132 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 17, 1913. THE GOAL ARD IR0H TRADES. Thursday, January 16. Scotland.—Western District. COAL. There has been a decrease of 9824 tons in the coal ship- ments at Scotch ports compared with the preceding week, and of 39,757 tons compared with the corresponding week of last year. But the clearances of the first half of January still show 62,935 tons of an increase in the shipments, when contrasted with those of the first two weeks of 1912. In the Western district, the past week’s clearances were at Glasgow 45,626 tons, Ayr 8,058, Troon 1,163, Ardrossan 762, Greenock 351, Irvine 324, and Bowling 116—total 56,380 tons, compared with 80,641 in the preceding week, and 85,204 in the corresponding week of last year. The Glasgow shipments consisted of 24,376 tons sent abroad, and 32,004 tons despatched coastwise, and of the 10,754 tons shipped at the other western ports, only 3,100 tons went abroad. The small shipment at these ports is explained by the fact that some days elapsed after the close of the New Year holidays before coal was available in bulk for shipment. There has, in the last few days, been much delay in the shipment department, in consequence of severe storms of snow which have blocked roads and railways, and this impeded the transmission of coal to the ports. There has accordingly been a hardening tendency in prices but the demand has not been so exacting as materially to raise the figures. Prices f.o.b. Glasgow. large, is less than was anticipated, as reports had repeatedly been circulated on ’Change that the makers’ private stocks had been exhausted, whereas the returns show that they still hold 117,651 tons. The imports of English west coast iron into Scotland during the year amounted to about 127,000 tons, against 121,500 in the preceding year, and the quantity received from the east coast (chiefly from the Middlesbrough district) was 468,500, compared with 492,500 tons in 1911. The finished iron and steel works are all very fully employed and considerable fresh enquiries are coming into the market. Scotland.—Eastern District. COAL. The coal shipments at Firth of Forth ports have fallen considerably behind those of the preceding week. At Leith 31,045 tons were despatched, Grangemouth 29,513, Granton 8,218, Bo’ness 4,370—73,136, compared with 92,508 in the preceding week and 62,833 in the coresponding week of 1912. But while the shipments are smaller, there is no lack of activity at the pits and the outlook is fairly encouraging. Prices f.o.b. Leith. Current Last week’s prices. prices. Best screened steam coal 13/3 to 13/6 13/3 to 13/6 Secondary qualities 12/3 to 12/6 12/3 to 12/6 Treble nuts 13/6 to 14/ 13/6 to 14/ Double do 12/9 to 13/ 12/9 to 13/ Single do 12/3 to 12/6 12/3 to 12/6 The severe weather has improved the demand for house coal for inland consumption, and for such supply there has been a hardening tendency in prices. and 40,000 tons Hetton, at 20s. l|d. Under these circum- stances, as Londonderry, Wearmouth, and Thornley coals, which are, in this instance, offered at comparatively cheap rates, are usually quoted at considerably more than New Pelton-Holmeide sorts, it is probable that the order will go to the Danish firm, Det Danske Kulkampagni, for the three qualities mentioned. The excessively severe whether which has prevailed during the last few days has rendered the local coal market inactive. Telegraphic communication with other centres is exceedingly difficult, frost and snow have rendered the task of transport of coal from the collieries to the shipping places very hard, and the stormy weather at sea has detained boats in port and prevented boats at sea from attaining harbourage. Several of the collieries in Northumberland and many Durham pits h$ve been laid idle in consequence. Shipping operations at Biyth have been entirely suspended owing to the heavy “ range” from the sea. Apart from these disturbing factors, the tone of the market is good; there is a brisk enquiry, and prices are generally steady. The only changes in quo- tation that have occurred during the week are as follow :— Best Biyth steams are from 3d. to 6d. dearer; Tynes, 3d. advanced; Biyth seconds, 3d. up; unscreened, stronger; gas bests, 3d. down; foundry coke, Is. down; and gas coke, Is. cheaper. Prices f.o.b. for prompt shipment. Steam coal Ell........ Splint..... Treble nuts Double do. Single do. Current prices. 13/6 to 14/ 13/ to 13/6 14/6 to 15/ 13/6 to 14/ 13/ to 13/6 12/6 to 13/ Last week’s prices. 13/6 to 14/ 13/6 to 13/9 14/ to 14/6 13/6 to 14/ 13/ to 13/6 12/ to 13/ The severe weather has greatly quickened the demand for house coal for home use, so that prices have this week been very firm, with a tendency to advance. Supplies for manufacturing uses have been in strong request at the advance of 6d. per ton intimated last week in the case of splint coal, while small hard coal and dross are dearer. Some consumers have been paying 9s. to 10s. for the better qualities of dross. There has been a healthy activity in the Fife coal trade since last report, and the shipments show a large increase. At Methil 45 688 tons were despatched, Burntisland 32,880, Alloa 2,139, Dysart 2,139, Wemyss 563, Tayport 522, Charles- ton 129—total 84,060 tons, compared with 50,251 in the preceding week and 104,796 in the corresponding week of 1912. IRON The Glasgow pig iron market has shown some further weakness since last report, this being ascribed to the threatening aspect of the Balkan troubles. Cleveland warrants have sold since last report from 67s. to 66a. 5d. cash, 67s. 5d. to 66s. lid. one month, and 68s. to 67s. 6d. three months, with transactions also taking place at 67s. for delivery on February 18. The arrivals of Cleveland pig iron in Scotland in the past week were 9,527 tons, being 4,578 tons less than in the corresponding week of last year. Ordinary qualities of Scotch pig iron are in strong demand. Free at ship at Glasgow, Govan and Monkland are quoted Nos. 1, 77s., Nos. 3, 75s. 6d.; Carnbroe, No. 1, 81s., No. 3, 77s.; Clyde, No. 1, 82s., No. 3,77s. ; Calder and Summerlee, Nos. 1, 82s. 6d , Nos. 3, 77s. 6d.; Gartsherrie, No. 1,83s., I No. 3,78s.; Langloan, No. l,83s.6d., No. 3, 78s. 6d.; Coltness, I No. 1, 99s., No. 3, 81s.; Eglinton, at Ardrossan or Troon, I No. 1, 77s. 6d., No. 3, 76s. 6d.; Glengarnock, at Ardrossan, | No. 1, 83s. 6d., No. 3, 78s. 6d.; Shotts at Leith, No. 1, 82s., I No. 3, 77s.; Carron at Grangemouth, No. 1, 83s., No. 3, 78s.! per ton. Scotch haematite pig iron has been in active ( demand, and merchants now quote 88s. 6d. per ton for] The annual returns of the the Scottish Ironmasters’ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prices f.o.b. Methil or Burntisland. Current prices. Last week’s prices. Best screened navigation coal 16/6 to 17/ 16/6 to 17/ Unscreened do 14/6 to 15/ 14/ to 15/ First-class steam coal 13/9 to 14/ 13/9 to 14/ Third-class do. 12/3 to 12/6 12/3 to 12/6 Treble nuts 13/ to 14/ 13/ to 14/ Double do 13/ to 13/3 12/6 to 13/ Single do 12/ to 12/3 12/ to 12/3 The demand for house coal has been greatly stimulated by stormy weather, snow and frost increasing the consumption, and the prices have a firmer tendency. Prospects altogether are of an encouraging nature. Current Last week’s Steam coals:— prices. prices. Best, Biyths (D.C.B.) 15/3 14/9 to 15/ Do. Tynes (Bowers, &c.) 15/6 to 15/9 15/6 Secondary, Biyths 14/ to 14/3 14/ Do. Tynes (Hastings or West Hartleys) 14/3 14/ Unscreened 13/ to 13/6 12/6 to 13/6 Small, Biyths 11/3 to 11/6 11/3 to 11/6 Do. Tynes 11/ H/ Do. specials 13/ 13/ Other sorts:— Smithies 15/6 15/6 Best gas coals (New Pelton or Holmside) ... 15/3 15/6 Secondary gas coal? (Pelaw Main or similar) 15/ 15/ Special gas coals 15/9 15/9 Unscreened bunkers, Durhams 14/9 to 15/3 14/9 to 15/3 Do. do. Northumbrian? 13/ to 13/6 13/ Coking coals 15/6 15/6 Do. smalls 15/ • 15/ House coals 15/6 to 16/ 15/6 to 16/ Coke, foundry 31/ 32/ Do. blast-furnace j 27/ 27/ Do. gas | 21/ 22/ Sunderland. delivery at the steelworks, trade in 1912 are given by Association as follow:— 1912. Tons. 1,198,767... 1,401,799... 1911. Tens. In- crease. Tons. De- crease. Tons. ..203,032; Production ........ Consumption— In foundries In malleable iron and steel works 211,216... 198,195... 13,021... — 899,787.. . 901,761... — ... 1,974 Total 1,111,003.. .1,099,956... 11,047... — | Experts— Foreign 138,730.. . 146,513... — ... 7,783 Coastwise 145,383... . 159,005... — ... 13,622 Rail to England 6,987.. 6,623... 364... — Total 291,100.. . 312,141... — ... 21,041 Total consumption and exports 1,402,103...1,412,097... — ... 9,994 Stocks on Dec. 31— In Connal’s stores 1,000.., 1,000... — ... — In maker’s yards 117,651.. . 320,987... — ...203,336 Total 118,651.. . 321,987... — ...203,336 GOAL The exports from Sunderland last week amounted to 89,170 tons of coal and 1,060 tons of coke, as compared with 94,355 tons of coal and 1,485 tons of coke for the corre- ___________________ sponding period of 1912, being a decrease of 5,185 tons of coal and 425 tons of coke. The severe storm over the week- end has completely disorganised Che coal trade. Several collieries have been idle owing to inability to get empty wagons forward—vessels being unable to move under the tips, which has greatly impeded shipments—hence the ! amount of coal coming down has been greatly reduced. ; This, together with the breakdown of telegraphic and I telephonic communication, has naturally had its effect on the coal market, which for the past few days has been quiet and featureless. Shipping is now arriving more freely, and there is a good all round enquiry for end of January and i early February shipment. Bankers alone have been on the uouieasu ml li^oo tuns. A'wgvi.ia.uiujuB wiiH reivreuuv iu the ba ance still uneontracted for of the million tons of easy sido for PromPfc sbiPmenL A contract for 6,000 tons coking coals for Belgium works appear to be still in progress. ; of ordinary unscreened bunkers is reported at 14s. free on No further allotments have yet been reported. Tenders of board deliTOTy January to July’ and a oontraefc bas been 86,000 tons of Northumberland best steams, and 87,000 tons ' arranSed for 2O.°°O tone of ooki“8 00al 15s. 6d. free on of Welsh steams for the Russian naval authorities have : board deIivery- Coke values are barely so firm' Xt been forwarded, and are still under consideration. The ,is rePorted that the tenders sent in for tbe CoPeab»gen same is true with reference to Northumberland tenders of oontract inoludes t0 80’000 fcons Londonderry, 80,000 150,000 tons of steam coals for the Chilian railways, the to 100’000 tons of Wearmouth at 20s. 7|d., and 30,000 to , . . . , , a 40,000 tons of Thornley at 20s. 4|d. delivered. order m this instance, however, being expected to go to J Australia. Tenders of 20,000 tons of Durham coking coals Prices f.o.b. Sunderland, for shipment to Rouen from February to August, on, account of the Paris, Lyons and Marseilles Railways, have Gas coals:— been forwarded, and are stated to have been based on about, 14s. 6d. per ton,f.o.b. Some 20,000 tons of Durham coking coal have been sold for January-February delivery at 15s. 6d. i per ton, f.o.b. Six thousand tons of ordinary unscreened ! Durham bunkers, for delivery from January to July, have been sold at 14s. News with reference to the allotment of | the Copenhagen Gasworks’ requirements of 200,000 tons of gas coals for delivery from March to December is awaited ; with much interest. It is stated that a Danish company has ' offered to supply Londonderry coal to the extent of from 70,000 to 80,000 tons at 20s. 7|d. per ton, c i.f.; Wearmouth coal, from 80,000 to 100,000 tons, at 20s. 7|d.; Thornley i coal, from 30,000 to 40,000 tons, at 20s. 4|d.; and Ry hope : of of lorthumburland, Durham and giavaland. Kfgwcaatle-upon-Tync. GOAL. During last week 132,786 tons of coal and 875 tons coke were despatched from Tyne Dock, a decrease 4,351 tons of coal and 1,123 tons of coke when compared with the shipments for the corresponding week of last I year. The Dunston clearances amounted to 47,697 tons ■ of coal and 5,262 tons of coke, a decrease of 18,920 tons : of coal and an increase of 4,406 tons of coke. The Biyth shipments aggregated 76,316 tons of coal and coke, a decrease of 14,288 tons. Negotiations with reference to i Special Wear gas coals ... Secondary do. House coals:— Best house coals........ Ordinary do........... Other sorts:— Coking coals unscreened... Unscreened smalls ...... Smithies .............. Peas and nuts.......... Best bunkers .......... Ordinary bunkers ______ Coke:— Foundry coke .......... Blast-furnace coke (dlvrd Teesside furnaces) .. Gas coke .............. It will be noticed that the amount by which stocks have I been reduced is almost the same as the decrease in the I production, the latter being due to the putting out of < coal, 10,000 tons, at 19s. 9d. Local tenderers have offered _________________ furnaces owing to the national strike of colliers in the early j the following:—20,000 tons Leversons, at 20s.; 75,000 tons part of the year. The consumption of pig iron shown in • New Pelton or Holmeide, at from 20s. 2d. to 20s. 10|d.; the table is that of pig iron made in Scotland, and, of 15,000 tons West Leversons, at 20s. 3d.; 10,000 tons Lever- course, does not include the large quantities brought from j sons Main, at 20s.; 10,000 tons New Leversons, at 19s. lOd.. the north of England for use in the Scotch manufacture of | 10,GUO tons Dean’s Primrose, at 19s. lOd.; 50,000 tons finished iron and steel. The reduction in stocks, although ; Hebburn, at 20s. 2d.; 20,000 tons Pelaw Main, at 19s, 10jd.; Current | Last week’s prices. I prices. 16/ 16/6 15/ i 15/ 17/ 17/ 16/ 16/ 15/6 16/ 15/6 15/6 15/ to 15/6 : 15/ to 16/ 16/ to 17/ i 16/ to 17/ 15/ 16/ . 14/ to 15/ ; 15/ 32/6 32/6 27/6 27/ to 28/ 21/6 .... 21/ to 22/ In the freight market coasting has been firmer, rates having risen from 3s. 4|d. to 4s. 9d. for suitable boats in position. Mediterranean, however, is weaker, Genoa getting on at 10s. 6d., Port Said 10s. 6d., Malta 10s., Algiers 9s. 6d., Venice 12s. 9d. To the Bay rates are on the basis of Bayonne 6s. 6d., with Lisbon at 6s. 3d.