________________________ TENDERS. _______________________________________________________ A/Tming Timber.—Talko’th’ Hill Colliery ±VJL LTD., Stoke-on-Trent, invite OFFERS of Swedish CUT PROPS. 4 Contract 12 months from 1st May. Specification on application. THORNTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. GAS DEPARTMENT. nphe Council invite Tenders for the supply JL of about 1,500 tons GAS COAL, NUTS and SLACK. 300 tons STEAM COAL. 50 tons OFFICE COAL. for year ending 30th June, 1914. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Coal,” and addressed to the Chairman of the Council, to be delivered at the Council Offices, Thornton-le-Fylde, not later than Wednesday, the 30th April, 1913. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Council Offices, HENRY FENTON, . Thornton-le-Fylde, Gas Manager. 7th April, 1913. BOROUGH OF DOVER. ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT. The Electricity Committee are prepared to receive TENDERS for the supply and delivery of 4,000 tons small STEAM COAL of the North Country or Midland description for use at their Electricity Works. Specifications and forms of tender may be obtained on application to th Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Dover. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Tender for Coal,” addressed to the undersigned, must be received not later than noon on Monday, May 5th. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Town Clerk’s Office, R. E. KNOCKER, 69. Castle-street, Dover. Town Clerk. COUNTY BOROUGH OF OLDHAM. rphe Gas Works Committee invite JL TENDERS for the supply of GaS COALS during a period of four months commencing 1st May, 1913, and also a period of twelve months commencing 1st July, 1913. Conditions and forms of tender may be obtained on application to Mr. Arthur Andrew, Gas Offices, Oldham, to whom . tenders are to be delivered not later than 21st April, 1913. By order, 10th April, 1913. J. H. HALLSWORTH, Town Clerk. ___________________________________________________ *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges, see Page 756 (Leader Page). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.O. Friday, April II, 1913.