618 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1913. side of’the’shackle wherein it is retained by the pressure of a spring against the head of the’pin. The invention consists in the provision of means for ensuring a more secure fastening of the shackle pin to prevent accidental displace- ment, and also means for enabling the removal of the spring from the pin in case of breakage. According to it the side face of the shackle near the eye is formed with a plurality of recesses, or alternatively with serrations or inclined locking pieces, or otherwise with an inclined surface having one or more steps for securing the lip or projection. By this means the lip or projection is more readily locked in place and is not so liable to become released by the pressure of something thrown or falling on the pin. The usual ring in the head of the pin may be provided with an index finger to show that the pin is securely fastened in the locked position. Fig. 1 is a plan of shackle or coupling for colliery and other wagons constructed in accordance with the invention; fig. 1* is a view showing the lip or projection fixed in slot in end of pin 5 fig. 2 is a side elevation thereof, and figs. 3 and 4 are similar views to figs. 1 and 2, showing a modification thereof; fig. 5 is a fragmentary view of the jaw of the shackle showing a further modification of the locking means, while fig. 6 is a plan thereof. (Four claims.) The Flimby and Broughton Moor Colliery Company are at present experimenting, at their by-product works at Risehow, near Maryport, with a new patent gaslight of the single inverted mantle type. It is proposed to burn gas from the coke ovens after it has been purified. GOVERHHEHT PUBLICATIOHS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Factory and Workshops Acts, 1901 to 1911: Certifying Surgeons in England and Wales, 1912, Is. 5d.; ditto, in Scotland, price Is. 3d. Railway Accidents : Returns for Three Months ending September 1912, price Is. 4d. Railway and Canal Commission. Twenty-fourth Report for 1912, 2|d. Petroleum Committee: Final Report, l|d. Pauperism: Statement, 1848 to 1911-12, Id. Bill: Crown Lands, No. 32, Id. National Insurance Regulations: Notices by Employers under Section 47, Id.; Subsidiary Employments Order, No. 1, Id. Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1913, Id. Report on the International Exhibitions at Brussels, Rome and Turin, 1910-11, 2s. 6d. Census of Production : Rules, February 14, No. 195 . ditto, January 20, No. 194—l£d. each. Trade Union Act, 1913, 2d. MINES: Form 42B, 3s. 2d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Malingering. By Sir John Collie. London: Edward Arnold. Price 10s. 6d. net. Progress in By-product Recovery at Coke Ovens. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Manchester Section, February 15, 1913.) By J. E. Christopher. London: Vacher and Sons Limited. Canada Department of Mines : A General Summary of the Mineral Production of Canada, 1911. By John McLeish, B.A. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau. Comment ou Cree Une Mine. By M. Lecomte-Decies. Second edition. Paris : Dunod and Pin at. Colliery Office Organisation and Accounts. By J. W. Innes and T. C. Campbell. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Limited. Price 5s. net. Stock Exchange: Ten Year Record, 1903-1912. By F. C. Mathieson and Sons. Seventh edition. London •’ F. C. Mathieson and Sons. Canada Department of Mines : An Investigation of the Coals of Canada. (Vol. 3). By J. B. Porter and R. J. Dourley. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau. “ Proceedings of the South Wales Institution of Engineers ” (Vol. 28, No. 6), price 5s.; “Contents of Proceedings (No. 11) and Indexes to Papers and Authors (Vols. 26-28 Inclusive, July 1908 to December 1912) of the South Wales Institution of Engineers,0price2s.; “The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 13, No. 7), January, 3s.; “ Zeitschrift fur das Berg- Hutten-u. Salinenwesen° (Band 50), 4 Heft; “ Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Ship- builders in Scotland” (Part 5); “ Annual Report of the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris for 1912 ”; “ Past and Present Metal Markets ”—Booklet and two Charts, compiled by W. E. Figgis, and published by the “ Mining Standard ” (Critchley Parker Publications) ; “The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers” (vol. 18, No, 1), January, price 50 cents; “Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe du Nord de la France” (No. 189), February; “The Mining Magazine” (Vol. 8, No. 3), March, price Is.; “ Transactions of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders” (Vol. 29, Part 4), March, price 5s.; “Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel” (No. 162),February, price 2 fr.; “ Compressed Air Magazine” (Vol. 18, No. 3), March; “ Annales des Mines ” (tome 2, No. 12) ; “ Iowa Geological Survey ” (Vol. 21, Annual Reports 1910-11); “ Records of the Geological Survey of India ” (Vol. 42, Part 4). The decision of railway companies with regard to the practice of addressing goods sent by train by means of a private mark or cypher has now been made public. The companies now offer the traders two alternative systems. One is the use of a distinguishing mark for the name of the consignee, with the station of destination clearly given; and the other is the employment of a kind of letter-card displaying on the outside a distinguishing mark, but the inside giving the names and addresses of both the sender and the consignee, which can be opened by the railway officials for inspection if the occasion requires. When a number of packages of the same or similar description are sent to the same consignee it will be necessary to mark only one in ten of such packages in quantities of from 5 to 100, and one in 20 when the quantity exceeds 100 Metal bars, rods, sheets, stampings, forgings, castings, and similar material which cannot be labelled by adhesive or tie-on labels, must have the consignee's name and address or the trader's mark and destination station painted or stencilled legibly and durably shown thereon. Bars, rods and tubes of dimensions not affording sufficient surface for painting or stencilling should be bound by wire into bundles convenient for handling and have wood, metal or other tallies affixed. The following traffics are exempted from the new regulations: Returned empties when branded with the owner's name and address; any general merchandise of the same or similar description carried in consignments of one ton or upwards to a single consignee; export and import goods conveyed direct from truck to ship and vice versd. The above regulations will take effect from March 31. MINING MACHINERY EXHIBITION. MAY 29th to JUNE 7th. WE ARE ERECTING THE STAND FOR THE “ COLLIERY GUARDIAN.” Enquiries to 8, Maclise Road, (Outside Olympia), LONDON, W. Tel.—7146 Western. rHamiltons) ltd_____S ERECT STANDS. THE FIRM WHO DELIVER THE GOODS. NO PAPER LETTER SIGNS USED. ALL SOLID, PAINTED AND WRITTEN. Head Office: Enterprise Works, Coventry. Tel. 67.