148 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 17, 1913. part of the floor of the mine lying between the point B— see fig. 5—and the broom 96 attached to and extending downwardly from the rear end of the collecting box 91, and laterally it occupies the space between the left hand wall of the reach to line corresponding with the right hand edge of the cutter supporting wheels. It is to this space that the now rapidly moving body of air is addressed, conveying the major portion of the comminuted product in suspension, using such moving body to seize upon the precipitated product and convey it also to the portal of the collecting box 91. The fuel-charged air is drawn towards this portal from all directions, and upon entering said portal travels along the collecting box. There is also provided a travel- ling wetting device which moistens the comminuted product as it is precipitated on the floor of the mine and before it has entered the collecting box. The preferred form of wetting apparatus can be extended as the machine advances and similarly it can be taken up on the back travel, differences of movement between the drum 129 by reason of its increasing or decreasing diameter being accommo- dated by the intermediate spring 134, which receives and transmits the motion. (Twelve claims.) CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Messrs. Veritys Limited, 28, King-street, Covent-garden, W.C., have placed before us copies of lists relating to their metal filament electric lamps and electric radiators. We have received a copy of Engineering Notes, which, as usual, is brightly written and contains a fair amount of interesting data relating to Messrs. Rd. Klinger and Co.’s packing specialities, and whose address is 66, Fenchurch- street, London, E.C. Mr. J. F. Barker, engineer, Hatfield-road, Ipswich, sends us a leaflet descriptive of his safety hook, which has been supplied to a number of important collieries in this country and abroad. Full particulars as to price, &c., will be forwarded upon application to the maker, as above. Messrs. Mirrlees Watson Company Limited, Scotland- street, Glasgow, have recently placed before us two pamphlets idealing with their multi and simple jet con- densing plants, together with a catalogue descriptive of the Mirlees-Le Blanc rotary air pump for marine purposes. The various catalogues contain some excellent illustrations, and the various sets are very exhaustively explained and also contain a number of sectional diagrams. Messrs. J. T. Thornton and Sons, Atlantic Oil Works, Paddock, Huddersfield, has sent us along leaflets, &c., relating to their patent smoke consumer and fuel economiser. A pamphlet containing a number of Press opinions and testimonials accompany the above, which speak in the highest terms as to the behaviour of the appliance at a recent demonstration given at two large mills at Bingley. We have received from the British Insulated and Helsby Cables Limited, Prescot, Lancs, a copy of a new leaflet descriptive of their Prescot motor starters, copies of which may be had on application to this firm, as above. This firm have also been good enough to forward us, at a more recent date, leaflets of their patent condensers of the " Telephone ” and " Power ” type. We have received from Messrs. Wm. Atkin and Co. Limited, of the Reliance Steel Works, Sheffield, a certificate by^the Sheffield Testing Works Limited, giving the latest performance of their “Waco extra superior” high-speed steel. This is to the effect that one of Messrs. Atkins’ high- speed tools has removed in 10 minutes 20 to 21 pounds of material from a hard steel bar containing 0*89 carbon and 0*75 manganese. The certificate further bears testimony to the’good condition of the tool after the test. Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers.—A general meeting of the members of the institute will be held at the Great Northern Hotel, Leeds, onj Tuesday, January 21, 1913, at 3.30 p.m. Mr. David Bowen will read a paper on “ The Taxation of Mines in various Countries”; Dr. R. Herzfeld a paper on " Some Novel Devices in connection with Electrical Pumping Installation in Mines”; and Mr. G. Blake Walker a paper on "The Generation and Use of Compressed Air in Mines.” The Midland Counties Institution of Engineers have arranged for Dr. W. E. Garforth, president of the Institution of Mining Engineers, to deliver a lecture on " Coaldust and the Microscopic Qualities of Coal,” at the University, Nottingham, on Saturday, February 1, to which members of the Midland Institute are invited. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *•# Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Boiler Explosion Reports : No. 2164, at Atherton, 5|d. National Health Insurance : Special Employers’ Customs Order No. 1 (412), Id. Dominions Royal Commission, Part 2: Natural Resources, Trade and Legislation [Cd. 6517], 4s. Trade Reports : Uganda, 1911-12 (No. 743), 6d.; Trade of Bangkok, Siam (5034), 4|d.; Mauritius Report for 1911 (No. 744), 4|d.; Trinidad and Tobago Report for 1911 (No. 745), 9jd. Imports and Exports Return [H.C. 417], Id. Handbook on the British Colonies, 2s. 6d. MINES FORM: No. 29, lid. for 25. Acts : Great Western Railway, 7s. Friendly Societies Form : AR 10, 3|d. Industrial and Provident Societies Form: A. R. 20, 31d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Land and Mining Surveying. By G. L. Leston. London: Crosby Lockwood and Son. Price 6s. net ’ The Russian Year Book fob 1913. By H. P. Kennard London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. Price 10s. 6d. net. "The Journal of the Monmouthshire Colliery Officials’ Association” (Vol. 1, No. 4), January; "Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scot- land” (Part 3); "The Journal of the Manchester Geographical Society” (Vol. 27, Part 4), 1911; " Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Gealogie, de Paleontologie, et d’Hydrologie,‘ Proces Verbal de les Seances du 16 Janvier. 19 Novembre 1912’” (tome 26, Nos. 1-8) ; " The Journal of the Institute of Metals” (Vol. 8, No. 2), 1912; "Le Mois Scientifique et Industriel” (No. 160), Decembre, price 2 fr. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 334. Collapsible gates applicable for general purposes, but particularly designed for use in connection with pit-cages, hoists, and the like. R. A. Jones and W. H. Haines. 342. Colliers’ safety scotch. F. Clough. 361. Screw pumps. R. J. Hodges. 402. Apparatus for concentrating ore and the like. G. S. A. Appelqvist and E. O. E. Tyden. 413. Chairs for railway rails. S. Dumartin. 423. Manufacture of chilled metal rolls and of the chills and appliances by which they are produced. Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company Limited and F. W. Firth. 441. Steel roller chain for the purposes of conveyance, elevating, power transmission or the like. T. M. Campbell. 442. Pumps. D. B. Morison. 453. Hoisting gear, winches or the like, operated by electric motors. D. Wilson. 458. Coupling devices for mechanical stokers. Aktie- selskaret Smith Mygind and Huttemeier. 473. Means for limiting the movement of the work piece in pilger rolling mills. I. Weiser and British Mannesmann Tube Company Limited. 474. Means for turning the work piece in pilger rolling mills. I. Weiser and British Mannesmann Tube Company Limited. i 475. Means for controlling steam blowers for locomotive | boilers and the like. T. Langer. 476. Gas furnaces. P. A. J. Cousin. 494. Device for mechanically discharging metallurgical furnaces, particularly zinc muffle furnaces. F. Meguin and Co. Akt.-Ges. and W. Mullet. 500. Gas producers. G. M. S. Tait. 502. Ore-dressing apparatus. H. Velten. 689. Siphons of water-waste preventing cisterns. C. Green, jun., and R. S. Hiscock. 690. Smelting. E. B. Parnell. 691. Sheet-iron pipe for subterranean uses. C. A. Allison. 692. Safety devices for steam condensing plants wherein air is exhausted from the condenser by means of an air ejector of the water-jet type. P. H. Muller. 718. Apparatus for bunkering and trimming coal in ships. J. Melandri and Melandri Patents Limited. 722. .Process for the simultaneous production of nitro- genous compounds and combustible gas from nitrogenous fuel. C. F. Maule. 732. Processes for the continuous reduction of zinc ores in vertical retorts. A. Roitzheim and W. Remy. 772. Rock-drills. G. H. Rayner. 775. Furnaces. R. Wallace. 825. Derricks. J. F. Wells. 837. Brake apparatus for railway wagons and like vehicles. G. B. Bowles and S. W. Bowles. 872. Apparatus and appliances for controlling winding engines. J. W. Rose and E. B. Whalley. 878. Detonators. Nobel’s Explosives Company Limited, D. Corrie and G. A. Ashcroft. 884. Respiratory apparatus particularly applicable as rescue apparatus for mines and other places. J. G. Huskisson and H. C. Jenkins. 893. Surface hardening of steel plates and other steel articles. Vickers Limited and C. L. Sumpter. 894. Cleaning furnace gases. R. Booking et Cie., E. Stumm-Halberg and R. Booking, G.m.b.H. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on January 30. 1911. 24181. Universal couplings. Hardy. 26308. Conveyor chains. Goulden andReeson. 27005. Apparatus for the continuous distillation and purifi- cation of crude petroleum coal tar and the like. Barbet. 1912. 304. Furnaces for steam generators. Anderson, Meikle and Fulton. 550. Furnaces for melting metals. Davis. 698. Superheaters. Wincqz. 1001. Apparatus for the electrolytic manufacture of alloys of light metals with heavier metals and the con- tinuous treatment of such alloys for obtaining final products. Ashcroft. 1003. Apparatus for the electrolytic manufacture of light metals and reaction products thereof. Ashcroft. 1177. Explosives. Fairweather. 1479. Manufacture of manganese steel. Potter. 2081. Electric metallurgical furnaces. Stobie. 2839. Crucible and like furnaces. lonides. 3752. Treatment of metals. British Thomson-Houston Company. 4162. Furnaces. Sillery. 6765. Steam superheaters. Bolton. 6774. Steam superheaters for locomotive and other boilers. Robinson. 6981. Manufacture and production of artificial fuel. Lon- don Industrial Contract and Finance Syndicate Limited and Eaton. 9024. Annealing ovens. Falter. 9146. Extraction of copper and nickel, particularly from low-grade ores and products. Borchers and Pedersen. 9727. Steam superheaters. Stenning. 10819. Coke ovens. Moss. 17477. Chucks for percussive drills and the like. Drinnan. 17735. Divers’ helmets. Dragerwerk Heinr. und Bernh. Drager. 24130. Means for consuming smoke in boiler furnaces. Imray. 28765. A cylinder for engines adapted to work with super- heated steam. Schmidt. Complete Specification open to ^Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 54. Process of and apparatus for the manufacture of welded tubes. Bachem. Rainfall Statistics.—Messrs. John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited, All Saints Works, Derby, send us the following statistics of rainfall during 1912:— Derby. Duffield. Average ' No. of ' _ . t 1884-1904 In. rainy In. rainy inolusiv6i days. days. January .... 4-57 ... 21 . .. 4’66 .. .. 23 ... 2*13 February , 1*77 ... 20 .. .. 1*84 .. .. 26 ... 1*57 March 2*99 ... 27 .. . 3 62 .. .. 28 ... 1*67 April 0’30 ... 5 . .. 0’35 . .. 7 ... 1*78 May 2*44 ... 15 . .. 309 .. .. 17 ... 202 June 5-75 ... 27 .. .. 4*57 .. .. 28 ... 210 July 3*21 ... 18 . .. 4*16 .. .. 18 ... 2’47 August .... 610 ... 26 . .. 6*16 . .. 25 ... 2*67 September. ..... 0-92 ... 8 .. . 0*78 .. .. 11 ... 1*80 October .... 3*01 ... 12 .. . 3*66 .. . 16 ... 2 60 November . 224 ... 18 .. . 2’69 .. . 16 ... 206 December . 3*37 ... 22 .. .. 3*24 .. .. 25 ... 2*43 Total .... 36 67 ... 219 .. 38*82 .. . 240 .. 25*30 South Vales Institute of Engineers—The institute annual dinner will be held at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on Friday, January 24, 1913, at 6 p.m. The next quarterly general meeting will also be held at the institute, on Friday, January 24, 1913, the chair being taken at 2.30 precisely by the president, Prof. W’. Galloway, F.G.S. The president- elect, Prof. A. C. Elliott, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., will afterwards take the chair and deliver his inaugural address. The following papers will be open for discussion:— "Notes on the Analyses of Mine Air, conducted at the Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries Limited, Trehafod,” by Mr. J. W. Hutchinson, M.I.M.E., and Mr. Edgar C. Evans, B.Sc., A.I.C.; "Further Notes on the Analyses of Mine Air,” by Mr. J. W. Hutchinson and Mr. Edgar C. Evans; " Reinforced Concrete,” by Mr. T. E. Thain, A.M.Inst.C.E. The following paper will be taken as read:—" The Yorkshire Boiler—a Description of its Advantages (as compared with the Lancashire Boiler,” by Mr. W. H. Casmey, A.M.I.M.E. A council meeting will also be held the same day at 1*45 p.m. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON ORIGINAL MAKERS. Telegrams— “ Lewis, Wolverhampton.’ Telephone- No. 15 Wolverhampton. Liverpool Warehouse— 58, South John Street. London Office— 143, CANNON STREET, E.C. TUBES For Compressed Air, Water or Steam, or any Description ot COLLIERY WORK. Bj I J.