February 14, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 321 Pumps and Pumping MACHINERY ■ Fig. 600.—“CORNISH” STEAM PUMP for General Purposes. (300 feet Pattern). Telegrams—“ Evans, Wolverhampton.” Telephone No. 39 (2 lines). SINKING PUMPS. DUPLEX PUMPS (Simple & Compound) BOILER FEED PUMPS. HIGH LIFT PUMPS. ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS. HORSE PUMPS. HAND SYPHON PUMPS. ' *1 Ml I ' ■ Fig. 653.—“ CORNISH ” DOUBLE-ACTING RAM STEAM PUMP. (600 feet Pattern). Write for “ Colliery ” List, JOSEPH EVANS & SONS Wolverhampton UtdL., Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. KOW READY. - Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. ; Paper Covers, 8s. 6d. Supplementary Volume TO Til® Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. By T. CAMPBELL FUTEBS. This Important Work consists of :— Vol. I.—Bound in Cloth. Price 21s. net. Part I.—Boring, Sinking, Surface Arrangements, Headgears, Shafts. 128 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7£- in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. (Now reprinting.) Part II.—Winding. 169 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7( in.). Illustrated by 337 Diagrams and Illustrations. Part III.—Heapsteads, Screening and Washing. 177 pp. Crown 4to (9J in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 427 Diagrams and Illustrations. (Now reprinting.) Separate parts in Paper Covers, Price 5s. 8d. each net. Vol. II.—Haulage, Pumping, Power and Coke Ovens, and a Complete Index to Vols. I. and II. 294 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 585 Diagrams and Illustrations. Paper Covers, Price 8s. 6d. ; Bound in Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Ventilating Fans, Coal-Cutting and Conveying Machinery, Ambulance and Rescue Appliances. 238 pp. Crown 4to (9f in. by 7| in.). Illustrated by 294 Diagrams and Illustrations. Publishers: THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.