THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 247 January 31, 1913. ______________ “ SENTINEL” PATENT STOP VALVES While they are stronger and more efficient than ordinary stop valves, and while all the usual valve troubles have been specially guarded against in their design, "SENTINEL’ STOP VALVES are actually cheaper than other patterns for similar pressures. Moreover, a special type being provided for low pressures, it is no longer necessary to go to the expense of a high- pressure valve for pressures up to 125 lb. steam. HERE ARE SOME OF THE TROUBLES FROM WHICH USERS OF “SENTINEL” VALVES ARE FREE: LOSS OF PRESSURE. The passages are practically full area and the steam flows in easy curves. LOOSE SEATING. The seating ring is screwed, not merely forced into position. EROSION. The steam is thrown clear of the internal- valve faces by the chamfering of the seat. CHATTERING. The internal valve receives pressure from the spindle below the working face and cannot rock or chatter. WATER HAMMER. The cylindrical part of the internal valve practically fits inside seating, and the first turn of the handwheel allows but little steam to pass. BINDING. The spindle, of nickel steel, has almost the same coefficient of expansion as the chest and will not bind when hot. The gland cannot bind on the spindle, even if screwed down unevenly. There are many other points of interest about “SENTINEL” PATENT STOP VALVES They and our other specialities for steam and water users are fully described and illustrated in the catalogue 25 S, which will be sent on application. ALWAYS USE & SPECIFY “SENTINEL” PATENT VALVES V.JS68* a '-•“JP*.'. ,‘V< - 4'Z l' ’ ' ■ V,> /. >v>’ “Sentinel” Stop Valve (Type for pressures to 125 lbs. steam) Telegrams: “Alley, Glasgow” Alley & MacLellan Limited “Sentinel” Works Polmadie, Glasgow Telephone : 173 Queen’s Park MESSRS. ALLEY & MACLELLAN, LTD., POLMADIE, GLASGOW. Please send (™) a copy of your List 25 S. Name -----------------------------------------------------______________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Ref. Cn. __________________________________________________________________________