706 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 4, 1913. CONTENTS. PAGE Editobial Article — Hours of Employment of Winding Enginemen.... 707 Articles :— Props and Beams in Mines.................... 605 An Improved Capel .......................... 696 The Inflammability of Carbonaceous Dusts.... 696 The Westphalian Experimental Station at Derne 697 An Adjustable Eccentric .................... 700 Labour and Wages ........................... 707 Notes from South Wales...................... 708 Model Specifications and Conditions of Contract for the Purchat e of Coal ................. 709 The Testing of Safety Explosives............ 711 The Geology and Palaeontology of the Warwick- shire Coalfield ............................ 714 Coastwise Shipments in February ............ 715 Colliery Managers’ Examinations ............ 715 Mining and Other Notes ..................... 715 Open Contracts ............................. 716 The Freight Market ......................... 717 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted 718 Government Publications .................... 722 Publications Received ...................... 722 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades..................................... 722 Parliamentary Intelligence ..................... 701 Continental Mining Notes ..................... 713 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........... 718 The Coal and Iron Trades ................ 702—705, 708 The Tin-plate Trade ........................ 705 The By-Products Trade ...................... 705 The London Coal Trade ...................... 710 Report op Meeting:— North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ...................... 699 Letters to the Editor :— Pit Ponies and Blinkers—Rescue Apparatus of the Injector and Non-lnjector Type ............ 701 Miscellanea :— Grimsby Coal Exports—Examinations under the Coal Mines Act............................. 696 Manchester Geological and Mining Society.... 697 West Riding Miners’ Relief Fund ............ 699 Institution of Civil Engineers ............. 700 Royal School of Mines—Partnerships Dissolved ... 701 The Nxvy and Oil Fuel..................... 716 Electric Hang-fires and a New Cage Gate—Marriage of Mr. B. H. Pickering..................... 717 Hull Coal Exports—Stallmen and the National Insurance Act .............................. 722 SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian is published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, and includes the latest intelligence. The Annual Sub- acription is 24s.; but if paid in advance, 21s. In both cases the charge includes delivery free by post in the United Kingdom. Post free and prepaid to Foreign Countries, XI 7s. 6d. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT. H. Grbville Montgomery, 43, Essex-street, Strand, London, W.C., and 27, Brasenose-street, Manchester. Advertisements are inserted on the last white page and leader page at the following rates:— Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word (which must be prepaid), minimum 2s. 6d. Other Advertisements : One insertion ... 10s. Od. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. „ „ Six insertions ... 9s. 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Telegraphic Address—” Privilege, London.” Tel. No. Holborn 2763. Circular of useful information and prices for British and Foreign Patents post free. Chart of 187 Mechanical Motions with description of each, post free 6d. VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. Se« Advertiaeme- t appearing on front Oover of alternate Week*: THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO LTD. Llanmore Works Llanelly. TQ/YTMQHmT V’Q FOK MINERALS, AJvAIX.OJlXwJUJiLO WATER AND BRINE Boreholes for Prospecting in Underground Workings a Speciality. VIVIAN’S BORING COMPANY, PARKSIDE, CLEATOR MOOR. OVER 82 MILES OF BORINGS COMPLETED. Established 40 years. Largest experience. Telegrams—“Vivians, Parkside, Cleator Moor.” The Cambrian School of Mines, CEMETERY ROAD, PORTH, GLAM. Principal: WILLIAM THOMAS, M.Inst.M.E., M.R., Society of Arts. A SCHOOL of Unequalled Reputation. No Branches. No Agents. Students get their full money’s worth in Lessons, Specimen Answers and Personal Instruction. Influential Employers give preference to Students prepared at this School. Last Inspectorate Exams., 5 Students, passed and appointed. LESSONS BY POST for Mine Officials and Mining Students, &c. The most accurate way of estimating a Tutor’s success is by the per- centages of his passes. At the 1912 Cardiff Mine Managers’ Home Office Exams. 172 Students sat from this School, 140 of them were successful. At Glasgow Mining Exam. 38 Cambrian Students sat, the 38 were successful. Write immediately for free Booklets, &c. Secretary: Cambrian. Mining School, Glanffrwd, Forth, Glam. BORING for MINERALS, &o. Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Reference if required. Apply to --- Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND, YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. YEADON, SON & CO., • . • Engineers, JLiEJlISXJS. World-wide Reputation. 35 Years’ Experience. RAILS AND ACCESSORIES. ••• WAGONS ALWAYS IN STOCK. QUICK DESPATCH. THO® W. WARD Ltd., Sheffield. Telegrams—"Forward.” Telephones—4321 (6 lines). PROFESSOR HALDANE’S New Portable Apparatus for Routine Firedamp Estimations; and Apparatus for Approximate Determination of Oxygen by Flame Test. Sole MaJkers— SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “NEPTUNE” WORKS, and 187, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E. ..... ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Rescue Apparatus (Fleuss-Davis Patents), First-Aid Boxes, Reviving Apparatus, Oxygen Compression Pumps, Electric Lamps, &c., &c. Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. Price 6s. 3d. 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. (post free). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention, By T, LISTER LLEWELLYN, M.D., B.S. (Lend.), &c. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. S. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, M.B., Barrister-at-Law. CONTENTS. Description of the Eye—Anatomy : Physiology—(1) General Description of the Disease—(2) Frequency and Resulting Incapacity—(3) Historical Account of the Disease and Theories of its Causation—(4), (5) and (6) Conditions Determining the Occurrence of Nystagmus—(7) Diagnosis and Prognosis—(8) ( he Etiology of Nystagmus—(9) Pre- ventive Measures and Treatment—(10) Summary and .Conclusions — With Appendices: Legal Information — Glossary—References and Bibliography—The Effects of Deficiency of Oxygen on the Light of a Safety Lamp— Test of Ceag Lamp. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Lattice Girder Bridge as per illustration, 96 ft. long, 7 ft. by 7 ft. inside, in three lengths, has been across L. & N.W. Railway, FOR SALE.-Apply, LEAMORE BRICK CO., Walsall. IMPORTANT NOTICE. We have acquired from Sir Wm. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., several sets of high-class Corliss Geared Horizontal Engines in first-class condition. Arrangements may be made for one of the above to be seen working (others being dismantled). For particulars and price, apply— R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Ings Foundry, Wakefield. Telephone 44. Telegrams—” Engineer, Wakefield.” COMMERCIAL GAS COMPANY. TENDERS FOR COAL. The Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS for the supply of 200.000 tons of Clean, Dry, Unscreened, Fresh-wrought GAS COALS, delivered f.o.b. to the Company’s Steamers at any suitable port during a period of 12 months commencing 1st June, 1913. The deliveries to be in about equal monthly quantities. Payment in cash monthly. Particulars and f rms of contract may be obtained from the Engineer and General Manager, Mr. 8. H. Jones. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders, sealed and endorsed ” Tender for Coals,” to be addressed to the Chairman of the Coal Committee, and delivered at the Company’s offices not later than nine a.m. on the 17th inst. Commercial Gas Works, Stepney, E., April 3,1913. TFi p IT M Q is conducted 1110 U.III.43. T. A. SOUTHERN H. W. HALBAUM (Estab. 1883). (late H.M.I.M.) (Greenwell Medallist) men qualified to prepare you for the highest mining positions. The U.M.S. is the sure road to promotion. Employers know that OUR PRACTICAL TRAINING FITS MEN FOR POSITION. That is why U.M S. men obtain and hold nearly all the best positions. 42 of H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. men. LESSONS BY POST only. Syllabus free. Dept. A3, The IT.M.S., CARDIFF. NEW FORMS, &c., RECENTLY ISSUED UNDER THE COAL MINES ACTS. ■ .— ■ See Page "719. ----------------- This List of New Prescribed Forms, fyc., appears weekly in, the “ Colliery Guardian ” Thirteenth Edition, Revised. With Numerous Diagrams. Cloth. 6s. net. A TREATISE ON MINE-SURVEYING : For the use of Managers of Mines and Collieries, Students at the Royal School of Mines, &c. By BENNETT H. BROUGH, Assoc.R.S.M , F.G.S. “ ItS CLEARNESS of STYLE, LUCIDITY of DESCRIPTION, and FULNESS Of DETAIL have long ago won for it a place unique in the literature of this branch of mining engineering, and the present edition fully maintains the high standard cf its predecessors. To the student, and to the mining engineer alike, its value is inestimable. The illustrations are excellent.”— The Mining Journal. ______________ Second Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. Handsome Cloth. Illustrated. 6s. net. MINING GEOLOGY. A Text-book for Mining Students and Miners. By Prof. JAMES PARK, F.G.S., M.Inst.M.M. “A work which should find a place in the library of every mining engineer.”—Mining World. : CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO. LTD., Exeter St., Strand, TUBES & FITTINGS, IRON AND STEEL. Tubes for Gas, Water, Steam, and Compressed Air. Electric Tramway Poles, Pit Props, High Pressure Steam Mains, &c. JOHN SPENCER LTD., Globe Tub® Worka, Wednesbury. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS INTIRED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCA8TLE-ON-TTNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“ Osbboks, Newoastlb-ok-Tyne.” *#* For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. tardiati. LONDON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1913. The Home Secretary gives notice that on April 1,1913, he made General Regulations under sections 57 and 86 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911,. as to the hours of employment of winding' enginemen ; and that he has prescribed June 30, 1913, as the date after which, under section 57 (3) of the Act, a winding engineman may not be employed for more than eight hours in any one day, except as provided by the General Regulations. Mr. Redmayne’s report on the Cadeby Main Colliery explosion has been presented to Parliament. On behalf of the Home Office, Mr. W. Walker has opened the official enquiry into the cause of the Rufford pit shaft disaster. A meeting of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society will be held on Tuesday, when Mr. J. D. Paton will read a paper on small coal