300 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 7, 1913. The Sidney Lignite Field, Dawson County, Mont. E. Stebinger. “ U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, 1912, p. 102-37. The Baker Lignite Field, Custer County, Mont. C. F. Bowen. “U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, p. 20-44. The Culbertson Lignite Field, Valley County, Mont. A. L. Beekly. “U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, 1912, p. 137-76. Geology of Certain Lignite Fields in Eastern Montana. W. R. Calvert. “U.S. Geol. Survey.” Bull. 471 D, 1912, p. 5-20. Geology of Nanaimo Sheet, Nanaimo Coalfield; also Geology of the Comox and Suquash Coalfield, Vancouver, B.C. C. K. Clapp. “Canada Geol. Survey,” Rep. for 1911, p. 91-107. Eight Sources of Genuine Anthracite Coal Supply in the United States. Wm. Griffith and E. T. Connor. “ Black Diamond,” October 26, p. 15. (Proc. Sth Int. Congr. Appl. Chem. abstract.) Coal Occurrences and Progress of Development Work in Alberta and Saskatchewan. D. B. Dowling. “ Canada Geol. Survey,” Rep. for 1911, p. 201-25. (Including special report on Roche Miette area, Jasper Park, Alta.) The Occurrence of Brown Coal in the Grand Duchy of Hesse. (Die Braunkohlenvorkommen des Gross- herzogtums Hessen.) Scheerer. “ Braunkohle,” vol. 11, 1912, 28, p. 437-43; 29, p. 453-62; 30, p. 469-74; 31, p. 289-97; 32, p. 505-7 ; 1 fig. 3s. 4d. Geologic-Agronomical Map of Flensburg and Sur- roundings. 1:25,000. 1908. (Geologisch-agrono- mische Karte von Flensburg u. Umgebung. Auf- genommen 1908.) M. Koenig and W. Wolff. With explanations by W. Wolff. 2 col. plates. Lex 8vo. Geol. Landesanst., Berlin, 1912. 3s. Map of the Iron and Coal Mines and Iron and Coal Industries of South-west Germany and Vicinity. (Karte der Eisen- und Kohlen- Industrie in Suedwest- deutschland.) M. von Kornatzki. Charlottenburg, text and map in scale of 1:125,000. Newer Prospect Borings, and Present Status of Know- ledge as to the Extension of the West Galician Coal- field. (Die neuen Aufchslussbohrungen im west- galizischen Steinkohlenrevier.) Dr. Michael. “ Z. Ober- schles. Berg- Huetten. Ver.,” 1912, p. 394-414; 2s. 6d. The Development of Pit Coal Formation in the West Galician Weichsel District of Upper Silesia. (Die Entwicklung der Steinkohlenformation im west- galizischen Weichselgebiet des oberschlesischen Stein- kohlenbezirkes.) R. Michael. KI. 4vo. 306 p. Berlin, Geol. Landesanstalt, 1912. 9s. The Rossitz-Zbeschau-Osltwaner Pit Coal District. (Das Rossitz-Zbeschau-Osltwaner Steinkohlenrevier.) Eduard Panek. “Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huettenwes.,” 1912, 3, p. 35-7 ; 4, p. 50. 5s. Stratigraphy of the North-west Bohemia Coalfield between Bruex and Dux. A. Fleck. “Gliickauf,” 1912, p. 1661-8. 2s. 9d. The Antwerp Coal Basin, Belgium, to Follow After the Development of Campine. (Le Basin Houiller d’Anvers apres celui de la Cam pine.) De Lalande. “ Echo des Mines,” October 28, p. 1126. IV.—Mine Surveying. Modem Mine Valuation. M. H. Burnham. 8vo„ 172 p. London: G. Griffin. 1912. 14s. V.—Mining Technology. Colliery Practice in Concreting. E. E. Seelyeand A. T. Shurick. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 23, p. 822-5; 6 fig. Is. 3d. Colliery Working and Management. H. F. Bulman and R. A. S. Redmayne. 1912. 3rd edition. 300 p. VI.—Working of Minerals. Tests of Pick-quick Electric Coal-cutters on the Petite Pieuse Coalseam of 380 m. Depth in the Monceau- Fontaine Colliery. (Essais de Havage Mecanique.) Vogel and Losseau. “Ann. Mines Belgique,” 1912, vol. 17, 4, p. 1099. Machine Mining of Thin Coalseams using Face Con- veyors, Ruhr District, Germany. (Abbau mit hohem Stoss unter Verwendung von Abbaufoerderein- richtungen.) Bolesta-Malewski. “ Gliickauf,” 1912, p. 1749-58. 2s. 9d. Machine Mining in Oklahoma. J. S. Cameron. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” 1912, p. 29. High Grade Bituminous Coals: their Mining and Preparation. (Die Steinkohle, ihre Gewinnung und Verwertung.) A. Haenig. Leipzig, 1912. Coalmining in India. W. E. Lawrie. “ Queensland Govt. Min. JL,” 1912, p. 428. (Read to Ipswich and W. Moreton Scientific Club.) VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Electrically-driven Portable Boring Machines for Direct and Alternating Current. (Fahrbare Bohrmaschinen mit elektrischem Antrieb fuer Gleich- und Drehstrom.) “Vulkan,” 1912,19, p. 77-9 ; 8 fig. Reinforced Concrete Lining for Portions of the Circular Shaft at Reunis de Charleroi Collieries, Belgium. (Revetement d’un Burquin en Voussoirs de Be ton Arme.) Dandois. “ Ann. Mines Belgique,” vol. 17, 4, 1912, p. 1006. Descending and Swinging Platforms or Scaffoldings in Sinking the New Espinoy Shaft, Belgium. (Plancher de Surete d’Avalaresse et Plancher Volant.) L. Hardy. “Ann. Mines Belgique,” 1912, vol. 17,4, p. 1008. VIII. —Explosives, Blasting. Imperialite, a New Safety Explosive. (Das Imperialit, ein neuer Sicherheitssprengstoff.) “ Kohle Erz,” 1912, 38, p. 959-60. 2s. Some Properties of the Three Explosives—Picric Acid, Trinitroluol, and Trinitrobenzol. (Eigenschaften der drei Sprengstoffe Pikrinsaeure, Trinitroluol und Trinitrobenzol.) H. Dautriche. “ Mem. d. Poudres and Saltpetres,” vol. 16, p. 27-391; “ Z. Schiesswes.,” October 15, p. 401. Development and Present State of the Modern Industry of Explosives. (Entwicklung und Stand der modernen SprengstoffIndustrie.) Peter Loeffler. “ Montan. Rdsch.” Special number, 1912, p. 953. 2s. 6d. Progress in Mine Blasting. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Minenzuendung.) “Montan. Rdsch.,” 1912. Special number, p. 967-8; 3 fig. 2s. 6d. Notes on Shotfiring by Electricity. F. H. Gunsolus. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 23, p. 787-8. (Prescribes remedies for the common failings in electric firing.) Is. 3d. IX. —Timbering, Packing, &c. Computation of Rock Pressure on Mine Chambers. (Gebirgsdruck auf die Grubenzimmerung.) W. Fritz. “ Berg. Huettenmaenn. Rdsch.,” 1912, p. 1. Tests to Determine the Commercial Value of Wood Preservatives. H. F. Weiss. “ 8th Int. Congr. of Appl. Chem.,” vol 13, 1912, p. 279-300. Conservation of Mine Timbers. (Konservierung von Grubenholz.) “Bitumen,” vol. 10, 1912, p. 231-2. (Treatment with organic and inorganic liquids for impregnation purposes.) The New Method of Impregnating Wood, Hasselmann System. (Das neue Holzimpraegnierunsverfahren, System Hasselmann.) A. Buerklein. “ Bergbau,” 1912, 45, p. 631-3. 2s. Insect Damage to Mine Props, and its Prevention. T. E. Snyder. “ Min. Engin. World,” vol. 37, 23, p. 1043. Is. 3d. Recent Progress made in the Conservation of Wood. (Die neuesten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete d. Holz- konservierung. Huelsenbeck. “ Bergbau,” 1912, 26, p. 364. 2s. Cost Data and Tests of Iron and Steel Timbering by the Elastic or Nellen System, in the Werister Colliery, Belgium. (Revetement par Etancons Metalliques Elastiques, Systeme Nellen.) Beaupain. “Ann. Mines Belgique,” vol. 17, 4, 1912, p. 1133-6. The Hydraulic Stowing of Goaves. G. Knox. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2716, p. 127. (Abst. paper read before Manchester Geol. and Min. Soc.) 6d. XI.—Winding and Haulage. Winding Engines and Winding Appliances: Their Design and Economical Working. Geo. McCulloch. 8vo., 460 p. Arnold, 1912. Electric Winding Plant at Kippax. “ El. Rev. (Lond.),” vol. 71,1818, p. 299-501; 6 ill. Is. New Arrangement in Mine Hoisting. H. K. English. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 23, p. 791-2; 2 fig. Is. 3d. Some Siemens-Schuckert Types of Mine and Industrial Electric Locomotives. (Elektrische Industriebahnen.) “ Kohle Erz,” 1912, p. 1078. 2s. Tests Made with Electric and Steam Driven Hauling Engines. (Untersuchungen an elektriscb und mit Dampf betriebenen Foerdermaschinen.) “ Bergbau,” 1912, 46, p. 648-49. 2s. The Braking of High-Speed Winding Engines. G. K. Chambers. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 105, 2716, p. 121; 5 fig. (From paper read before S. Afric. Inst. Engin.) 6d. The Influence of the Speed Diagram on the Size of the Motor of a Hauling Machine of the Leonard System. (Der Einfluss des Geschwindigkeitsdiagrammes auf die Groesse des Antriebsmotors einer Treibscheiben- Foerdermaschine in Leonard-Schaltung.) G. Trefler. “ El Kraftbetriebe,” 1912, 26, p. 548-54; 10 fig. Hauling Machines Driven by Three-phase Commutator Motors Built by the Siemens - Schuckert-Werke. (Foerdermaschinen mit Antrieb durch Drehstrom- Kollektormotoren der Siemens - Schuckert - Werke.) 4to, 40 p. Berlin. Mine Haulage by Compressed-air Locomotives in France. (La Traction Souterraine par Locomotives a air Comprime dans les Mines Fran^aises.) E. Leroux. “ Bull. Soc. Min. St. Etienne,”. September 1912, p. 299-336. Three-phase Hoists at Bantjes Con. Mines, Transvaal. J. Askew. “ Min. Engin. World,” vol. 37,22, p. 993-5 ; 2 fig., 2 tab. Is. 3d. Windlass with Primitive Brake for Mine Shafts and Inclined Brakes. (Treuil a Freimage Pneumatique pour Bures ou Plans Inclines.) Leroyer. “ Comptes Rendus Soc. Min., St. Etienne,” vol. 2, 1912, 7, p. 324-31; 3 fig. Skip Accidents on the East Rand. Suggestions for Safety Catch Inventors. “ S. Afric. Min. JL,” 1912, p. 38. 2s. The Safety of Hauling Ropes. ’(Die Sicherheit der Foerderseile.) Oskar Speer. Diss Lex 4to Bruns- wick, 1912, 44 p. Rope and Chain Haulage Machinery. (Maschinelle Seil- und Kettenfoerderungen.) Roemelt. “ Montan. Rdsch.,” 1912, special number, p. 960-1. 2s. 6d. Requirements for a Model Mine Track. J. B. McIntyre. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” October 15, p. 35. Underground Haulage with Storage Battery Loco- motives at Chaumonceau Collieries, Belgium. (Trans- port Souterrain par Locomotives Electriques a Accumulateurs.) Ledouble. “ Ann. Mines Belgique,” vol. 17, 4, 1912, p. 1097. Installation and Working of Electric Locomotive Haulage in the Brown Coal Pit Friedrich Anna, neai* Moys. (Einrichtung und Betrieb der elektrischen Lokomotivfoerderung in der Braunkohlengrube Friedrich Anna bei Moys. Franz Mueller. “ Braun- kohle,” vol. 11,1912, 11, p. 161-6 ; 2 fig. 8d. Fireless Locomotives. (Fuerlose Lokomotiven.) C. Guillery. “ Montan Rdsch.,” 1912, special number, p. 942-4; 2 fig. 2s. 6d. XII.—Signalling. Electric Signalling in Shaft Sinking at the Six Bonniers Collieries, Belgium. (Signilisation Electrique an Puits d’Extraction.) Beaupain. “ Ann. Mines Belgique,” 1912, vol. 17, 4, p. 1129-33. Modern Practice in Mine Telephony. G. Brown. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 23, p. 789-91; 6 fig. Is. 3d. XIII. —Lighting. Some Fundamental Principles of Safety Lamp Con- struction. Wm. Clifford. “ Coal and Coke Op.,” 1912, p. 276. Safety Lamp Glasses. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 104, 2713, p. 1301; vol. 105, 2717, p. 187; 2718, p. 239. (Editorial analysing Belgian and French tests.) Is. 6d. XIV. —Ventilation. C. F. and T. Co.’s Rockvale Mine, Fremont, Colorado. J. B. Marks and G. Alley. “ Coal Age,” vol. 744-6 ; 7 fig. Is. 3d. Measurement of Air in Fan Work. C. H. Treat. “Engin. Rev.,” 1912, p. 146. (Abstract of paper read to Am. Soc. Meeh. Engin.) Is. 9d. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. A Portable Electric Instrument for the Detection of Combustible Gases and Vapours in Air. L. J. Steele. “ JI. Inst. El. Engin.,” vol. 49, 214, p. 289-96; 2 fig., 3 ill. (The Philip and Steele detector.) Device for the Simultaneous and Uninterrupted Deter- mination of the Composition and Flowing Velocity of Gas Mixtures. Protection against Dangers of Mining. (Einrichtung zur gleichzeitigen ununterbrochenen Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung und Stroemunges- schwindigkeit von Gasgemischen. Schutz gegen die Gefahren des Bergbaues.) Wilhelm Heckmann. “ Stein-Braunkohle,” 1912, 21, p. 242-4. (Description of a new recording apparatus.) Is. 6d. XVI.—Coaldust. Dust-laying Plants in Coalmines. (Entstaubungs- anlagen in Steinkohlenbergwerken.) “ Montan. Rdsch.,” 1912, 12, p. 595-7; 4 fig. 2s. 6d. Mixtures for Laying Coaldust in Coalmines. (Mischungen zum Niederschlagen des Kohlenstaubes in den Steinstollengruben.) “ Montan. Ztg.,” 1912, 11, p. 204-5. 2s. 6d. Coaldust Experiments Carried out at the Testing Pit of the Rossitz District. (Versuche mit Kohlenstaub im Versuchsstollen des Rossitzer Steinkohlenreviers.) Czaplinsky and Jicinsky. “ Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huet- tenwes.,” 1912, 13, p. 171-7, 19, p. 253-60; 22, p. 297-304; 9 fig. 7s. 6d. Humidifying Mine Air to Avoid Explosion. “Black Diamond,” 1912, p. 15, 2s. 6d. United States Bureau of Mines Type of Air Humidifier. “ Black Diamond,” 1912, p. 19. “ Min. Engin. World,” 1912, p. 852. XVI (.—Explosions. Prevention of Coaldust Explosions. S. Dean. “ Coal Age,” vol. 2, 22, p. 756-8; 5 fig., 2 tab., Is. 3d. Wet Mines not Necessarily Safe from Coal dust Explo- sions. S. Dean. “ Mines Minerals,” vol. 33, 5, p. 245-8 ; 6 fig., 3 tab. 2s. 2d.