January 31, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 255 LIFTIJIS"TAGKLE RAIL BENDER8, punchinc bears> &c SEND FOR LIST No. 28, YOUNGS RYLAND STREET WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. SEND FOR LIST 41/ML. Levels Dials Theodolites Anemometers Water Gauges Hygrometers Barometers JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., All Saints Works, DlESItBY, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Steel Underframe Railway Car- riages, Tramcars, and Wagons of every description for Hire and Sale by Immediate or Deferred Pay- ments. Ironwork, Wheels and Axles. WAGONS. Also Wagons with Oak Underframes. Makers of HYDRAULIC PRESSED BOSS and other WHEELS and AXLES. PRESSED BODEZESXa BOGIES. Wagons for Hire, capable of carrying Six, Eight and Ten Tons, part of which are con- structed specially for Shipping pur- poses. Wagons in Working Order maintained by Contract. SECOND-HAND BALLAST WAGONS FIT FOB MAIN LINE TRAFFIC. Sole Manufacturers of Dean & Churchward’s “ EITHERSIDE BRAKE,” and Marillier’s Patent “INSTANTER COUPLING.” The Birmingham Railway Carriage & IKTagon. Co. Ltd., WORKS: SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM^ “BRITISH PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES KALBITUM PAINT : Fracturite : Pitsea Powder : Britonite : ...IDEAL PAINT... IRON AND STEEL WORK TEN GALLON DRUM. 33/- PER DRUM. The Kalbitum Paint Go. Ltd., BELVEDERE WORKS, BELVEDERE, KENT. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Limited. Telephone—No. 7 P.O. Estd. i860. Tel. Address—"Lamps, Aberdare.” THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE Ld. 124, ST. VINCENT STREET ❖ ❖I GLASGOW FIREPROOF PAINTS & For Headgears, Engine Rooms, and Woodworklgenerally. Easy of Application, and very Effective, Economical, Durable, Sanitary and Non-Poisonous. THE ASBESTOS and GENERAL PAINT CO. LTD., BIRMINGHAM. CAMBRIAN LAMP fitted with Magnetic Lock, Electric Ignition and Patent Automatic Lock on Bonnet. OUR IMPROVED MINER’S SAFETY LAMP. The Strongest, most perfect and up-to-date Lamp in the Market. The lighting arrangement is easy and certain in its operation. Our Magnetic Lock is absolutely unpickable, having stood the test of many years’ use at the largest Collieries in the country. Our method of re-lighting underground by means of Bowie’s Patent Self Contained Re-lighter is proved to be safe and effective. Complete Installation of Lamps and Accessories on the Hire system. Lamp Rooms fitted on approved modern lines. Makers of the Cunningham-Cadman Gas Detecting Devica. CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES FREE. Cambrian Lam; Works, Aberdare, S. Wales.