770 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 11, 1913. obtained. According to the invention the explosives are prepared by intimately mixing potassium or sodium nitrate with the dry constituents obtained from the waste lyes obtained in the manufacture of cellulose by the sulphite process. It is advisable to first evaporate the waste lye to dryness and then to intimately mix the dry potassium or sodium nitrate therewith; but the explosive may, however, be prepared by dissolving either the potassium or sodium nitrate in the waste lye, which may be of any desired concentration, the mixture being then evaporated in a suitable manner. From further experiments that have been made it has been found that the waste lyes from the manu- facture of cellulose by the soda process can be successfully used in place of the waste lyes from the manufacture of cellulose by the sulphite process. The evaporation of the mixture is preferably effected by a lowing it to flow on to highly heated revolving rollers, whereby an almost immediate evaporation to dryness is obtained without any separation of the mixture and without decomposition of the ingredients occurring. The following examples are given of the method of preparing the explosives:— Example I. 68 per cent. Sodium nitrate. 32 per cent. Dry matter from sulphite-eellulose waste lyes. Example II. 70 per cent. Potassium nitrate. 30 per cent. Dry matter from sulphite-eellulose waste lyes. Example III 68 per cent. Sodium nitrate. 32 per cent. Dry matter from soda-oellulose waste lyes. (Four claims.) 30110 (1912). Improvements in Blasting Devices. F. Kessler, 27, Bergstrasse, Saarbriicken, Germany, and F. Berger, 55, Wilhelmstrasse, Saarbrucken, Germany.—This invention relates to a device for blasting drilled rocks, coalseams and the like, and consists in the provision of a hollow cylindrical casing having a longitudinal slot to admit an explosive body which forms a watertight closure with the casing. The body is loaded with explosive cartridges which are electrically ignited, and the casing is adapted to contain water for the purpose of neutralising the flames and preventing the gases, which may happen to be present in the working place, from being ignited and exploded. Fig. 1 represents a cross-section of the device on the line C—D of fig. 4, fig. 3 a cross-section on the line A—B of fig. 4, fig. 4 a perspective view showing the explosive body and the casing separated, and fig. 5 a view of a key by means of which the apparatus is adjusted in position. The number of cartridges employed is dependent upon the power it is desired to develop, and may be varied according to need. (One claim.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 7512. Air-compressor. J. J. H. Sturmey. 7536. Apparatus for discharging cargo. C. Lund. 7542. Weighing machine. F. W. Bethell. 7623. Turbine plants. W. Croft. 7625. Automatic brake slack adjusters or slack gatherers for the brake systems of railway carriages, rail- way wagons and the like. Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited and E. O. Hill. 7643. Artificial briquette fuel. E. Eaton. 7647. Ore separator. A. Habermann. 7685. Storage of coal gas. W. Higgins and W. S. Stevens. 7692. Centrifugal pumps. M. D. Sargeant. 7693. Process of and apparatus for determining the carbon content of ferruginous materials, especially of steels. E. Szasz. 7704. Centrifugal pumps. A. Gentil. 7707. Process for the agglomeration of ore in rotary tubular furnaces. F. L. Smidth and Co. 7736. Mining drills for use in power-driven drilling machines used in mining and hand drills for mining purposes. J. W. Schofield. 7746. Internal combustion engines operated by solid fuels. G. E. Heyl and T. T. Baker. 7758. Controlling trapped turbines. Bergmann Elektri- citats Werke Akt.-Ges. 7764. Fuel economisers for heating feed-water for steam boilers. E. A. L. Green and H. Slade. 7765. Fuel economisers for heating feed-water for steam boilers. E. A L. Green and G. E. Tansley. 7771. Mechanical stoking apparatus for furnaces. Franz Ekl. 7783. Turbine pump or compressor. Franz Lawaczeck. 7803. Label holders for railway wagons. L. W. Williams. 7805. Electrical conductors and supporting means for same. British Insulated and Helsby Cables Limited, W. M. Mordey, J. W. Astley and D. B. Saunderson. 7844. Supply of working fluid to radial or axial flow tur- , bines for use with gas or other explosive mixtures. W. Levermore and P. H. Morris. 7861. Method of arresting the sudden descent of pit cages in case of breakage of the hauling ropes. F. Banks. 7890. Conveyors. H. Flottmann. 7892. Furnaces for roasting ore. Ernest Dohet. 7893. Couplings for railway vehicles. S. T. Tietjen. 7894. Apparatus for cleaning or scaling tubes or pipes. Ges. fur Rohrenreiniguhg m.b.H. 7913. Pedestal bearings for colliery corves or other vehicles. J. H. Potter, F. Colin Moorwood and J. A. Potter. 7936. Valve gear for pumps. D. Cockburn and D. MacNicoll. 7938. Coke ovens. N. Schuster. 7939. Steam generators. B. Aitken. 7956. Couplings for railway and other vehicles. D. Crotty. 7970. Respirating apparatus. W. J. Mellersh-Jaokson. 7986. Rolling iron and steel sections, and apparatus therefor. S. J. Beaman. 8005. Guide pulleys employed in connection with rope haulages in mines and like places. G. Tapley. 8007. Petrol motor turbine. R. Scott. 8050. Valves for air-compressors and the like. J. M. Holman and J. L. Holman. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on April 24. 1911. ! 29178. Load-equalising arrangements for electric generators. Marks. 1912. I 2324. Methods of producing wrought shapes of manganese steel. Potter. 5024 Working of gas producers. Testrup and Rigby. 6971. Process for coating iron sheets, plates, and the like with aluminium. Woud. 7771. Method of and apparatus for controlling the speed of a moving body and its application to lifts, hoists, or other elevators. Gazagnaire. 7791. Furnace fire-bridges. Woger. 8097. Process relating to the recovery of sulphur from mixtures containing tarry matters. Hunt and Gidden. I 8143. Systems for washing out and refilling locomotive and other boilers. Groom. I 8189. Condensing plant. Parsons and Cook. 8267. Drilling appliances. Jones. 8777. Brake for railway and like vehicles. Barclay. 9452. Supplying of air to furnaces. Fletcher. 10139. Rotary drill-pipes. Henderson. 12641. Apparatus for making observations on the gas caps of miners’ safety lamps. Wolf Safety Lamp Company and Cremer. 14157. Armoured electric cables. Callender’s Cable and Construction Company and Pipkin. 14978. Automatic tipping apparatus for ash hoist and like buckets. Galloway. 15093. Water-tube boilers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. Shipments of Bunker Coals.—Last month, the quantity of coal, [&c., shipped for the use of steamers engaged in the foreign trade was 1,635,142, as compared with 984,324 tons in March 1912, and 1,644,787 tons in March 1911. The total shipment in the first quarter of the present year was 4,951,231 tons, as compared with 4,051,302 tons and 4,701,509 tons in the corresponding periods of 1912 and 1911. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships:—E. Tuffee and A. J. Hayward, carrying on business as coal and coke merchants, at Baltic Wharf, Marine-parade, Gravesend, under the style of Tuffee and Hayward; H. T. Johanning and H. J. Johanning, carrying on business as tin and terne- plate and metal agents, at Dale-street, Liverpool, under the style of Johanning and Co.; J. S. H. Banner, G. Nicholson, W. H. Alexander, and E. T. Nicholson, carrying on business as chartered accountants, under the style of Harmood Banner and Son, in Liverpool and London, so far as regards G. Nicholson. 16165. Method of uniting the ends of rails, girders, and other parts of iron and steel structures. Th. Goldschmidt Akt.-Ges. 16608. Pumps. Drewett. 18136. Briquette machines. Edwards. 21694. Compressed-air driven winding, haulage, and like motors. Leroyer. 21748. Pipe joints. Meyenborg. 22059. Tube mills. Fennell. 22625. Priming devices for centrifugal pumps. Maffei- Schwartzkopff Werke Ges. 23057. Furnaces of steam-generators and other furnaces. Schleyder. 23347. Joints or couplings for connecting branch pipes to main pipes. Westphal. 24357. Presses for producing weldless tubes. Hydraulik Ges. 24568. Pressure indicators. Von Riegen and Lambert. 24811. Appliances for coupling and uncoupling railway trucks. McEntyre. 1913. 502. Ore-dressing apparatus. Velten 2544. Blade rings for radial flow turbines. Aktiebolaget Ljungstroms Angturbin. 2545. Method of manufacturing blade rings for steam and gas turbines. Aktiebolaget Ljungstroms Angturbin. 2922. Steam turbines. Aktiebolaget Ljungstroms Ang- turbin. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection! before Acceptance. 1913. 4459. Rinsing pipes for mines. Seyer. 4700. Coal conveyors. Hyve. 6911. Process for manufacturing articles or objects of tungsten. Voigtlander. 7163. Automatic brick-cutting machine. Ruetz. 7416. Furnaces with mechanical stokers of the underfeed type. Ratel. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Canada Department of Mines, Mines Branch,‘Pyrites in Canada, its Occurrence, Exploitation, Dressing and Uses,”’ by A. W. G. Wilson; “The Production of Coal and Coke in Canada during the Calendar Year 1911,” by J. McLeish ; “ A General Summary of the Mineral Pro- duction of Canada during the Calendar Year, 1911,” by J. McLeish ; “ Trade of the Union of South Africa, Southern and N.W. Rhodesia, and British South Africa for the month of January 1913 ”; “ The Geological Magazine” (Vol. 10, No. 4), April, price 2s.; “Peru To-day ” (Vol. 4, No. 2), February, price 5d. ; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa” (Vol. 13, No. 8), February, price 3s.; “ Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale ” (Tome 3, No. 3), March. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890 to 1909 : Memorandum with Respect to the Provision and Arrange- ment of Houses, 3|d. Factory Form No. 68, re Brass Castings, IJd. COAL MINES ACT : Draft General Regulations, Text of Objections, 7£d. Bills, 1913Duchy of Lancaster Mining Leases, Id. ; Employment of Children, l|d. ; ditto, Abroad, Id. ; Bankruptcy, Scotland, Is. 2d. ; Companies’ Co-partnership, lid. MINES : Rules for Examinations, March 18, l|d. Statistical Abstract, Foreign Countries, 1900 to 1910-11, 2s. 5d. Trade Reports: Portugal, Trade of Goa, 1911-12, Id.; Turkey, Trade of Constantinople for 1912, 7)d. ; Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate Report for 1911, 2d. Petroleum Spirit, Vol. 2, Evidence, 7d National Insurance Act, 1911: List of Approved Societies, 1912, Is. Trade and Navigation Returns for March, Is. 9d. Conciliation Proceedings, 1912, Is. 2Jd. In connection with the construction of a new wharf on the Manchester Ship Canal for the discharge and loading of iron ore and other material, borings were made in the Irlam district last week. “OXYNALER” OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. Automatic Appliances for Exhausting the Lungs are an Unknown Quantity. ASK THOSE BEST QUALIFIED TO GIVE AN OPINION. Why pay J>20 when you can do the same work with an apparatus costing only £4, 12s. 6d. ? Great Mining Machinery Exhibition, ROYAL AGRICULTURAL HALL, LONDON, Thursday, MAY 29, to Saturday, JI NF, Will be opened by The Rt. Hon. the EARL OF ELLESMERE. Previous Exhibitions under same management were held a’ the Royal Agricultural Hall, 1903 lQ0*. lQ0\ and at Olympia in 1908. H. GREVILLE MONTGOMEkY, offices : 43, Essex Street, London. HUGH C. MONTGOMERY, Directors 27, Brasenose St., Manchester. ALSO MAKERS OF THE “Proto” Rescue Apparatus (Fleuss-Davis Patents) FOR RESCUE AND RECOVERY WORK IN MINES. Adopted by nearly 100 Mines in this country alone. Self-Contained Diving Apparatus (No Air Pumps or Tubes) for Flooded Mines and other difficult situations where SHAFT SAFETY BELTS AND COMBINED CATCHES AND DE- TACHING HOOKS. Pit Tub Corner Plates, Buffer Caps, Slab Sockets, Side Brackets, Dreadnought Files. A. MANLEY, 21, Alpha «d, Bristol. the use of air pumps and tubes would be impracticable. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “ Neptune ” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams, “ SIEBE, LONDON.” Telephone No. 251 Hop. R. HEBER RADFORD, SON, & SQUIRE, Engineering, Iron and Steel Works ------------------ VALUERS, ---------------- Consulting Engineers, Referees, Arbitrators & Patent Agents. ----------------- ESTABLISHED OVER 40 YEARS. --- (Senior partner, R. Heber Radford, Mem. Inst. Mechanical Engineers, Mem. Inst. Naval Architects, Mem. Iron and Steel Institute, Fellow Chartered Institute of Patent Agents.) 15, St. James Row, Sheffield. Telegrams—" Radford, Sheffield.” Telephone—425.