530 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 14, 1913. The Gwalia Forge Co., Caergwrle, Wrexham, N. Wales. ,HE“FIRE KING” ESTABLISHED OVER 250 YEARS. Efficiency Proved by Large Number of Repeat Orders arriving. SPRINKLING SHOVEL ensures even temperature, minimum smoke, maxi- mum efficiency and great saving in fuel. Its popularity amongst masters and men is still increasing, [jess raking and higher evaporation. Write the Patentee— C. A. FELL, Fuel Economy, DRONFIELD, near SHEFFIELD. Absolutely the best tubs on the market, being stronger in proportion to their weight than any other make. :: :: to First=class :: references given if desired, one colliery alone having purchased over 2,000 tubs from us. :: :: Caergwrle Steel Wagons. Electrical Plant & Accessories. CABLES & SWITCHES, CARBON & METAL LAMPS. ■ ELECTRIC DRILLS All Types. J HASLAM <& SCHONTHEIL LR «i, Windsor Place, CARDIFF. 2J8ELTE™°^S. WE SPECIALISE IN Colliery Tubs, Draw=Bars, Wagon Couplings, Angle Work, Colliers’ Rakes & Baskets, Spades, Shovels and Picks to any Pattern. Also ail kinds of Smith Work and Steel Forgings of every description. Prices on application. FtMB055ING-PRE55E56DIE5-5EAl5BRfi55-NHMEPlATE5> /H0DlDtR5'lfTTER5&flGURt5IIIGRfflI VARIETY MflRK-mMESTAMP5’BRflNDING1R6NFVWCW^ k5ET50FLETTER&flGURE-PUNiilE55TENLIlPLRTE5jA>^W>?y^ EDWARD PRY0R&50N 68.WE5T5T.5HE FIELD. * f TIME CHECKS ! ,-L, L L BRA55 k LABELS j p. ic.- 3s. 6d. post Practical Handbook for Colliery Electricians. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PROBLEMS in Mines and Factories. By ELLIS H. CRAPFER, 8.Eng., M.I.E.E., Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, Lontion, E.C. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS! Ascending and Descending Gages Safeguarded, No Interference with Winding. starting in the[ IWrong[ Direction; Prevented, ♦ - ■ Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR. The most Effective Machine on the Market. 166 at work. JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd., Telephone : 55 Wtgan. Engineers, WIGAN. Telpgrams •“ Haulage Wigan."