February 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 359 LIFTING TACKLE COLLIERY TOOLS. BIRMINGHAM Send for List No. 28. Ryland Street Works. SEND FOR LIST 41/ML. Levels Dials Theodolites Anemometers Water Gauges Hygrometers Barometers Steel Underframe Railway Car- riages, Tramcars, and Wagons of every description for Hire and Sale by Immediate or Deferred Pay- ments. Ironwork, Wheels and Axles. WAGONS. Also Wagons with Oak Underframes. Makers of HYDRAULIC PRESSED BOSS and other WHEELS and AXLES. PRESSED STEED BOGIES. Wagons for Hire, capable of carrying Six, Eight and Ten Tons, part of which are con- structed specially for Shipping pur- poses. Wagons In Working Order maintained by Contract. JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., All Saints Works, DERBY, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. SECOND-HAND BALLAST WAGONS FIT FOR MAIN LINE TRAFFIC. Sole Manufacturers of Dean & Churchward’s “ EITHERSIDE BRAKE,” and Marillier’s Patent “INSTANTER COUPLING.” The Birmingham Railway Carriage <& Wagon Co. Ltd., WORKS: SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM. KALBITUM PAINT OVERWINDS ...IDEAL PAINT... IRON AND STEEL WORK TEN GALLON DRUM. 33/- PER DRUM. The Kalbitum Paint Go. Ltd., BELVEDERE WORKS, BELVEDERE, KENT. CALEDONIA CONTROLLER WALKER’S PATENTS I”GIVES FULL PROTECTlONAGAINSn OVERWINDS FROM ALL CAUSES I • SIMPLE EFFECTIVE | FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION I _ W WP/r/PG P££0S£ PDDPP5S /P PULL: I THE SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. PART II. By Henry K. Jordan, F.G.S. (Past President and first Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers). This Paper, which deals with the western part of the Coalfield, has just been published by the South Wales Institute of Engineers. It consists of 81 pages of printed matter with Sections and Diagrams. The large drawings are issued separately and comprise 1. A Horizontal Section across the anthracite region of Llandybie and Pant-y-ffynnon, and via the Dulais Valley to the sea at Swansea. It is drawn to a scale of six inches to one mile, is 8 ft. in length, mounted on linen, and geologically coloured. 2. Comparative Sections of the Lower Measures in the following areas — (A) Neath Valley. (E) Ammanford. (B) Swansea Valley. (F) Loughor Valley. (C) Brynamman District. (G) Gwendraeth District. (D) Amman Valley. (H) Gwendraeth District. These are drawn on one sheet, about 35 by 30 in., mounted on linen, to a scale of 200 ft. to 1 in. 3. A Map of Swansea District, on a scale of 6 in. to one mile, showing the outcrops of the coal seams. A limited number of the above are for sale, and may be obtained from The Secretary, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, CARDIFF. Price £1 Is., Postage Extra. ° The South Wales Coalfield,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, published in 1908, price £2.2s., dealt with the eastern half of the Coalfield, ana may be obtained from the Secretary. CROSBY LOCKWOOD & SON beg to give notice that they have transferred their TECHNICAL BOOK ROOM from 121a, Victoria Street, S.W., to more commodious premises at No. 5. BROADWAY, WESTMINSTER, S.W. (Opposite Vickers House), where all the latest and most important books on Mining, Metallurgy Colliery Working, &c., can be inspected. AULD’S PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES Also Makers cf Special FULL BORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boilers, &c. DAVID AULD & SONS. Patentees Sr Makers, LTD Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW^ The Board of Trade Journal. The Official Organ of the Board of Trade. Published Weekly, Threepence. Edited by thi Commercial Department or His Majesty's Board of Trade. FIREPROOF PAINTS & LIQUIDS For Headgears, Engine Rooms, and WoodworkIgenerally. Easy of Application, and very Effective, Economical, Durable, Sanitary and Non-Poisonous. THE ASBESTOS and GENERAL PAINT CO. LTD., BIRMINGHAM. HUGE TREASURE trC9, VflUXHfllLR? k LIVERPOOL GAUGE CLR5S WASHERS LUBRICRTORSnc. ~ Lf5T5 O* PPPtfCfiMM. LASSES Contains each week information on Openings for British Trade, Trade of Great Britain, the Colonies, and Foreign Oountries, Tariff Charges throughout the World, Ac., Ac., and various Trade Notes of importance to all Merchants Manufacturers, and Shippers. PEE TIMES saysEverything, small or great, that concerns traae ox traders, comes alike within its scope. There is hardly one of its chapter* that might not be expanded into a volume, so compressed, so wide sought, and so miscellaneous is the varied information which it ccnreys. Its statistical tables and its extracts from consular reports abound in Interesting facts. It tells us something of the contents of a dosen recent Blue Books, each of them as bulky as itself. Nothing, indeed, come* amiss to it which by any possibility or stretch of language can be in- cluded under its comprehensive title?’ THE MORNING POST says:—”It is, as its many readers are aware, a record of the recent movements and present position of British and Foreign Trade, compiled from reliable sources, and is a very valuable, if not indispensable, publication to Merchants and others engaged in commerce.” All Application* for the Insertion of Advertisement! in this Journal must be addressed— "The Board of Trade Journal” (Advertisement Department), 3, Wellington St., Strand, London.