424 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 28, 1913. Clarke, Chapman & Co. Id., VICTORIA WORKS, -...............GATESHEAD. SPECIALISTS in Colliery Power Plant, Water Tube Boilers (“WOODESON” PATENTS), = PUMPS------------------ FOR ALL DUTIES, ELECTRIC AND STEAM. Haulage and Winding Gears. ROPES & BELTS Treated with CLING SURFACE May be run SLACK WITHOUT SLIPPING and give The Daysx^ l OfTight k Belts Rhe OVLH Cling SurMcI INCREASED POWER. There are now many imitations of Cling Surface, but they only 1 deceive and disappoint. Photos of Belts and Ropes running SLACK in the most important works in England sent on application to— THOMAS & BISHOP, Sole European Agents, Head Office—119-125, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. Teleg.—** Velcling, London.’ The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen. Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTING DOWN. REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. S’ -S 'th Will Screen more efficiently than any ether screen. Nearly 100 Screens now at work. For PERFECT sizing & loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON’S PATENTS). We are constructing and erecting more than one complete Screening Plant every month. Capacities 2,000 to 5,000 tons per day. NORTONS (TIVIDAUE) LTD. HECLA Works, Tipton, England. STANLEY KEPS The Gwalia Forge Co., Caergwrle, Wrexham, N. Wales. ESTABLISHED OVER 250 YEARS. Absolutely the best tubs on the market, being stronger in proportion to their weight than any other make. :: :: ■ © t fell 5 0 First=class :: references given if desired, one colliery alone having purchased over 2,ooo tubs from us. :: :: Caergwrle Steel Pit Wagons. COLLIERY OWNER: We must have more coal out. COLLIERY MANAGER : It is impossible with the present arrangements, we are turning up to the full capacity of the Winding Engines. OWNER: Can you not improve your decking arrange^ ments ? MANAGER: Yes, I will put in the Stanley Patent Keps, which will considerably increase the coal turned, use less steam, and less wear and tear on the machinery and ropes; I will write to the Hardy Patent Pick Co., Sheffield, England, at once. WE SPECIALISE IN Colliery Tubs, Draw=Bars, Wagon Couplings, Angle Work, Colliers’ Rakes & Baskets. Spades, Shovels and Picks to any Pattern. Also all kinds of Smith Work and Steel Forgings of every description. Prices on application. BRA55 LABELS’ ■ TIME CHECKS” 5ET5 OF LETTER £r FIGURE • ■ • • PUNCHES - • • • EMB055ING PRESSES- DIES SEALS....... k BRA55 NAMEPLATES | STENCILS- MOULDERS I LETTERS CrFIGURES” MARKS’ STAMPS’ BRANDING IRONS EDWARD PRY0R&5DN 68.WE5T ST, SHEFFIELD... »>13MAM OMARS A 2H J HAM MflAFL