96 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 10, 1913. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Gas World Year Book, 1913. Edited by John Douglas. London: Offices of The Gas World. Price7s. 6d [The “ Year Book ” contains, besides technical informa- tion compiled for the use of those administering gas under- takings, a directory of the gas undertakings in the British Empire, giving names of officials, annual make of gas, price of gas, &c. There are 1,248 gas undertakings in England and Wales, 262 in Scotland, 110 in Ireland, 161 in Australasia, 53 in Canada, and 15 in other British possessions; in addition to which there are 22 British companies owning gasworks on the Continent, and in other parts of the world. The annual make of gas in the United Kingdom is given as 210,499,343,000 cubic feet (as compared with 205,087,162,000 in the previous year), and this was distributed amongst 7,143,748 consumers. The Greater London companies supply 1,437,602 consumers with 52,275,237,000 cubic feet of gas. Gas cooking stoves seem to grow steadily in public favour. The number now in use is given as 3,228,642, as against 2,921,299 last year —an increase of 105 per cent. The “Year Book” gives the prices charged for gas to ordinary consumers and to penny-in-the-slot consumers, and also the lower rates charged in many cases for gas used for stoves and gas engines. A list is also given, prepared by Mr. William Newbigging, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., of practically all the gasworks that have been purchased by municipal authori- ties from 1844 to the present time, in which full particulars are given as to the terms upon which the works were acquired. There is also a synopsis of the law relating to gas manufacture and supply.] Memoirs of the Geological Survey : England and Wales (Explanation of Sheet 299, “ The Geology of the Country around Winchester and Stockbridge.”) By H. J. Osborne White, F.G.S. Second edition. 1912. London : Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. Price Is. 6d. [The oil shale industry of Scotland is confined to a comparatively small area centring in Broxburn and Pumpherston, where the shales are found in the car- boniferous rocks of the Lothians. It has a wonderful history since the time when Young took out his first patent for distilling oil from shale in 1850. The present flourishing condition of the industry is the result of a brave struggle against foreign competition, which sharpened the wits of those engaged in the trade. Every possible advantage has been taken of the natural resources of the Scottish shalefields, and the methods of refining and producing by-products such as sulphate of ammonia have been carried to a high pitch of refinement. Six years ago the Geological Survey (Scotland) brought out a memoir describing the geology of the shalefields, the methods of mining, the treatment of the shale by distillation, and the nature of the products. A new edition of this memoir has now been issued with a revised chapter on the geology of the district by R. G. Carruthers, while the accounts of the mining and manufacturing process by Messrs. Caldwell and Steuart have also been brought up to date. The volume has many illustrations in the text and a special coloured map and plate of sections to show the geological structure and the distribution of the oil shales. A plate showing the most characteristic fossils has also been added, together with a short note dealing with their value to the mining engineer. Copies may be obtained from any agents for the sale of Ordnance Survey maps, or through any bookseller from Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 1, Adelphi-terrace, London, W.C., who is the wholesale agent for the sale of Geological Survey memoirs in the United Kingdom (except in the County of London.)] “ The Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers ” (Vol. 11, No. 5). December, price 2s.; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical, and Mining Society of South Afiica” (Vol. 13, No. 5), November, price 3s.; “ Bulletin de F Association des Ingenieurs de FEcole de Mines de Mons, 1910-12”; “The Geological Magazine” (Vol. 10, No. 1), January, price 2s.; “ The I. C. S. Student ” (Vol. 5, No. 1), January, price 2d.; “Peru To-day” (Vol 4 No. 9), December, price 5d. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. ♦** Any of the following publication* may be obtained on application to thia office at the price named post free. Trade and Navigation Returns, December 1912, Is. 8d. MINES FORMS: Form 42a, Prescribed Form of Report Book for Firemen, Examiners or Deputies, 5s. 5d. Dominions Royal Commission; First Report [Cd. 6515],. Id.; Minutes of Evidence [Cd. 6516], 3s. Id. MINES AND QUARRIES, 1911 : Part 3, Output Statistics [Cd. 6550], Is. 9d. Handbooks Issued under the Direction of the Crown Colonies : Southern Nigeria, 8s. 5d.; Grenada, Is. 9d. Workmen’s Compensation, Forms Nos. 2 to 7, lid. each. Friendly Societies: Forms A. R. No. 1 and No. 5, 3|d. each. Industrial and Provident Societies: Forms A. R. Nos. 15, 16 and 18, 31d. each. Consular Reports : Persia, Lingah, 1911-12, 31d.; Persia. Bunder Abbas 1911-12, 4d.; Trade of Denmark, 51d. It is proposed to form a Mining Students’ Association for Hemsworth, South Kirkby, Kinsley, and Fitzwilliam. The idea is to have mining classes and lectures during the winter months, whilst during the summer months excursions will be arranged for the purpose of viewing collieries and other works throughout the county. GENUINE DOUBLE HELICAL GEAR With Teeth cut direct fromlthe solid in one continuous piece. Maximum STRENGTH and EFFICIENCY. S' le Manufacturers— DAVID BROWN & SONS (HFD.) LD., HUDDERSFIELD. “BRITISH PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES : Fracturite : Pitsea Powder : Britonite : THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE Ld. 124, ST. VINCENT STREET ❖ H GLASGOW ANTHRACITE COAL. BREAKING, SIZING AND WASHING PLANT. We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. Reference to users are invited. Established 50 Years. SHEPPARD & SONS LTD., New Foundry, BRIDGEND, SOUTH WALES.