March 7, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 505 E.C.; and F. de V. Summers, Hubert Lodge, Stirling-road, S.W. Minimum cash subscription, seven shares. Qualifica- tion of first directors, who are not named, 100 shares Remuneration, £100 each per annum (chairman £50 extra). Cremer Lamp and Engineering Company Limited.— This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £5 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title. First directors, B. Cremer, J. M. Servaes, and R. L. P. Bell. De Coster and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £500 in £1 shares (200 preference), to carry on the business of engineers, smiths, and machinists, &c. First directors, J. F« de Coster and C. de Coster. Qualification, 1 share Denton (William) Limited.—This private company has beee registered, with a capital of .£4,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, founders, smiths, machinists, &c. First directors, W. Denton (managing director), E. Loewstein, and A. Suffert (all permanent). Registered office, 2 and 3, Eldon-street, E C. Donnelly, MacLeod and Co. Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of an engineer and manufacturer, carried on by H. Donnelly at 49a, Wilson- street, Finsbury, E C., as Donnelly, MacLeod and Co. First directors, H. Donnelly and E. G. Bryden (both permanent) Qualification, 1,000 shares each. Registered office, 49a, Wilson-street, Finsbury, E C. Doxford (William) and Sons Limited —The report for 1912 states that the balance of profit and loss account unappropriated at December 31, 1912, is £41,568, which the directors recommend should be disposed of as follows:— Balance of dividend on preference shares (paid January 1, 1913), £6,250; final dividend on ordinary shares, £5,000; bonus on ordinary shares, £5,000; general reserve account (making it £110,000), £10,000; reserve account for equalisa- tion of dividends (making it £79,000), £14,000; leaving to be carried forward £1,318. The sum of £23,187 has been applied towards maintenance and depreciation of buildings and plant. Dundee Coal Company Limited.—Dividend of 5 per cent., payable on or about April 1. Friedheim (Oscar) Limited —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £17,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, &o., and to acquire the business carried on by O. Friedheim at 7, Water-lane, E.C. Permanent governing director, O. Friedheim. Remuneration, £520 per annum. Registered office, 7, Water-lane, E.C. Hadfield’s Steel Foundry Company Limited — The directors recommend a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 2s., and a bonus of Is. per share, making 4s. per share (20 per cent ), free of income tax, for the past year. Bickleton Main Colliery Co. Limited.—A final dividend has been declared of 5par cent, making, with the interim dividends amounting to 15 per cent., a rate of 20 per cent, for the year. Jessop (William) and Sons Limited.—The directors have decided to recommend a dividend on the ordinary shares of 6s. per share, being, with the interim dividend paid in September last, at the rate of 10 per cent, for the year, and a bonus of 2s. per share, free of income-tax. It has also been decided to recommend the payment of the final half- year’s dividend on the 5| per cent, preference shares. Jones (A.) and Sons Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants, &c., as formerly carried on by D. Powell-Jones, F. Powell-Jones and P. M. Jones, at Llangunider, Brecon, and at Abergavenny, Mon., as A. Jones and Co. First director, D. Powell-Jones. Qualification, 1,000 ordinary shares. Remuneration (except managing director), £5 per annum divisible. Leicestershire Colliery and Pipe Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £35,000 in £1 shares (20 000 preference), to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, miners, &c.', and to adopt an agree- ment with W. J. Hardy. First directors to be appointed. Qualification of managing director, one share; of other directors, £100. Remuneration (except managing director). £100 each per annum ; chairman, £50 extra). Registered office, 25, Victoria-street, S.W. Muntz’s Metal Company Limited.—The report of the directors for the year ended December 31, 1912, states that the accounts, after paying £3,394 15s. 4d. to the bank as interest on loan account, and writing off £4,742 10s. 7d. for depreciation, show a net profit of £7,067 7s. Id. To this has to be added the sum of £800 8s. lid. brought forward from last year’s accounts, making an available balance of £7,867 16s. With this it is proposed to pay a dividend of 7i per cent, on account of arrears on preference shares, less income-tax, and to carry forward to next year’s accounts £1,470 4s. 3d. This will still leave a balance of 5 per cent, due on the preference shares to December 31, 1912. North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited.—The directors report tor the year ended December 28,1912, that the profit, after debiting the account with all charges, is £64,641, to which has to be added the sum of £10,632 brought forward from previous year, making a total of £75,273. Interim dividends at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the preference shares, and 4s. per share on the ordinary shares were paid in August last. The directors now recommend a further distribution at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the preference shares and 4s. per share on the ordinary shares, payable on or after March 13 next, making a total distribution for the year of 10 per cent, on the preference and 8 per cent, on the ordinary ; that £11,000 be written off for depreciation, leaving a balance of £11,273 to be carried forward to next account. The output of the collieries for the year was 1,084,714 tons, against 1,078,582 tons for the previous year. The make of coke was 59,617 tons, against 70,242 tons for the previous year. Owing to the unexpected delay in the development of the new St. John’s Colliery at Cwmdu, the output of that colliery has not increased as much as the directors had hoped, but it is anticipated that the difficulties will be overcome during the current year. Park Coal Company (Cardiff) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares (1,000 preferences), to carry on the business of wholesale and retail coal, coke and fuel merchants, haulage contractors, colliery sales agents, &c. The subscribers are: —T. Diamond, 73, Hamilton-street, Cardiff, coal merchant; W. H. Diamond, 20, Princes-street, Cardiff, ship repairer; G. L. Diamond, 11, Plasturton-place, Cardiff, ship repairer. T. Diamond is the first managing director, with £300 per annum as remuneration. Pearlite Steel Company (1910) Limited.—At the annual general meeting, held on the 26ch ult., a dividend of 5 per cent, was declared on the past year’s working. Ratcliff and Ratcliff Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £18,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in wrought iron and steel tubes and fittings, &c., to acquire the business carried on at Great Bridge, Staffs , as Ratcliff and Ratcliff, and to adopt an agreement with B. Ratcliff and M. R. Ratcliff, who are the first directors (both permanent). Qualification, £3,500 shares each. Registered office, Great Bridge Tube Works, Great Bridge, Staffs. Ratcliff (Joseph) and Sons Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £15,000 in £1 shares (5,000 preference), to carry on the business of brass- founders, metal rollers and refiners, manufacturers of gas and other fittings, engineers, &c., to acquire the business carried on at Pritchett-street, Birmingham, as Joseph Ratcliff and Sons, and to adopt an agreement with B. Ratcliff and M. R. Ratcliff. First directors, B. and M. R. Ratcliff (both permanent). Qualification, £3,500 ordinary shares each. Registered office, 47, Pritchett-street, Birmingham. Reay Gearworks Limited—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in gear wheels of iron, steel, &c First directors, C. Reay (managing director), J. A. Reay, J. A. Greener, J. H. Huntley, and J. P. Graham. Registered office, Oak wellgate, Gateshead. Reed (E. A.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business carried on by E. A. Reed and H. Roberts, at 14, Victoria-street, S.W., and to carry on the business of ironfounders and engineers, &c. First directors, E. A. Reed and H. Roberts. Registered office, 14, Victoria- street, S.W. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Company Limited.—The accounts for 1912 show a profit of £63,496. To this must be added £9,676 brought forward, making together £73,172, from which, after providing £20,700 for debenture interest and £19,300 for sinking fund, there remains a balance of £33,172. An extra-ordinary general meeting will be held on March 14 to consider resolutions (1) approving of the scheme of arrangement as set out in the circular of January 15, 1913; (2) subdividing each £10 share into 10 £1 shares; and (3) making certain alterations in the articles of association. Should the above resolutions be duly passed and the alterations to the articles of association be accepted and confirmed, a dividend amounting to £24,000 upon the preference shares will be declared in due course, but in view of capital requirements this will, as indicated in the scheme, be satisfied by issuing fully-paid shares in the company. Smith Electrical Company Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of electrical, mechanical and general engineers, &c. Table A mainly applies. Registered office, 7, Cavendish-street. Keighley. Stanley Brothers Limited. — The seventeenth annual report of the directors for the year ending December 31, 1912, states that the trading profit for the year, after making provision for doubtful debts, is £62,401 14s. 2d., or less depreciation and interest on debentures £48,551 14s. 2d., to which has to be added the balance brought forward from 1911 £7,951 12s. 8d., making a total of £56,503 6s. 10d., out of which has been paid dividends on the preference shares at 6 per cent, per annum for the years 1910 and 1911, less income tax, £14,710 5s. 2d., leaving an available balance of £41,793 Is. 8d., which it is now proposed to apportion as follows:—To pay a dividend on the preference shares at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, for the year 1912, less income tax, £7,355 2s. 7d., to pay a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, together with a bonus of Is. per share free of income-tax, £10,312 10s. (this being equal to 7| per cent, on the old capital of the company), to place to reserve (making this account £20,000) £14,000, to carry forward to next year £10,125 9s. Id.—£41,793 is. 8d. Stewarts and Lloyds Limited.—The directors, after setting aside £100,000 for depreciation, recommend, subject to audit, the usual dividend of 10 per cent, on the preferred ordinary shares and a dividend of Is. 6d. per share on the deferred shares, placing £50,000 to reserve and carrying forward £90,000. Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited —On the 28th ult., Mr. Justice Joyce in the Chancery Division heard a motion for the appointment of a receiver in an action which is being brought by Mr. Andreas Frangopulo, on behalf of himself and other first debenture holders in the Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited, against the said company, the City Safe Deposit and Agency Company Limited, the Oceana Consolidated Company Limited, and L. Ehrlich & Co., who claimed to have a security against the assets of the Vagliano Company which was alleged to be prior to the debentures.^ The property of the company consisted of coal- mines in Russia. In January, 1913, a resolution was passed for the voluntary winding up of the company, and that made the security enforceable. There was a petition pend- ing for compulsory winding up, but to that the plaintiff was not a party. His lordship, in giving judgment, said it was admitted that there had been meetings at which the deben- ture holders had changed their security, and unless they were entitled to set those prooeedings aside (which they might be) the decision then come to was binding. The debenture holders said they were induced to do as they did by misrepresentation, but at present there were no pro- ceedings to set aside the decision so come to. It was not clear what any receiver his lordship might appoint would be receiver of, and he did not see his way to appoint a receiver on an interlocutory application. There would, therefore, be no order on the motion except that costs be costs in the action. Vickers Limited—The directors inform the shareholders that the result of the past year’s working has been a net profit of £872,633 after the usual provision for depreciation. The directors are carrying £200,000 each to works extensions and reserve accounts, and recommend a final dividend of 5 per cent., making 10 per cent, for the year. In view of large capital expenditures, which has temporarily been provided out of current revenue or from loans, the directors have decided to take steps to increase the share capital by the issue of 740,000 ordinary shares, obtainable by ordinary shareholders in the proportion of one-fifth of their present holdings, at a premium of 10s. per £1 share, the premium to be placed to reserve. Wade (Charles) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £70,000 in £50 shares (700 preferred), to take over the business of iron and steel merchants and manufacturers carried on as Charles Wade and Co. at Midland Ironworks, Aston-road, Birmingham, and to adopt an agreement with H. L. Wade. First directors, H. L. Wade (chairman and managing director) and M. C. Wade. Qualification, £200. Remuneration of H. L. Wade, <£5,000 per annum. Registered office, Midland Ironworks, Aston-road, Birmingham. Workington Iron and Steel Company Limited.—The directors have declared the following dividends for the half-year ended December 31, payable April 1:—The usual on the preference shares, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, less tax; interim on ordinary shares at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, less tax. Mortgages and Charges.—The following have been registered in pursuance of the Companies Acts, 1907:— British Wagon and Carriage Works Company Limited (issue on February 3, 1913, of £1,300 debentures, part of a series); Carlton Main Colliery Company Limited (mortgage dated January 31, 1913, to secure £300, mortgage dated January 30, 1913, to secure £1,000) ; Duffryn Rhondda Colliery Company Limited (second mortgage debenture dated January 17, 1913, to secure £25,000) ; Indian Foundry Company Limited (particulars of £2,000 debentures created January 22, 1913, present issue £1,250); Lincoln Wagon and Engine Company Limited (issue on January 29, 1913, of £18,140 17s. 6d. debentures, part of a series); National Peat Industries Limited (particulars of £10,000 debentures created July 27, 1906, present issue £500); Robert Proctor Limited (satisfaction in full on January 9, 1913, of mortgage debentures dated April 24, 1902, securing £10,000); Tredegar Iron and Coal Company Limited (issue on January 31, 1913, of £1,000 debentures, part of a series) ; Turbine Gears Limited (particulars of £2,500 debentures created January 20, 1913, whole amount now issued); Channel Collieries Trust Limited (further charge dated February 7, 1913, to secure £25,000, supplemental to charge dated September 20, 1911); Effingham Steelworks and Rolling Mills Company Limited (satisfaction to the extent of £3,000 on January 24, 1913, of debentures created February 27, 1903, securing £2,500, and debentures dated July 20, 1906, securing £2,000, notified; also issue on January 24 of £4,200, and on January 31, 1913, of £1,200 debentures, parts of a series) ; Foster Engi- neering Company Limited (issue on February 14, 1913, of £2,000 debentures), part of a series) ; Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited (issue on February 10, 1913, of £1,825 debentures, part of a series); James Keith and Blackman Company Limited (issue on February 12, 1913, of £1,000 debentures, part of a series) ; Lan Gas Coal Company Limited (deed of further charge, dated February 5, .1913, to secure £4,675—supple- mental to debenture dated November 18, 1910); Mickley Coal Company (Dronfield) Limited (particulars of £5,000 debentures created by resolutions of Aug. 9 and 31, 1906, and January 21, 1913, present issue £550) ; Vaalbank Coal Company Limited (mortgage dated February 6, 1913, to secure not more than £15,000—supplemental to mortgage dated October 10, 1911) ; Yorkshire Main Colliery Limited (debenture dated February 7, 1913, to secure the balance tor the time being owing from the company to the mortgagees). __________________________ CONTRACTS OPEH FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Liadsb and Last Whiti pages. Morecambe, March 19.—The Morecambe Corporation (Electric Supply Department) invite tenders for the supply of about 2,500 tons of coal or slack. Forms of tender and conditions can be obtained from the Electricity Works. Sealed tenders to be addressed to William Tilly, Esq, town clerk, Morecambe,and endorsed “Tender for coal,” to be received not later than March 19, 1913. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. L. B. Hogarth, engineer and manager. Portsmouth, March 18.—The Tramways Committee of the Portsmouth Corporation invite tenders for the supply of smokeless Welsh steam coal, for use at the power station, Vivash-road, from April 1, 1913, to March 31, 1914, about 3,400 tons. The specification and form of tender may be obtained upon application to the engineer, Mr. V. G. Lironi, M. I.M.E., A.M I.E.E., Engineer’s Office, Fratton-grove, Portsmouth. Tenders, marked “ Tender for Coal for Power Station,” to be delivered to the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Portsmouth, not later than 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 18, 1913. The form of tender must include a declaration that the person making the tender pays the rates of wages and observes the hours of labour and conditions contained in the Corporation fair wages clause. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. W. R. Spaven, general manager, Town Hall, Portsmouth. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Brentford, March 15.—For 200 tons (more or less) of Rheola Merthyr (large) or other approved steam coal; 100 tons (more or less) of small or nutty slack steam coal; and 100 tons (more or less) of coke, to September 30, for the Urban District Council. Also for a supply of 45 tons (more or less) of house coal. Bristol, March 17.—For supply of coal for six months from March 25, for the Sanitary and Improvement and Health Committees. Brussels, March 14.—For five lots, each of 5,000 tons, of small seini-bituminous coal, homogenous in composition, freshly mixed, containing no pyrites, and not more than 2 percent, of sulphur,to the Usine Centrale de 1’Eleotricite, for the Service de I’EleotricitS College des Bourg mestre et Echevins, Hotel de Ville, Bruxelles.