662 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 28, 1913. No. 24. ------— -—--—-—. -■'" — '■ — ..- —-— ... .- 11 .; TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— Ann. Mines Belgique = Annales des Mines de Belgique. Berg- Huettenmaenn. Rdsch. = Berg- und Huettenmaen- nische Rundschau. Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin. — Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers Canad. Engin. = Canadian Engineer. Canad. Min. JI. = Canadian Mining Journal. Chem. Engin. — Chemical Engineer. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and < oke Operator. Coal Min. Inst. Am. = Coal Mining Institute of America. Coal Tr. Bull. = Coal Trade Bulletin. Colliery Guard. — Colliery Guardian. El. Maschbau = Electrotechnik- und Maschinenbau. El. Railw. JI. = Electric Railway Journal. El. Rev. (Lond.) = Electrical Review (London). Engin. Mag. = Engineering Magazine. Engin. News (N.Y.) = Engineering News (New York). Engin. Record = Engineering and Building Record. Ind. World = Industrial World. Inst. Min. Met. = Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. JI. Gasbeleuchtg. = Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung. JI. Ind. Engin. Chem. = Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. JI. Inst. Min. Engin. = Journal of the Institution of Mining Engineers. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. Manch. Geol. Min. Soc. = Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Midland Inst. Min. Eng. = Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers. Min. Engin. = Mining Engineering. Mines Minerals = Mines and Minerals. Min. Science = Mining Science. Min. Scient. Press = Mining and Scientific Press. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistiche Rundschau. N. E. Coast Inst. Engin. = North-east Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Quart. JI. Geol. Soc. - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. Rev. Prat. Ind. Metall. — Revue Pratique des Industries Metallurgiques. School Mines = School of Mines Quarterly. S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin. = South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers. Trans. Inst. Min. Engin. = Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers. Trans. N. Engl Inst. Min. Engin. = Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. U.S. Bur. Min. Circ. = United States Bureau of Mines Circular. U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. = United States Geological Survey Bulletin. W. Va. Coal Min. Inst. = Western Virginia Coal Mining Institute. Z. Bergw. Preuss. = Zeitschrift fur das Berg. Hutten-und Salinenwesen im Preussichen Staate. Z. Int. Ver. Bohring. = Zeitschrift InternationalerVereins der Bohringenieure. Z. Ver. D. Ing. = Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure. *#* We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive of postage. I.—General. Changes in the Bituminous Coal Industry in 1912. G. H. Cushing. “Min. Scient. Press,” vol. 106, 1, p. 49-50. Relation of Forestry to Coal Mining. H. A. Williamson. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” December 16, 1912, p. 40; ill. Maximum Tonnage Under Present Mining Conditions. J. Keely. “ Coal and Coke Op.,” December 19, 1912, p. 388. (Paper read before W. Va. Coal Min. Inst.) 2s. 3d. Coalmines Branch of the Province of Alberta. “ Canad- Min. JI.,” vol. 34, 2, p. 52-3. Is. 6d. A Photographic Method of Rapidly Copying out Pay- Notes in Use at Throckley Collieries. T. V. Simpson and G. W. Bell. “Trans. N. Engl. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 63, 1, p. 92-9 ; 2 fig.; 3 tables. 8s. The Science of Good Management. A. J. Reef. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 1, p. 16-17. (The answei’ to the problem of the “ time-and-motion ” loss in any industry is the one word “ system.” Methods employed in the various shops may, with but little alteration, be applied to coalmining. The bonus system may be introduced with advantage to both employers and employee.) Is. 3d. Our Future in the Export Trade. F. R. Wadleigh. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 894-7 ; vol. 3, 6, p. 215-17. 2s. 6d. The Coal Trade of Nova Scotia in 1912. F. W. Gray. “ Canad. Min. JI.,” vol. 34, 2, p. 39-43 ; ill. Is. 6d. Our Export Trade during 1912. F. R. Wadleigh. “Coal Age,” vol. 3, 2, p. 52-2. (Mr. Wadleigh and others are of the opinion that local exporters would do better by concentrating their efforts on the markets contiguous to the United States, rather than by attempting to establish control of the Mediterranean trade.) Is. 3d. Coal in Russia. (Le Charbon en Russie.) “ L’Opinion Financiere,” December 19,1912, p. 2. Last Year’s Coalmining Accidents. R. D. Hall. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 4, p. 136-8, tables. (A large reduction in the important coalmine disasters of the United States was effected in the year 1912. Whereas in the previous year 444 were killed in accidents involving three or more persons, last year only about 254 men died from misadventures of like severity.) Is. 3d. Statistics on Coalmine Fatalities. F. L. Hoffman. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 3, p. 96-7, tables. (A brief review of coalmine accidents during the last decade, 1902- 1911, together with a short summary of the last thirty years, 1882-1911.) Is. 3d. Colliery Development and Surface Support. H. Brad- shaw. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2724, p. 536 ; 1 fig. (Abst. paper read before S. Staffs. Inst. Min. Engin.) 6d. Indian Railways and the Ownership of Coal Property. By Sir R. P. Ashton. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2725, p. 596. 6d. The Industrial Consumption of Coal. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2723, p. 490. (Statistics compiled from the Report on the Census of Production.) 6d. II.—Education. The Board of Education Examinations in Coalmining. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2723, p. 487. 6d. III.—Geology. The Lower Carboniferous Succession in the North-West of England. E. J. Garwood. “ Quart. JI. Geol. Soc..” vol. 68, 272, p. 449-586 ; 6 ill., 4 pl., 4 maps. The North of England Coalfields of Durham and Northumberland. (Die nordlichen englischen Stein- kohlenfelder von Durham und Northumberland.) Bruno Simmersbach. “ Berg. Huttenmaenn. Rdsch.,” December 5, 1912, p. 53. On the Discovery of a Fossil-bearing Horizon in the Permian Rocks of Hamstead Quarries, near Bir- mingham. W. H. Hardaker. “ Quart. JI. Geol. Soc.,” vol. 68, 272, p. 639-83; 30 fig. (Detailed description of the recently discovered fossils of the Hamstead Quarry Series. Comparison of these fossils with similar fossils elsewhere in Britain and abroad.) On the Geology and Palaeontology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. R. D. Vernon. “ Quart. JI. Geol. Soc.,” vol. 68, 272, p. 587-638; 4 pl., 1 map. The South-Eastern Coalfield, the Associated Rocks and the Buried Plateau. W. B. Dawkins. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Eng.,” vol. 44, 2, p. 350-71; 13 tab., map. 8s. The Bering River Coalfield, Alaska. W. R. Crane. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 6, p. 212-14. Is. 3d. Bibliography of North American Geology for 1911, with subject index. J. M. Nickles. “ Geol. Survey Bull.,” 524, 162 p. Prospective Life of the Pittsburg Coalseam. J. W. Boileau. “ Coal and Coke Op.,” December 26, 1912, p. 403. (Address delivered before Coal Min. Inst. Am.) 2s. 3d. Stratigraphy and Seam Groups in the Saarbriicken Carboniferous Formation. (Die Schichtereihen und Floezgruppen des Saarbruecker Steinkohlengebirges.) I. J. Recktenwald. “ Berg-Hiittenmann Rdsch.,” 1912, vol. 8,10, p. 103-7. French Coalfields. R. Ronald. “ Min. Engin.,” vol. 16, 223, p. 250-1. IY.—Mine Surveying. Some Considerations on the Specification of Theodolites for Mines. “ Inst. Min. Met.,” Bull. 100, January 9, 1913, p. 1-24. A New Mining Dial. F. P. Mills, “ JI. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 44, 3, p. 553-8; 4 fig. 8s. Y.—Mining Technology. Colliery Practice in Concreting. E. E. Seelyeand A. T. Shurick. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 899-902; ill. Is. 3d YI.—Working of Minerals. Disc. V. Bar Coal-cutting Machines. (Radschram- maschine oder Stangenabbauschrammaschine.) A. E. Liwehr. “ Montan. Rdsch.” 1912, 20, p. 1114-5. 2s. 6d. I Development of Coal-cutting Machinery. T. W. Fry. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3, 3, p. 99-100; ill. Is. 3d. I A Description of the Houldsworth Colliery, Patna, Ayr. D. Boyd. “ Min. Engin.,” vol. 17, 224, p. 4-6. Strip Pitmining with Steam Shovels. C. M. Young. “ Coal Age,” vol. 3,1, p. 10-11; ill. Is. 3d. Working by High Lifts in Combination with Face Conveyors. (Abbau mit hohem Stoss unter Verwendung von Abbaufordereinrichtungen.) Von Bolesta-Malewski. “ Gliickauf,” 1912, 43, p. 1749-58; 13 fig.; 44, p. 1789-96. 5s. 6d. Mining Conditions in West Virginia. “ Coal and Coke Op.,” December 12, 1912, p. 369. (A summation of results of investigation by Mines Commission and recommendations.) 2s. 3d. YII— Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunneling. Regulation of Boreholes through Coal. O. P. Hood and A. S. Heggem. “ Cpal Age,” vol. 3, 7, p. 264-5. Is. 3d. Controlling the Direction of Boreholes. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33, 6, p. 327-8 ; illustrated. 2s. 2d. Method of Mounting Diamond-drill Crowns with Out- wardly Uniform Discs, composed of Head and Shank. (Verfahren zum Besetzen von Diamant- bohrkronen mittels aeusserlich gleicher, aus Kopf und Zapfen bestehender Disken). Franz Bade. “ Z. Int. Ver. Bohring,” 1912, 7, p. 81-2; 2 fig. Under-reamer with Articulated Cutters Adapted to Swing Outward. (Erweiterungsbohrer mit aus- schwingbar angelenkten Werkzeugen). C. Cantilli. “ Z. Int. Ver. Bohring,” 1912, 7, p. 79; 9 fig. Boring Tool with Leading Screw and Adjustable Cutters Mounted on Spiral Plate Surfaces. (Erdbohrer mit Leitschraube und an schraubenfoermigen Teller- flaechen verstellbaren Messern). “ Z. Int. Ver. Bohring,” 1912,1, p. 11. Upwardly Tapered Screw-boring Tool for Deep Boring with Shield. (Von unten nach oben sich verjuen- gender Schraubenbohrer fuer Tiefbohrungen mit Mantel.) Max Blandow. “ Z. ’ Int. Ver. Bohring,” 1912, 5, p. 58. The Bearcreek Coal Company in Montana. B. Shubart, “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 26, p. 904-6 ; ill. Is. 3d. Mining Steep Dipping Coal. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33,6, p. 301-3; ill. (A method suggested to meet certain conditions in thin seams in Arkansas.) 2s. 2d.