350 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 11, 1913. THE FREIGHT MARKET. The north-east coast outward freight market has been very quiet this week. Mediterranean rates are rather firmer, at from Ils. to Ils. 6d.» Tyne to Genoa, but figures in other directions are easy at the following typical rates:— Tyne to London, 3s. l|d. to 3s. 3d.; Hamburg, 3s. 9d.; and Bordeaux, 5s. 9d. to 6s. At South Wales chartering has been active. Mediterranean rates are rather easier. The River Plate is steady. The Bay and coasting ports are dull. A moderate business at steady rates is reported at the Clyde. The Humber is fairly firm. Homewards, Black Sea advices report a quiet market, the chief cause being the low price of barley in consuming markets. Grain from the interior is arriving very slowly. At the Azof and Danube there is a small enquiry, and grain stocks are very low. Eastern markets are dull and easy. The Mediterranean and ore ports are active and firm. America shows some improve- ment. The River Plate is firm, and tonnage offerings are short of requirements. Tyne to Algiers, 2,600, 9s. ; Bordeaux, 2,400, 5s. 9d. ; 2,300,6s., from Dunston; Catania, 3,000, Ils.; 1,800, Ils. with 800 or Ils. 3d. with 500 delivery ; Genoa, 3,200, Ils. 6d , river loading; 3,000, Ils.; 3,800, Ils ; Hamburg, 2,700, 3s. 9d., from Derwenthaugh; Lisbon, 1,300, 7s. 6d. ; 8s. ; 3,000, 7s. 6d. ; Las Palmas, 1,800, 9s. 6d. ; 2,500, 9s. 6d. ; London, 2,300, 3s. 3d.; 1,800, 3s. l|d.; Marseilles, 3,000, 10s.; 1,800, 10s. ; Messina, 2,000, Ils. 3d.; Naples, 5.100, 10s. 9d., 700 ; Piraeus, 3,000, 12s. 4|d.; 4,700,12s. 4£d.; Porto Vecchio, 2,500, Ils. 9d., 500; Rouen, 1,000, 6s. 6d. ; Rotterdam, 3,000, 3s. 6d. ; St. Nazaire, 2,000, 5s.4|d.; 1,600, 5s. 7|d.; Savona, 2,900, Ils.; 3,500, Ils.; Trieste, 5,200, 13s. 4|d., 500, 8d. Cardiff to Alexandria, 6,200,12s. 6d., ppt.; 5,300. Ils. 10|d.; 5,000, 12s. 6d., February 14; 5,100,12s. 3d., 500, February 17; Algiers, 4,700, 11| fr., February 17; 2,500, 11| fr., ppt.; 2,800, 11| fr., February 18; Arzew, 1,300, 13 fr.; Brest, 1.200, 5s. 4|d.; Bordeaux, 2,400, 7| fr.; 1,700, 71 fr.; Barcelona, 3,200, Ils. 6d., February ; 1,750,11s. 6d.; Bayonne, 1,600, 81 fr., spot; Cherbourg, 900, 6s. l|d.; Chantenay, 1,250, 71 fr., February 14 ; Carthagena, 2,000,10s., f.t., spot; Chatham, 2,400, 3s. 6d., Admiralty; Depots, 750, 5s.; Dieppe, 1,300, 5s. 9d., February 18 ; Felixstowe, 800, 4s. 6d.; Falmouth, 480, 5s. 3d.; Genoa, 1,800, 12s.; 3,100, 12s„ February 17; 1,700, Ils.; 2,500, 12s., ppt.; 4,000. 12s., ppt.; 6,500, Ils. 6d., ppt.; 4,000, Ils. 9d., ppt.; 4,800, Ils. 6d., February 17; 3,500, lie. 9d.; Gibraltar, 1,500, 9s., ppt.; Helvcetsluis, 950, 6s. 3d.; Leghorn, 12s. 6d., 500, February ; Lisbon, 3,400, 7s. 71d., 400, February 15 ; 2,900, 7s. 9d., 350, January; 3,400, 7s. 6d.; 2,900, 8s. 3d., 500, February 16; 2.100, 8s. 6d.; Maddalena, 6,000, 13s. with 400, 12s. 3d. if 800 discharge; Malta, 6,000, 10s., ppt.; 3,500, 10s. 6d.; 6,000, 9s.; several steamers, 2.200-3,800, 9s 6d., Admiralty ; 5,000,9s., Admiralty ; 4,000,9s. 3d., Admiralty ; Monte Video, 4.200, 15s. 6d., February 18; 5,000, 15s. 4|d., February 22; Naples, 12s. 6d., 500, February ; 4,100, 12s. 3d., 500, February 14; 4,000, Ils. 6d. ; Nantes, 1,600, 7’62| fr ; Portsmouth, 1,500, 3s. 9d., Admiralty; Pernambuco, 4,200, 19s. 6d., 200 milries, 5,400, i8s. 6d., 200, February ; Port Said, 6,400,11s. 7|d., ppt.; 5,500,11s. 7|d., February 17; 4,800, Ils. 7|d.; River Plate, 6,000, 16s. 3d.; 3,900-4,300, 16s. 6d., February 17s., lower port; 6,800, 16s. 3d., February 28, lower port; 5,500, 16s. 3d., February 18, lower port; Reggio, 2.800, 12s. 3d.; Rochefort, 400, 7f fr.; 1,200, 7| fr.; St. Malo, 1,500, 5s. 4|d.; 1,250, 5s. 9d. ; Savona, 3,600, Ils. 9d., spot; 4,800, February 17 ; Sicily, 3,800, 12s., February 15 ; 2,700, 12s., February 17 ; St. Brieux, 700, 6s. 9d., ppt.; St. Michaels, 3,300, 9s. 9d., February; Salerno, 2,500, 13s. 6d.; St. Nazaire, 4,000, 6| fr., February 17; Taranto, 6,000, 12s. 6d.; 2,800, 12s. 6d., February 17; Torre Annunziata, 3,000, 12s. 9d.; Venice, 6,000, 13s. 9d., February 17; 5,000, 13s. 9d.; 4,000, 13s. 9d. Glasgow to Trieste, 13s., 500, 8d.; Barcelona, 2,600, 10s. 10|d.; Bayonne, 1,600, 8| fr. Immingham to Barcelona, 1,400, 10s. 9d. Blyth to Bombay, 13s. 6d.; Lubeck, 2,000,6s. 3d.; Genoa, 2,900, Ils. 3d.; Savona, 2,900, Ils. 3d.; Piraeus, 3,000, 12s. 4jd.; Plymouth, 800, 5s. 9d. Hartlepool to Leghorn, 3,000, Ils.; 3,800, Ils. Port Talbot to Alexandria, 5,100, Ils. l|d, February 19; Genoa, 2,500, 12s.; Bordeaux, 1,700, 7|fr., February 17. Swansea to Venice, 4,200, 14s. 6d., 500, ppt.; 4,200, 14s. 3d. coal, 15s. fuel, ppt.; Ancona, 4,200, 14s. 6d., 500, ppt.; La Rochelle, 1,500, 7ffr.; Rouen, 1,400, 6s. 7£d., ppt.; Skien, 750, 7s. 6d.; Genoa, 1,600. 12s.; 3.400, 12s., February 25; Tunis, 1,600, 16 fr. coal, 17 fr. fuel; Sousse, 1.500, 16 fr. coal, 17 fr. fuel; Bordeaux, 2,400, 7f fr.; Bilbao, 2.500, 7s., fuel; Nantes, 1,100, 7jfr.; Caen, 1,500 6s. l|d.; Dieppe, 1,100, 6s.; Oran, 1,250, 12| fr. coal, 13|fr. fuel; 13|fr.; Tunis, 1,400, 16 fr.; Havre, 800, 6s.; Rochefort, 200, 8 fr., February 17; Belfast, 580, 4s Liverpool to Sydney or Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 19s., March. Wear to Bordeaux, 2,200,5s. 9d.; 3,300,5s. 9d.; Halmstadt, 1.200, 6s. Leith to Seville, 1,600, 9s. 6d. Fife port to Rouen, 1,800, 6s. 3d. Forth to Libau, 1,600, 5s. 7|d.; Genoa, 1,800, Ils.; Savona, 1.800, Ils.; Leghorn, 1,800, Ils. Hull to Genoa, 2,300, 10s. 9d., February 19; 4,000, 11s., ppt.; 2,800, Ils., ppt. East Coast port to Cronstadt, contract, 20,000 tons in several handy-sized steamers, 6s., commencing f.o.w. Llanelly to Dieppe, 1,100, 5s. 10|d. Newport to Alexandria, 5,000, 12s. 6d, ppt.; Palermo, 2,400, 13s 6d., February 27; Bordeaux, 1,700, 7|fr., February 18; Genoa, Ils. 9d., February; Buenos Ayres, 6,200-6,600, 16s., February. Rotterdam to Bordeaux, 2,350, 5s. 10|d. coals, 6s. 7|d. patent fuel, February 17 ; Constanza, 3,800. 12s. 9d., ppt.; Marseilles, 2,300, 12|fr. with 600, or 121 fr. with 900, option 200 tons coke same freight, February 17 ; Barcelona, 3,000, Ils. 4|d., February 17; 3,000, 11s. 3d., February 20 ; Genoa, 3,300, Ils. 3d., February 17; Livorno, 4,000, Ils. lid. coal, Ils. 101d. briquettes, 13s. 51d. coke, February 22; Venice, 3.200, 12s. 9d. coal, 14s. 9d. coke, ppt. ; Buenos Ayres, 4,200, 16s. 6d., plus Is. 3d. for discharging; St. Nazaire, 3,500, 5s. 101d., Trignac terms, February 17; Algiers, 2,800, ll|fr., February 17. Homeward charters Nicolaieff, 2,321 net, Rotterdam, 9s. 3d., February ; 3,500, London or Rotterdam, 9s. 6d., Hamburg, 10s., ppt. ; Kustendje, 3,800, Marseilles, 12 fr., ppt. ; 6,400, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 9s. 3d., ppt. ; 4,500, 9s. 3d., option Sulina loading 9s. 6d., option both loading 9s. 71d., with 3d. less barley, ppt. ; Rangoon, 2,768 net, Hamburg, 31s. 6d., clean rice, March ; 2,391 net, Antwerp or Rotterdam, Bremen or Hamburg, lump sum equal to 32s., February-March ; Calcutta, 2,395 net, Barcelona or Rotterdam, 31s. 6d., d.w. basis, net terms, March 1-10 ; Wilmington, 1,096 net, Liverpool or Bremen, 42s. 6d., February ; Buenos Ayres, 5,600,10 per cent., United King- dom-Continent, 26s. o.c., option Barcelona (c.p.d.), or Marseilles direct, 28s., February 20-March 15 ; 5,000, 10 per cent., Glasgow, 25s., ppt. ; Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 5,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. o.c*, less 6d., option Genoa 2s. 6d. extra, February-March 15 ; 6,500, 10 percent., Barcelona, 28s. 6d., c p.d., February ; 4,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. o.c., less 6d., option San Lorenzo loading Is. 6d. more, option Mediterranean discharge, 2s. 6d. extra one port, 3s. 3d. extra two ports, February 10-March 10; Aguilas, 4,100, Rotterdam 6s., ppt.; Huelva, 5,000, Northern States, 9s. 7|d , Tinto terms; 4,200, Baltimore, Ils., f.d., March 1-15; Barreiro, 1,900, Rotterdam, 6s. 9d., February 24; Bilbao, 3,400, Rotterdam, 5s. 3d., February ; 3,200, 5s. 3d., ppt.; 2,600, Middlesbrough, 5s. 9d., ppt.; 1,700, 5s. 9d., February; Bahia Blanca, 4,800, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. 3d. o.c., less 6d., ppt.; 5,100, 10 per cent., 27s. o.c., less 6d., March 30 ; 6,300,10 per cent., 27s. 6d. o.c., no reduction, February-March; 7,000, Mediterranean, 30s. one port, 30s. 6d. two ports, 31s. three ports; Gulf timber port, sail, 10|dols. Rio de Janeiro; Seriphos, 4,500, Glasgow, 8s. 3d.; 3,500, 7s. 9d., ppt.; New York, 24 c., Algeria; time charter, 9s. 3d., one trip, Balti- more or Virginia to Mediterranean ; Eupatoria coast, 4,500, Riga, 17s., salt, mid-February ; Kurrachee, 1,916 net, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 20s. one port, 20s. 6d. two ports, less 2 per cent., end February ; Portland, Me., 25,000 qrs., 10 per cent, Avonmouth, 3;'., March ; San Lorenzo, 5,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. o.c., less 6d., March 1-22 ; 4,100, 10 per cent., 26s. o.c , less 6d., March 5; 4,500, 10 per cent., 27s. o c., less 6d., cancelling March 23 ; Rivadesella, 1,600, Middlesbrough,7s., February; Bordeaux, 2.400, Cardiff, 6s. 3d , spot; nitrate ports, sail, 30s., United Kingdom-Continent, August-September; 28s. 3d.,November- December; 29s. 6d., September-October; Bombay, 24s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, two p.p., on d.w., March ; Pensacola, 1,450 stds., London, 115s., March-April; Limiona, 7s. 6d., Glasgow ; time charter, Mediterranean trade, 5s. 3d., one round trip, delivery Wales, re-delivery U.K.-Cont.; Novorossisk, 1,982 net, West Italy, 14|fr. one port, 14|fr. two ports, 15 fr. 'three, February; South Australia, 2,469 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 38s. 9d., March; Colastine, 4.400, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 25s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., March-April; Curtiembre, 4,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 29s. o.c., less 6d., completing below Is. less, March; Boston, Mass., 28,000 qrs., 10 per cent., Copenhagen, 3s. 4|d., March; Galveston, 5,500, Bremen 18s., Hamburg 18s. 6d., net form, ppt.; Carthagena, 4,300, Emden, 5s. 9d., 1,000-1,000, ppt.; Hornillo Bay, 5,800, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., ppt.; Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 53s , West Coast South America and home to United Kingdom- Continent; Portland, Or., sail, 33s. 9d., United Kingdom- Continent, wheat, re-charter; time charter, New York to River Plate, 7s. 6d., one^trip; Gulf, 60s,, United Kingdom- Continent, two ports loading, February; Torrevieja, 10s., Calcutta, salt, March; Saigon, 6,500-7,000, Hamburg, 37s. 3d., rice meal, March-April; Santa Fe, 3,600, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 29s. o.c., less 6d., com- pleting San Lorenzo Is. less, ppt.; Bahia Blanca, 2 705 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 27s. 6d. o.c.. less 6d., February- March 15; 2,433 net, 27s. o.c., less 6d., March ; 5,200, 10 per cent., 21s. o.c., less 6d., cancelling March 31; Sapelo, 650 stds., 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 112s. 6d. one port, 115s. two ports,March; Lisbon,2,100, Oslebsbausen, 5s. 3d , February-March ; Carthagena, 3,600, Middlesbrough, 6s. 9d., February ; Villaricos, 3,000, Rotterdam, 8s., f.t., February; Honaine, 5 500, Herrenwieck, 8s. 6d., February; La Goulette, 3,000, West Hartlepool, Middlesbrough or Jarrow, 9s., f.t., ppt.; Baltimore, sail, 13 dole., Buenos Ayres; Baltimore, 3 dols., Martinique,end February; time charter, States and West Indies, 6s. 4|d., one round trip; 5s. 6d., three or four months. seen by United Kingdom makers of tin-plate, at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basing hall-street, London, E.C. Derby, February 19. — Turbo-alternator. — For one 2,000 kw. turbo-alternator, for the Corporation. Finchley, February 17.—Engine.—For one 300-brake horse power, two or three-cylinder, oil engine, speed not exceeding 180 revolutions per minute, coupled to a 200-kw. E.C.C. generator, for the Urban District Council. Hornsey, February 24.—Meters