March 28, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 679 -h“TREF0R BORING and MINING Go. Ltd. (Societe Anonyme de Forage et Entreprises Minieres), 41, RUE ROYALE, BRUXELLES. CONTRACTORS FOR DEEP BORINGS. We make a Speciality of HEYWOOD & BRIDGE’S PATENT FRICTION CLUTCHES and HAULING INSTALLATIONS. Wells drilled for petroleum in all parts of the world. Special outfit for coal borings to any depth and of any diameter (Vogt’s Patents). BREJCHA’S PATENTS. Boring to any depth without casings and without reduction of diameter. Speed record in England: Boring Heswall (Cheshire), 3,400 feet in eight months. Shafts sunk by freezing method. Shafts sunk by cementing the watery grounds (cementing and sinking simultaneously). (Electrical and Mechanical. Vertical and Horizontal.) We are supplying’ our Hauling Gears to the leading Gold Mines, Collieries, Quarries, Brickworks, etc., etc., and are continually receiving repeat orders. 1 4 The illustration is of Winding Drum and Clutch for 200-h.p Engine. We have thousands of our Clutches at work on all kinds of drives. Send for Catalogues free. j F Patentees & Sole Makers, DAVID BRIDGE ‘ CO. LD., Haulage Works, CASTLETON. MANCHESTER. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. A.utoma/tlc Detachment. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN HAULAGE CLIPS. New Model: Nine Sizes° Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, NUNEATON, England. WELDED TUBES up to 36 in. diameter, for ----- MINING, GAS AND WATER. --------- EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telegrams—“Lewis, Wolverhampton.” London Address—143, Cannon Street, E.C. Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton. Liverpool Warehouse—58, South John Street, The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen. REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. NORTONS. •'7 Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTIHC DOWH. Will Screen more efficiently than any other screen. Nearly 100 Screens now at work. For PERFECT sizing & loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON’S PATENTS). We are constructing and erecting more than one complete Screening Plant every month. Capacities 2,000 to 5,000 tons per day. NORTONS (TIVIDALE) LTD. HECLA Works, Tipton, England.