March 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 547 coal is firm. Best Durham gas coal is quoted up to 15s. 6d., and the current market quotation for second quality is in the neighbourhood of 14s. A good demand is reported for bunker coal, and ordinary Durhams are 15s., bests 15s. 6d., seconds 14s. to 14s. 6d., and Wear specials 15s. 6d. to 16s. Household coal is rather quiet, with quotations ranging from 15s. 6d. to 16s. fid. Coking coal is in fairly good request, ;and average blastfurnace kinds are selling at 24s. 61. to 25s. for early delivery at Teesside works, but substantial forward business has been done at below these rates. Foundry coke is 27s. fid., and gas house coke 16s. 6d. to 17s. IRON. Quietness rules in pig iron. There is great scarcity of all kinds, and haematite is practically unobtainable. Values of Cleveland pig are unsettled, and rather difficult to fix. The drop of 25 cents in American iron has had a disturbing influence on the market here. This week sales of No. 3 rg.m.b. Cleveland pig have occurred at 63s. 6d. to 63s. 9d. f.o.b., and the ruling quality is now firm at the latter figure, which is also the price named for No. 4 foundry, whilst No. 1 is 66s. 3d., No. 4 forge 63s. 6d., and mottled and white iron each 66s.—all for early delivery. With no haematite forthcoming for prompt orders, even for small lots prices are very strong. Demand for delivery both for home and foreign customers is heavy, and steamers arriving for haematite have had to go away without supplies. Contrary to custom, Continental consumers were reluctant to buy last week-end to meet spring requirements, and as most of the make is at present taken up by customers at home, users abroad are unable to obtain the iron they need. There are buyers quite prepared to pay 82s. for prompt delivery of mixed numbers, but they experience the greatest difficulty in finding sellers. Foreign ore is lifeless, and market rates are nominally based on 21s. 6d. ex-ship Tees for rubio of 50 per cent, quality. Freights Bilbao-Middles- brough are easy at 5s. In manufactured iron and steel a great deal of work is being turned out. Specifications are being given out freely, but new orders are scarce. Common iron bars are <£8 15s.; iron ship plates, <£8; steel ship plates, ^£8 5s.; iron ship angles, ^£8 15s.; steel ship angles, .£7 17s. 6d.; steel bars (basic), £8; steel bars (Siemens), £8 10s.; steel strip, £8 ; steel hoops, £8 2s. 6d.; and steel joists, £7 7s. 6d.—all less the customary 2| per cent, discount.