THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 709 April 4, 1913. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ upon “ open ” tendering, this condition would certainly be extended to Admiralty depots abroad, for already quite a number of firms have restricted merchants from the supply to certain places abroad, and to certain foreign purchasers. So far as regards the public interest the view upon Cardiff Exchange was that the colliery companies can more easily meet Admiralty requirements in times of manoeuvres and emergency than any middlemen could possibly do; and that as to the probability of securing lower prices, any change, such as that indicated, would mean that merchants’ profits would have to be added to the colliery owners’ profit. ______ To the Merthyr Guardians, on Saturday, there was presented the report of a special meeting which had been held concerning the assessment of collieries in South Wales. This meeting took place last week at Neath, and was attended by representatives of Boards of Guardians in all the mining districts of South Wales. The question discussed was the advisability of altering the basis of assessment. One resolution arrived at was that all the committees throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire should be asked to apply the imperial ton instead of the “ long ” ton in order to arrive at colliery assessments, and that the coalowners be asked to meet representatives of these committees in order to ascertain whether terms could be agreed on for basis of assessments generally, each union to send one repre- sentative to the conference with the coalowners. Further, all Poor Law Unions should, it was resolved, be asked to petition Parliament in favour of an amendment of the law whereby full power should be granted to assessment authorities for obtaining infor- mation and production of documents from appellant ratepayers. ___________________________ MODEL SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF COAL. We have been favoured by Mr. Harold Smith, hon- secretary of a committee representing some of the principal London firms of coal contractors, with a copy of a model specification and conditions of contract for the purchase of coal for electricity works, which has been agreed upon by that body in conjunction with a committee of the Associated Municipal Electrical Engineers of Greater London. The agreement comprises a model form of tender, general conditions, specification and a table of standards to be applied in connection with guaranteed coals. Advertisement for Tenders* The following is the proposed model form of advertise- ment for tenders:— (Name of Council.) ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT. ______ TENDERS FOR SUPPLY OF COAL. ______ The Council of.................are prepared to receive Tenders for the supply and delivery of........Tons of Coal suitable for burning with........Stokers at their Electricity Works situate at.............................between of..........................191....and of.......................191.... The classes of Coal found most suitable are (here give general description). Duplicate forms of General Conditions, Specification, and form of Tender may be had on application to the .................................and on deposit of jBI, which sum will be returned on receipt of a bona-fide Tender or on the return of the Specification, &c., with a bona-fide reason for not tendering. Tender (Local conditions as to delivery of Tender time, date, c^c., to be entered here)............................. In the case of all workmen to be employed by the Contractor, the Contractor will be required to pay wages not less and to observe hours of labour not more than those agreed between the Masters’ Association and the Trade Unions, and in practice obtaining in the Districts where the work is to be executed. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. ........................... Town Clerk, Town Hall, .....................Street. Date..................... General Conditions. The general conditions are 23 in number, and many of them vary but little for existing practice. Some of the more important are quoted below :— Agreement and Bond.—5. The Tenderer shall upon the acceptance of his Tender immediately enter into an Agree- ment to be prepared by the Town Clerk for the proper fulfilment of the Contract and provide the names of two sureties (to be approved by the Purchasers) who shall execute a joint and several Bond in the sum of 10 per cent, of the value of the Contract for the due and faithful performance of the Contract, as defined by the Tender and these General Conditions and Specification. No person employed by the Contractor or interested in the business of the Contractor, as partner, is to be put forward or will be accepted by the Purchasers as a Surety. Quantity.—8. The quantity of Coal to be delivered shall be........Tons, but the Purchasers shall have the option of purchasing 5 per cent, in excess of or 5 per cent, less than such quantity within the period of the Contract, such option to be declared before the expiration of three-quarters of the period of the Contract. Rate of Delivery.—9. The coal shall be delivered in weekly regular monthly quantities as follows:— quarterly ........................................................... (Here set out complete table of deliveries required for the period).................................................... but the Purchasers shall have the option of taking 10 per weekly cent, in excess of or 10 per cent, less than such monthly quarterly week quantity in any month provided that the total quantity so quarter taken is within the limits described in Clause 8. In the event of the Purchasers being unable to take delivery of the Coal contracted for within any of the periods provided in the Contract owing to breakdown of the Purchaser’s machinery, or for any other cause whatsoever beyond their control, the quantity so affected shall be deducted from the quantity described in Clause 9. Weights.—11. The Purchasers shall pay for the “ out turn ” weight of Coal delivered as measured .on the Council’s weighing apparatus excepting in so far as that these weights may be affected by the conditions of the guarantee. In contracts where delivery is made in truck, and the Purchasers cart the contents to works, the colliery weight to be accepted unless the Purchasers have the trucks re-weighed, full and empty, at receiving station. The Contractor or his authorised representative shall be given access at all reasonable times and at all times when weighing is in progress for the purpose of inspecting or testing the weighing apparatus. When so required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall produce for his inspection the colliery advice notes and the railway company’s tipping notes in the- case of rail-borne coal, and the colliery certificate and meters certificate in the case of sea-borne coal. Terms of Payment and Certificate of Engineer. (Local modifications where necessary.)—12. The written certificate of the Engineer that the Contractor is entitled to money under this Contract shall be a condition precedent to the Contractor’s right to claim any money from the Purchasers on account of coal supplied under the Contract, or for any matter or thing arising out of or in any way connected with the Contract, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment whatsoever except the amounts certified to be due to him upon the certificate of the Engineer. The Contractor shall render in duplicate upon his own and upon the Purchasers’ form a correct account of what is due to him within seven days of the end of the month following the month in which delivery has been made, and the Purchasers shall pay the Contractor upon the certificate of the Engineer within one month of the date upon which the correct account has been delivered to the Purchasers. The Engineer may by any certificate make any correction or modification in any previous certificate which shall have been issued by him, and payments shall be regulated and adjusted accordingly. Deductions from Contract Price.—14. All costs, damages or expenses which the Purchasers may have paid, or be liable to pay, or which shall have become forfeited to the Pur- chasers, as provided by these Conditions and by the Specification, shall be paid by the Contractor to the Purchasers on the certificate of the Engineer, or if not paid may be deducted from any moneys in their hands due or becoming due to the Contractor under the Contract or recovered by action at law or otherwise from the Contractor. Demurrage.—16. In the case of Coal sold in truck the Purchasers shall be allowed three clear working days from the date of arrival of trucks at the Railway Station or Sidings, such date to be determined by Railway Companies’ arrival note, after which demurrage shall be paid to the Contractors at the rate of 6d. per wagon per day. In the case of sea-borne Coal four clear days at or off Wharf shall be allowed, after which demurrage shall be paid by the Purchasers to the Contractors at the rate of Id. per ton per day. No demurrage shall be paid to the Contractor in the event of his failing to effect delivery in accordance with the Contract, or in the event of unavoidable breakdown of the Purchaser’s coal-handling plant. Negligence.—18. If the Contractor shall fail to deliver the Coal with due diligence and expedition in accordance with the Specification, or shall fail to execute any other matter stipulated in the provisions of the Contract, the Purchasers shall after forty-eight hours’ notice to the Contractor in writing be at liberty to employ other Contractors and forth- with obtain such Coal as the Contractor may have failed to deliver or, if the Purchasers shall think fit, it shall be lawful for them, after seven days’ notice in writing, to take the Contract wholly, or in part, out of the Contractors’ hands and re-contract with any other person or persons, or provide any other Coal, provided that such Coal shall not be of a superior quality to the specified. If the cost of obtaining other Coal exceed the cost which would have been incurred by the Purchasers under this Contract, the- difference in cost shall be paid to the Purchasers by the Contractor. The Contractor shall or shall not make good any deliveries in arrear,’due to his default at the option of the Purchasers. Engineer's Decision.—20. In respect of all matters which are left to the decision or certificate of the Engineer, the Engineer shall, if required so to do by the Contractor, give in writing a decision thereon and his reasons for such decision, or if he shall withhold any certificate, then his reasons for so doing. Any Coal which under this Contract shall have been rejected by the Engineer shall be removed forthwith by the Contractor at his own expense, or failing such removal, shall be removed by the Purchaser at the Contractor’s expense. All decisions of the Engineer shall be- subject to the provisions of Clause 23. Strikes, Lock-outs, Acts of God.—22. In the event of a strike or lock-out of the workmen at the Collieries or else- where, or in the event of any circumstances whatsoever over which the Contractor shall have no control, preventing delivery, the Contractor shall not be required to deliver the description of Coal herein contracted for during such strike, lock-out or obstruction, and the quantity which would otherwise have been delivered shall be cancelled, but the Contractor shall, if required by the Purchasers, supply other coal approved by the Engineer at a price to be agreed upon. Arbitration.—23. If at any time any question, dispute or difference shall arise ^between the Purchasers or their Engineer and the Contractor upon or in relation to, or in. connection with the Contract, either party may forthwith give the other notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference, and such question, dispute or difference shall be referred to arbitration of a person mutually agreed upon, or failing agreement to some person appointed by the President for the time being of the Insti- tution of Electrical Engineers. Delivery of Coal under the Contract shall proceed during arbitration proceedings. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. Specifications. Tenderers are requested to tender for coal to be supplied in accordance with either or both of the following alternative specifications:—Specification (a). For coal of a particular description, hereinafter described as “Named Coal”; Specification (b) : For coal guaranteed to have definite physical qualities as a fuel for steam raising purposes, hereinafter described as “ Guaranteed Coal.” In the specification of “ Named Coal,” the tenderer is required to set out in the tenderer’s details:—(1) The name of the pit from which the coal will be delivered; (2) the description applied to the particular class of coal from the colliery; (3) size as specified by the colliery. In the specification of “ Guaranteed Coal,” the tenderer is required to set out in his details the classes of coal for which he is tendering corresponding with the classes referred to in the table of standards. Testing.—A. A representative sample shall be taken on delivery from each or any consignment and shall be divided and sealed in three air-tight vessels, the Con- tractor shall be at liberty to be represented when the sample is taken and shall be entitled to one portion thereof. The Contractor shall have no opportunity at a later date of objecting to the manner in which the Coal has been sampled. B. Samples taken in the manner herein defined shall be taken from each consignment and tested by the Pur- chaser, or in the event of dispute by a competent expert who shall be approved from time to time by the Pur- chaser and whose fees shall be paid by the Contractor if the Purchaser’s test is confirmed. The Tenderer is invited to set out in the Tenderer’s details the names of three experts either of whom he is agreeable shall be employed. Bonus and Penalty.—No variation of the Contract price shall be made for any variation from the standard not exceeding one-twentieth, up or down, of the figures given in the table of standards, (a) If the calorific value exceeds the standard value in British Thermal units per pound, the price per ton shall* be increased in the same percentage ratio as the increase- in the calorific value. (b) If the calorific value be less than the standard value in Thermal units per pound, the price per ton shall be decreased in the same percentage ratio as the decrease in calorific value, provided always that the Purchaser shall have the right to reject the whole consignment if the calorific value be more than 7| per cent, below the standard. (c) If the moisture be less than the standard per- centage by weight, the weight of coal to be paid for shall